
PAGE 10 LA VOZ DEL ATLANTICO Saturday, December 25th, 1943.
a BETHLEHEM MANGER CLOSING PROGRAMToday, our mind reverts to meekness the lowly stable of BROWNE ABRAHAMS that unique scene witnessed Bethlehem was selected for ME BY ALPHA COTin the Manger at Bethlehem the birthplace of more than two thousand years earth greatest and noblest VENTA DE MERCADERIAS TAGE SCHOOL ago.
DEPOSITO DE AZUCAR The heavenly drama was On this day, our eyes lite portrayed in that city of Da rally follow Bethlehem Star On Monday evening, Apartado 362 vid and out of the stem of which guided the ise Men fortnight ago, the scholars Jessie, the glorious cast of of the East with their gifts LIMON of the Alpha Cottage School characters were chosen with of Gold Frankincense and the Blessed Mary as the ino Myrrh. We see them at the the Hall of the St. Mark cupied the foot lights in ther, and Joseph, the Carpen simple cradle of the Son oi Parish, with the staging of ter, as the foster father of God worshipping and presen ON THE AGENDA FOR JANUARY 16TH.
a reciting and singing, prothe Child, whose govern. ing their gifts; we listen to gramme in connection with ment was to be on His shoulbe angelic command Listed on the celebration a tuated in front of the Salva their school closing exerci der, and who was assigned another wal in returning ses. Mr. Davidson, genda for Sunday the join. Ja tion Army Hall in this city.
the We are told invitations have name of Wonderful me of Herold the King see the schoolmaster, presided nuary, proximo, is the Harvest Councellor The Mighty keth to destroy the young over the function.
Festival of the Guiding Star been widely extended to the God. The Everlasting a Child Our ears are also atun The Little Whisperers Lodge of the Independent or other fraternal orders and ther The prince of Peace. Jed to the angel instruction on the increase of His govern to Joseph to take Mary and as he designated the scho der of Samaria and Daughters ganizations. Catch e lars, proved themselves of Samaria. The event will be taining programme is also ment and Peace there shal Jesus into Egypt and remain worthy of the painstaking observed in the Hall of the Lito be in the making for be no end; upon the throne there until the command be extended by their teacher. mon Lodge of the Grand Uni occasion.
of David and upon His king given to return to Jerusalem Hom to order it and to esta To the mind eye is present weather conditions at Tup to the abnbrmal ted Order or Odd Fellows, si Anglican by Miss Lena the blish it with Justice fromed the triump of righteous time of the event, the nume ce was, regrettingly, Kenzie; The Baptist by not Walker and the Me henceforth and even foi ness over the evil and wicked rical aspect of the attendan up to expectations, dist by Miss Bhandina ever plans of Hero as seated on ke, who secured the victoi Notwithstanding this subdilan ass led by the holy Jo THE DENOMINATIONAL RALLY The Seventh Day Adventis me Decree, and the promise, seph, Mary an athe Babe de won second honours, throug of the zeal of the Lord part from the Manger of Be The sudden unfavourable, Association, on the occasion the medium of the votes to Hosts to perform them; a:thlehem in the land of Ju change in the weather all of the denominational Rally ned in by the original repr a symbol of humility and dea eventide on Monday the 20th staged by Miss Sarah Caurentative, who was unavoid instant was apparently res mings. The entertaining ſea bly absents Miss Yvonn IN FOND MEMORY ponsible for the meagre au ture was, however, highly Nicholas effected the ra. In fond and loving memory of our dience in the Hall of the Uni appreciated.
dear Sister and Friend in the Hall. The leader fe versal Negro Improvement Several reciting and singing the Catholic Denominatic items were contributed by being absent Miss Luci LUISA AURTHURS PERSONAL the scholars of her school, as Francis filled the vacancy who left us for Eternity two years ago.
also by other helpful per Mr. Davidson delive We are indeed pleased sons. Mr. Edmund Jacksoned the history for the Eva Now the labourer toils are o er, with the visit of Miss Vio and Miss Lena McKenzie pre gelist Mission. He was al Fought the battle won the crown let Williams of San José sided alternately at the On Life rough and barren shore, or the recoder for the voting.
a former esteemed young gan. The denomination were The writer was the presidir Thou hast laid thy burden down.
Limonense. She is here Grant her Lord Eternal rest as represented as follows. The chairman.
With the Spirits of the Blest.
a means ofrecuperation after having recently experien ETHEL VOSE sister BROWN, friend ced a very delicate surgical CAFE HOLNESS treatment in the San Juan de Dios Hospital of the ca Corner 2nd. Avenue and 7th. Street Shop West of the City Moket directly in front the Football Ground For a much better Hair Cut or Shave, go to Dixon Barber pital.
the city from the lines or coast, you should call at Dixon We bespeak for Miss Wi. This New Eating and Refreshing Spot Barber Shop for a Hair Cut ar Shave West of the City lliams a very condial reuis now at the Public Service nion with her relatives, COMFORT. CLEANLINESS. WHOLESOME FOOD AMONG THE SICK For these suffering ones friends and well wishers. AND DELICIOUS BEVERAGES WILL BE SUPREME we implore divine aid, Mayher complete rdcove ON OUR BILLBOARD It is with feelings of ry be not far distant.
much sadness we mention the illness of some of our widely esteemed and gene.
rally useful citizens. LA PROVEEDORA Offers you Correct Weight, Lower Prices, fresh Merchandise and Courtesy Major Thomas Lynch, the Commanding Officer of the local Salvation Army is unfortunately confined as a patient in the Clinica Biblica in San José.
Mr. Peter Muir, a respon sible employee of the United Fruit Co, Steamship Office in this city and the moying spirit of the locall Branch of the Jamaica Bu.
rial Scheme Society, is, re grettingly, an inmate of the Company hospital, Condensed Milk, large 35, Cacao XXX, lb.
Lard, lb. 70 Nugget Shoe Polish, tin, Banquet Sardines, tin 65 Crisco, lb.
Camay Soap 70 Tuna Fish, tin Palmolive Soap 70 Sapolio Vinagre, bot 40 Wire Sponges Quaker Oats, tin 75 Nido Powdered Milk, tin Floor Polish, lb. 50 Oats lb.
All Polish, tin 50 Coffee, Ib.
Moscatel Wine, bot. 50 Brooms Martinelli Vermouth, bot 10. 00 Starch, lb. Baking Powder, lb. 00 Carbide, lb.
Sweet Oil, bot. 25 Cake Sand, ounce PROPOVEEDORA. Puerto Limon. 85. 00. 45 25 50 00 25 75 60 00 80 60 00 50 Mr. James Dehaney, an ardent Methodist and the present Chairman of the above mentioned Society, is also seriously ill for the past Fortnight.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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