
LA VOZ ATLANTICA Saturday, December 25th. 1943. LIBRERIA WATSON.
THE FISH INDUSTRY ON THE PACIFIC SIDE Select your Book in a well established Book Store which can be no other than the From what we have glean about two thousand pounds at ed, the Fishing Industry re the very reasonable rate ol cently established on the Pa thirty five cents.
cific on the Pacific side of the The launching of this very Republic under, we under. welcomed project is already 150 VARAS NORTH OF THE HOTEL COSTA RICA. SAN JOSE stand, government supervision proving of great value, and we (t offer its esteemed clients the best assortment of Books on Science, Art and industry; Fairy Tales, Novels, the Biographies of the great men as also the insuperable Pocket, is satisfying along felt want are hoping that as soon as di Progress and Culture Collections which serves an Exclusive Agency, Austral, Primor and in the Capital and adjacent lorect rail trans portation is re other collections by the best Authors, Dictio narles, English and Amenrican books are also calities, with the possibility of sumed with this end, we too, offered at prices which do not admit competi var.
the organization a activities will share the benefit of pur being extended to more distant chasing fresh fish at avery re Boz 2044 TELEPHONE 5858 parts of the country.
duced price per pound and at We are informed that the the same time remedy the scar first day sale of the fresh ar city with which we are now ticle nSan Jose amounted to confronted.
CHRISTMAS CAROLS AND NATIVITY PLAY WARTIME The prtrayal of the Nativity, mas Carols will be presented, svvsees0040 315 TUYWU If your last Hair was not satisfactory. It is because you Play Angels of Bethlehem by a special cast of charas did get it done at Dixon Barber Shop. West of the and the chanting of Christ ters of the St. Mark Church TECHNOLOGY City Market.
The setting will be in the For castaways in shark in Hall the Parist on the fested seas, the United StaJack Holt SEVERAL RECENT evening of Monday the 2745 tes Navy has announced the instant, commencing at seven production of a shark repel.
DEATHS o elock.
lent substance; a secret con We are scanguint that the coction abhored by sharks.
We are in receipt of the presentation of the old, It is said to have been deve cormation that the folloever new christian narrative loped by the Office of Scien y ng persons, who were as will be most refreshing and tific Research and Developciated with this section of high y appreciated: nothing ment and tested in the wathe Republic, died recently, other than real incontrola ters off Florida and Ecuair the San Juan de Dios Hos! ble circumstances should, the dor.
pal, San Jose.
refore, rub the Hat of capa Josefa Chinchilla Abar ity audience Wedgies, the new rub co, formerly of Rio Jimenez, ber heels made by GoodPoceoci, 24 years old, the AMONG THE year, are the latest styles daughter of Teofilo Chinchi for paratroopers. They haIla Navarro and Isolina BAPTISTS ve, we are told, a smooth barca Fallas and the wife junction with the sole to of Rafael Murillo Mendez The members of the Sun avoid snagging and provide She entered the hosp tal on iny Heart Circle, one of the a better cushion for bard the 23rd. August last and Auxilis ins of the city Baptist landings. ed on the 10th. instant.
Church, will make their first. James Gibb Clark, 70 apearance on the entertaining Pyears of age, late of Maria stage with the presentation of Synthetic shoe leather, is said to have entered a Christmas Programme, on produced, on carpet looms, the institution on the 27th.
the evening of Tuesday, the is made of close. woven cot ultimo and died on the 15th 28th, of the present mouth. ton impregnated with plas Wirtant.
from this We are of the opinion that tie. Soles made Casimiro Perez Chavarria, the effort deserves the greatest cotton. leather, give, it is the seven year old son of measure of support, and since claimed, more milegae than David Guillermo Perez and we are assured that the prooi the best leather and El capitán del ejército norteamericano que se ve en esta fotografía al volante de un carro jeep, no es otro que el conociC. meu Chavarr a, residents of the Pie lies in its taste, all either be sewn or cemendísimo astro de la pantalla, Jack Holt, quien se retiró del cine Ôi Monte Verde. He died on should attend in order to see ted to the uppers.
para ingresar como voluntario en las fuerzas armadas de los Estados Unidos, the of che current and hear what the Sumy n:onth.
Hearth Circle will present.
CABINET AND UNDERTAK ING SHOP. Specializes in mak ing and repairing furniture and The kids you see around with the smart looking Hair Cuts every other branch of woodthat fit the little scalps, have all been done at Dixon Bar work. Coffins always stocked WOMEN LIFE PROBLEM CLUB for Shop. West of the City Market.
See us before going elsewiere TO ENTERTAIN Prices moderate, 4th. Street, entrance Gamez Lumber Yard. SYDNEY BECKFORD, Manager.
Assciated with the St. The fundamental princi Mark Parish ie a bevy of ples of the Society are, offers the Public NSW HARLEM BAR AND RESTAURANT. The feminine characters who ba gather, to endeavour to solA COMPLETE ASSORTMENT Best ve assembled themselves in ve an dlaso improve, as far urinks prepared by Craw.
of Boards and other Lumber in der the charter of The Wojas it may be possible, the ford and Grant, Genuine men Life Problem Club prblems of life. They have native and foreign liquors CEDAR and LAUREL arranged to launch their bar stocked Our Cusine service the most que en the entertaining wa up to date.
FRESCARIA MAYO Lowest Prices in City terson Monday. ght the Crawford and Grant, the 25 Miles. The Abaca Centar 3rd. of next month in NICANOR GAMEZ Sucs.
WORKSHOP OF QUALITY Fresh ard pure Fregos of all all cf the Parish with AND ECONOMY. Everyth kinds prepared to meet cold or Quadrille Dance a la mo.
DESEA SUS ing in machinery made or wator Season Meals Sand de. as the grand Thing CLIENTES AMIGOS repaired, from a Pin to wiches and other Eats cooked with rich flavour. Here the hou The invitation card is sui Crane, See us. We carry an MUY FELICES PASCUAS assortment of Beds, Springsort also a large variety of vege nificent merriment in store se wives can buy raits of all cient y indicative of the mar and other useful things at tables from Cartago. for the invitees. It has been all times. Building Nº 89 mooted that the erean 01 PROSPERO AÑO NUEVO North Fifth Avenue.
C) WATSON HAPPY. GOThompson, Proprietor.
LUCKY WILL ALWAYS our dancing citizens ar Die honoured Ist ional Miguel Obregón Lizeno del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministro de Sura y DUB. COTASTE can to LUMBER YARD GAMEZ on Cost


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