
Saturday, December 25th. 1943 LA VOZ ATLANTICA PAGE 12 LYRICS BANCO DE COSTA RICA 104 PRESIDENT PEÑARANDA OF BOLIVIA en named provisional Pre the Or. VALUABLE EFFORT Last Sunday afternoon, tically. Miss Dorothy Walthe 19th. instant, under the lace portrayed and recited.
LOS CENTIMOS DE SOY SERAN LOS COLONES DEL MANANA SI UD guidance of the Baptist Wo Abide with Me. while Mrs SABE AHORRAR men Federation, a real va dwin Campbell effected luable effort was displayed the instrumental seasoning, in the sacred edifice of the Face to Face was the theme denomination in conjunction of Mrs. Harold Murdock COMIENCE HOY: DEPOSITE SUS AHORROS EN EL with the special elocutiona solo, which she rendered ry and musical programme (aptivatingly. Mr. Escoe staged as a means of raising played at the piano. The adequate funds to aid some depth of Miss Vera Gillings of the neediest on Christ memory proved a Gem in mas morn.
her recitation Absalom. Sucursal en Limón)
Consequent on the inter Miss Campbell accompanied ruption in the railway s! at the piano the richly deli REALIZA TODA CLASE DE OPERACION BANCARIA biv transportation system, the vered solo Hold my Hard Rev. Forde, the Pastor by Mr. Ben Escoe. The heri LA FORTUNA ES UN LARGO AHORRO of the Church, who had tage (f a profound memory do di been engaged on pastoral was again manifested when duties at one of the line Miss Ethlyn Gillings reci.
Missions, did not arrive in ted the writing of the Pretime and so, as was mentio sent Crisis. Mrs. Leonie JacMajor Alberto nas ned in the brief introducto kson earned her coronet of ry remarks of Miss Vera Gil gold by her recitation InUNSEATED sident. It is claimes cha par it cal and econo ugares lings, the Secretary of the nodence. The quartette Or Monday last wern, between the Federation, the service of My Task was harmonious rev tenists 13 brought abous ne no Mr. Leslie Angus was solicily sung by Mrs. Stewart, President of the Bepilic ecvernment, in various parts Iront of General Peñarandalad those who favoured thievement.
ted as the presiding Chair Miss Iris Williams and Bolivia, was overthrowrs by of the city, and cntinued uy and very effectively Messrs. Ben Escoe and man; subsequent announce a revolutionary movement tseven o clock, when Prusirent stated that the depos did he perform the assig Mc Rae. The solo Our headed by thiety fivrant Peñaranda and all the eci President beea pernailteu nment over the rich event, Blest Redeemer. with Mr.
which turned out as the Escoe playing the instru: year old Doctor Victor Paz meinbers of his retrie resig to leave the Repun cara Aladin of Entertainments, ment, was penetratingly ren Estensoro, who was support ned; they were pluves uder bai arrived in ch The items rendered teemed dered by Miss Olive Gour. ed by the National Revolu anest.
tool aud with eloquenee.
tior ary Party and 129 YOLNzong. Mr. Walter Barnett ger officials of th country Two anthems were contri once more held his claim au aed forces.
HOTEL HISPANO AMERICA buted by the choristers, among the elocutionists of with Mrs. Me Rae presi damae. The torowning item The activities are sait to City of Limon ding at the piano. The was the piano recital by Mr. have commenced in La Paz Drowning Swimmer. reci Edwin Campbell the 31201 es at thee o clock in tim Beautiofully situated in front the Sea.
ted by Miss Lena McKen sence of which is yet alive. ing, with violent shooting zie, marked her a budding Airy, Cool, Comfortable Rooms literary genius. Dream It is just natural and somewhat right that when you visit Market.
of Paradise, a solo by Miss UNIL TERREIN Special Dining Room Service Isis Williams, with Mr. Ben WELL STOCKED BAR WITH NATIVE Escoe as the accompanist, AND FOREIGN LIQUORS served as a spring. cleaning of the inner universe. Mr Aadress all your Eng Para todos sus trabajos ERNEST CECIL LEWIS Victor Gourzong contribu ineering Requirements to de Ingeniería dirijase a Proprietor.
ted a Reading entitled The ROIG New Year. With Mr. Escoe presiding at the piano, the BOX 523 Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 2929 MORE ALLIED PROGRESS IN ITALY voices of Mr. and Mr. Os SAN JOSE On Monday last the impor the einemy defence at Sari McRaes sign ficantly Charges Reasonable Precios Módicos blended in their duet. Pathe tant position of San Pietro Vittore. They are said to ha HUS was captured by General ve laid seige against the Na Clark troops, while those of zi stronghold of Cassinc, General Montgomery reached, which dominates an extensi the suburbs of Orsogna, ve valley which leads do Ro which was subsecuently ta me.
Violent fighting in which Continuing their advaneej tanks are being used is report over the snow, the North Aled progressing in the streety CACAO merican treops have also cap of Ortona, while ther Allied tured the heights of Spinu trops attack localities nortu ccio and have broken through west of Filignano.
The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao 0000000000000000 CHRISTMAS IS APPROACHING RAICILLA. IPECACUANA Every man wants to be charming with a guarantee benind that. See Clifford Steele first before purchasing your suit RUBBER he has a novel 1943 exhibit way of treating with his present and prospective Clients.
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ker osoud Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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