
Saturday, December 25th. 1943 LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO PAGINA NAZI SUBMARINE SUNK OFF COLOMBIAN COAST RUBBER DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION sus favorecedores y amigos desea The announcement comes eight anti aircraft suns and frem Bogota that North Ame succeeded in dam in Seve en war planes recently ral of the air machines ben sunk a large Gerxan under re being sent, fipa y, to the ver craft about ihty mib tom of the ocean.
les off Cartagena Cclom. 3: is generally supposed bit.
that the submarine is tle The report states the sub one which sunk the Colom marine was forced to give tian schooner :bby. and battle after having been the ships Pereira of Pana purouwd for two days by the mi and Pupum of the Uni prenes. It was mall vad with ted States of America MUY FELICES PASCUAS. y PROSPERO AÑO NUEVO Northern Railway Company AVISO SCHOOL FUNCTION SPLENDID ACCOMPLISHMENT Ponemos en conocimiento del público que Quite a responsive chord ce of the entertaining Me Rogers presided at the or salvo nuevas complicaciones, esperamos was struck by the very nu. With his characteristic gan and deserves a great representative au lience in spicy comments and remar measure of credit in the tener restablecidoel tráfico directo con Liattendance at the entertain ks, the Chairman, Elder whole ensemble. Mr. Abbott, món a más tardar el 31 del corriente mes.
ment held, on Tuesday even Sam Farrell, wonderfully the Director of the school, Mientras tanto estamos arreglando el tras ing of the present week, enhanced the grand success spiritedly expressed tha bordo de la carga más precisa en bultos cuyo in the Hall of the Day achieved. Individually and Vote of Thanks and in turs of peso no exceda de 75 kilos School associated with the collectively, the Young Peo solicited a continuance Seventh Day Adventist De ple effected their parts in the co operation of the pa GREEN, Gerente.
a soul lifting manner and rents and guardians of the The displays presented thereby spendidly held up children.
and the eloquence expoun the hands of Mr. and Mrs.
THE ORIENTAL BARDER SPLENDID SENDOFF PROGRAMME ded were in Excelsior. AI Abbott, of the school SHOP most every item rendered as also of the others who as Graciously El Sol com dients to the children exerlor portrayed was on the sisted in their training.
Located in front former Mo.
manded the latter part Frid cises, recitations and songs. background of cultural and Their costumes were rat tive Power Club in 3rd. Avenue ay the 17th. instant and in a brief discourse, Mrs. thoughtful compositions her cute and admirable. Mrs is the new parlour of the only enabled many parents, guar Jessie Wright, the Direc and highly harmonizing Sam Farrel and Mrs. Lydia Oriental Barber Shop in this dians and friends to attend tress of the school, treated with the great need of the Rogers contributed a duet city. All sa nitary arrangements, Barber with years of practice the Closing Programme of on many of the important era. Knowledge regarding in an excellent manner.
in all classes of the Hair Cutting the Methodist School. It things which are against the functioning of many of Mrs. Abbott stirred much Art. trial will convince the was very gratifying to see the best interests of the Priſthe elevated things of life laughter with her highly most Castidious, su large a number of liste vate Schools and scholars. were here and there obtaina humorous song. The Misses hers in the Church, and She specially appealed to ble by the receptive mind. Alleyne ad Charlton sang LIONEL MONDOLL we feel sure the efforts of the parents and guardians Humour also had a large sli a well blended duet. Missi Proprietor the scholars amply compen to extend the greatest possisated any sacrifice effected ble co operation to the to attend. teachers of the system. Ve Some of the characteristic ry mindfully, Mrs. Wright antics of the Tots added to sympathetically referred to the amusing features of the absence by death of Wil the event. The Rev. llie Gouzong, who two Holmes presided over the years ago had been one of Treat, and his remarks and the brilliant lights of the comments served as ingre school.
a PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR Limon Trading Company MIRACULOUSLY SAVED FROM WATERY GRAVE Dried Ipecac Root Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra RUBBER With the busy movements strangers with the traces of of our citizenry last Monday sadness and disappointment morning, there mingled many on the their countances. They must have greatly impressed those who gnew their sad tale.
COSTA RICA SODA Th einformation runs that The Launch San Cristobal. VATER FACTORY with about twenty three pas.
sengers aboard, sailed from the BRICA de HIELO y port of Colon for Belize, Hon.
REFRESCOS duras, on Thursday the 16th.
instant. Some of the men are said to be natives of Hondu.
Limón ras and other sof Pamaica, and where returning from the PaFLORIDA ICE AND nama Canal Zone after com FARM CO pleting their labour contracts.
Shortly after leaving Colen a seri eof difficulties were exLA FLORIDA perienced and the proverbial saying of a ship without a MADERAS rudder became their lot. The FABRICA DE HIELO then raging rain storm wafted the launch whither it willed and miracuously beached it, REMEMBER WE PAY THE BEST PRICES finally, a complete wreck, atare reported to have lost consiplomatic representations are our Portette.
derable sums of money and said to have been initiated on The unfortunate travellersmuch personal belongings. Di.(their behalf.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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