
ATLANTIC VOICE oi THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK Tis the human touch, in this world, that counts: The touch of your hand and mine Which means far more to the fainting heart Than shelter and bread and wine; Editor: JOS. THOMAS BOX 199 For shelter is gone when the night is o er, And bread lasts only a day, Year IX Limón, De ember 25th. 1943. NO 404 But the touch of the hand and the sound of the voic.
Sing on in the soul alway.
ON THE YUGOESLAVIAN WAR FRONT SOVIETS NEARING Advives from Yjugoesla intense fighting, the patriots POLISH FRONTIER via disclose that the patrio were firmly attacking ene!
OUR HOPE FOR PROSPEROUS 1944 cic warriors are still gaining my positions and compelling The long range guns In view of the accustomed observances successes in their operations them to retreat. The heroic the Soviet forces are said to against the enemy in the activities of the troops com be violently assualting the at the close of the year THE ATLANTIC different sectors of their manded by General Tito important Nazi base of vi VOICE will not appear on Saturday, the activities, notwithstanding are being aided by the Altebsk and the railroad which first day of the New Year. Its next issue will une large re. inforcements lied aerial forces from Itaunites it with Polotsk, and be on the eighth of January. men and material sent a lian bases, and supplied forcing the precipitate retire Meantime, we take the opportunity to exgainst them.
with foodstuffs transported ment of the Germans, whs of press the sincere hope that all will experience They are said to have oc across the Adriatic. North abandon large quanties cupied the locality of Voj American air units are also their arms and other valu an exceedingly prosperous year. At the same nic and proceeded as far rendering much assistance ble war material. The ene. time we solicit a continuance of the cordial geas Kopines, in the vicinity by their attacks on the Ger my defence lines southeast of nerous co operation and support of our widely of Zagreb, the capital of man railways, the important Nevel have als been broken regarded collaborators, while anticipating Toatia. Fighting of a vio port of Splitiv, the Island and the attacking troops said ent character is in progress of Pasman and other straf to have eached a point bet: many new patrons.
in the eastern sectors of tegic positions near Fiume. ween 25, and 30 kilometers We pledge anew our undivided desire to Bosnia, where the Nazis are Battllag aya nst enemy off the Nevel Vitebsk rail faithfully serve our fellow creatures, to cham.
eported to have suffered forces of about twice their way.
pion the cause of Right and Justice, and to try This advice is said to indica heavy losses. They have al number the 200. 000 men of to trample the evils which so often beset the so experienced serious blows General Titoare reported te that the Russians are now human family.
on their man power in the on the offensive in all the about sixty five kilometeres Slovian regions. In a three sectors of the fighting zo. off the old Polish frontier to We also entertain the hope that we shall days fight in the province nes, and have repelled eve ward which they are develop all be more strengthened to regard and underof Kordun, a greater part ry effort of the Nazis to ing their winter offensive stand life in its rightful portion, more eager of the sector was freed of regain the initiative in Croa over a 250 kilometers fronta to safeguard our spiritual interests and to So.
the Nazis. large quanti tia. Hitler is said to have ge. It is believed the have a more lively regard for the things of real ty of German war material lost the appreciable total of viets are endeavouring to two was either captured or des forty thousand men during effect a union of their value rather than for those of a mere transitoa troyed in the operations the months of October and large armies which operate ry character.
in the vicinity of Virgin. November, 16, 000 being kil in the sectors of Orsha and We shall enter the new year with humaA London release, dated led and the rest taken priso Mogilev with the cbject of nity still in the grip of a terrific war, but ne.
the 20th. instant, states that ners.
re inforcing their advance during the third week toward Poland and the Ba!
vertheless, full of hope that the re establishof tic countries.
ment of a permanent peace will be effected Notices proceeding from CHRISTMAS DAY ere it comes to a close, thereby enhancing the Stockholm state Soviet para economic, spiritual, social, and cultural welfare To rule and reign with gentle sway, chutists have been descending of the peoples of the universe.
The King of Love was born today.
in the Baltic countries, whe No palace walls enclosed Him round re the people are heing incit But in a manger was He found; ed by fly cheets dropped from WE WISH EACH AND EVERY ONE That so the boastful world might see air planes to join in the The greatness of humility. VERY PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR fight against the Germans He came, a child, in lowly grace, It is generally thought the cross the old frontier of the, threatened reprisals on the That so a child might seek His face.
Russian forces will shortly Soviet Union.
Allied prisoners under his So poor was He, the humblest born control by trial before the Might come without a fear of soorn.
To all mankind He showed the way.
Nazi And ushered in the dawn of day.
tional rights. The threat And so with graceful love and praise, CRIMES will, it is stated receive the We hail this blessed day of days, The children joy, the poor man feast, After being tried and conſlar action by the United Na consideration of the British The Star of Hope to great and least; demned for atrocities com tions with regard to the North American and SoWhen holy angels come to earth.
mitted against the civil po enemy prisoners under viet governments and their And sing anew a Saviour birth.
pulace of Kharkow, three their control.
definite decision unicated to Germans were executed in Hitler is said to have Berlin.
that city last Monday befoFOR SALE re a crowd of natives estima ted at around 50. 000. The condemned men were a cap NOTICE! NOTICE! Titled Property containing Forty (40) hectareas tain of the Gestapo, a comof land.
mander of the Nazi assault Marta Pacheco Villalobos, widow of the late Attroops and a corporal of po torney Albino Villalobos, by this medium, advises all The cultivated areas eonsist of 85 hectareas of well lice. The accused are said to persons who may, at this time, have pending judicial or planted two years old CACAO 17 hectareas in good beating condition and, in addition two and a half (2 14)
have been granted eveother business matters which were being transacted by the said Albino Villalobos, that the Attorney Guillermo hectareas with bearing cacao in need of cleaning.
ry legal right except that four apartment building equipped with two kitchens, of appeal.
Goebel Yglesias, who practises in this city, is underaka Barbecue and other home conveniences.
ing the termination of such transactions and is hereby Washington says the ac authorized to effectcollections of such sums of money The Property is situated in the vicinity of Santa Maria tion of the Soviet Union tan which in judgment of balances, an according to the at 15 16 Miles.
tamounts to a call for simi documents in his power, appear today, by discovery, for professional services rendered by my husband, and to For further particulars apply receive the amounts and extand, in my name, the coSALOMON CHIN rresponding cancellations.
Precios Económicos Limon, December 18th. 1943.
Abarrotes y Licres ALBERTOREN RUSSIANS EXECUTE GERMANS FOR WAR rious violations of interna Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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