p. 12


PAGE 12 Saturday, December 25th. 1943.
BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN kill, as 08 Pan OLDEST ALLY GUNNERS BEA? BOAT Not only is Pongal Britain oldest ally, The Anglo Portuguese Dusk in the Western Atlantic; alliance is also the oldest conheat, in whielthe decks and rigtihuez trenty or mutual assistan THE PRESS DEPARTMENT OF LEGATION IN ging of a large ship bound vor a ce in the history of the world, West Indian port seem to quiver It was therefore natural that Por.
COSTA RICA WISHES ALL LOYAL BRITISH and dance. Suddenly, the heavy sugal should temporarily grant silence over ship and sea is the ure of bases in The Azores to SUBJECTS AND SIMPATHISERS WITH THE ALLIED broken by the shout: Torpedo Britain.
on the port bow The Anglo Portuguese Alliance CAUSE MERRY CHRISTMAS AND PROSPEROUS The torpedo passed ahead. was first signed in 1373, nearly dashed to the side and saw the six Foided years ago. It has NEW YEAR 1944.
submarine coming up about 250 besn reaffirmed many times yards away. Its captain was sinibe. Throughout the many apparently looking for his treutics and agresnents confirmand before our gunners could take ing the alliance there is a contirange on him he had disappeared ning thread of mutual obligation into the darkness. We knew on each party to come to the we were in for something and in del net of the other if called CANADA ROLE IN PEACE DEMOCRACY REALLY MINERAL RESOURCES AND about half an hour we got it.
upon to do so. Article of the The submarine had worked round Treaty of 1642 also bound the Addressing the Montreal Rotary WORKS THE ATLANTIC CHARTER shead and was lying in wait.
two countries to a good true Club the Canadian Minister to We got the torpedo before and firm peace and amity.
The failure of Germany raIt as Washington, Mr. Leighton Mo The control and use of mine. we saw it this time. went well by lan: a by sea and rresh Carthy, spoke of Canadian United cini theories could not be better resources after the war was one smack into the forward end and, waters and provided that neither states cooperation in the war as exemplified than by the case of of the questions raised at the in a 0w seconds, the storage should do or attempt anything a splendid tale and one that Brazil. Listen to Vianna Moong conca rence on Science and World room in the tween decks was on against the other nor consent fire.
will occupy its full space in the well known Brazilian author and Order by the British Association, nor adhere into any war, counsel pages of history after the vic journalist.
and the recommendation In a minute or two we began was or Treaty, in prejudice of the tory and the peace. It may The most important and sig absequently forwarded to the to list over. Then the submarine came to the top and this time otherIn 1914, on the out be. he went on that the time nificant aspect of life in Brazil Council of the Association that a break of World War I, the Por is coming when Canada will says Moong is the complete ab sommittee should be appointed our banners got in a round surned away. But tuguese Government notified take an even larger share in the sence of racial problems. Bra to inquire and report upon the We the Britain thrt Portugal was pre affairs of the Americans thanzilians as a people oppse, racial state of knowledge of mineral submarine caught up with pared to fulfil her treaty obliga she has yet played in her coope prejudice not only because we and metal resources essential for and when about 800 yards away, tions.
On Sleptember 1, 1939, ration with the United States, deny the validity of racial purity modern development, from the opened fire, By this time one two days before Britain declared and that she will become an ac but also because we reject the con point of view of the fourth clau of our Bofors had got, in on the war on Germany, Portugal again tive participant in the plan for cent of racial superiority. To se of the Atlar tic Charter. This tight and, after a few rounds, confirmed her obligation under hemispherical solidarity now being onvince me that we are wrong report has now been submitted sent some 4in, stuff dropping on that him. We could see his the alliancg, adding flashes cir: carried forward through the me Moong continues you must first and its general conclusions include cumstances foriunately do not aft of the American speack of a pure race in a the following points: that it is in and white bow wave out there compel us to abandon our posiUnion.
Germany which constituted a the general public interest that in the dark, and that is all the tion of neutrality roadway for waves o invaders no country should conceal in gumers had to aim at but appaCanada was a North American from the Orient into the Oeci formation regarding its resources nently it was enough for he nation and in the Americas, as a dent crossroads for Celts, and raw materials or be permit sheered off sudd only We 6000 SHELLS whole must lie a very large sphe Huns, Russians and other avs, ted to accumulate stocks in excess were well on fire tween decks, re on her interes; and responsibi. Tartars and Mongols And what of its economic needs; that a Mi but we sailed on and were able to So much fighting has lity. But that did not affect or of Italy, peopled at various times neral and Metal Resources Board make port next day.
reaken in the least detail her by Umbris, Arabs, North should be established for each the way of the 1690 ton destroy. position as a member of the Bri Africans, Turks and Jews? To convenient national imit to prepaer Janus that she has almost SAYINGS tish Commonpealth of Nations, speak of a pere race in either ofre a detailed survey of its own worn out her guns. In battles Nor should the concept of Pan those countries would be farcical resources such an organizntion ranging from Norway to Crete. American ism mean isolation, from were it not that the comic over should preferably be uncer goMatapan and Malta convoys, she the rest of the world. We had all tones have become a world tra vernment control; zit will be im to us in the Mother Country to It has indeed been a comfort has flung more than 6000 shells come to see that no nation was gedy.
perative to have reliable sta feel, at every stage of this grieat the enemy.
sufficient unto itself, no conti.
In all ships a tally is kept of Viarna Moong has traced the tistics of the quantity end grade ment and no hemisphere the number of rounds fired. said great career of the German colonists of mineral consumed by each of vous war, the afection and comengugh in its own strength radeship of New Zealand. Everyto in Brazil and Peru and other the important trades in each a gumnery alficer, and after a maintain its freedom. We had countries noted their failures and country. As no courstry can pro with admiration and pride the ore in Great Britain has fatched given number the barrels all come to see that the cause of pose them by the side of the vide from its own resources the examined and a life of so many sp er tid part the New Zealand freedom in more rounds is predicted. If the world was a successful civilizations of the Por minerals necessary for its econoforces played in the native mic prosperity, it is essential to famous Janus goes on firing at the rate single cause: that neutrality had tuguese, Spaniards and As march of the Eighth Army he pointed remove any obstacles which may The Prime Minister.
she has been it will not be long become a spare and isolation Amerindians.
before she needs new guns.
out, a study of these colonists have hitherto praviented the free No universal league for peace would discourage the most exalt Merchange of such raw matePetty Officer Edward Green, of whether on the Geneva model ord followers of Nazi Aryanism. rials.
We must not allow over optiSouthampton, and Engine room mism to sap our strength. Our otherwise, can, suggest, hope Artifice: William Bodáy, of Axis agents and fith columefforts are more liable to be Darlington, have served in her if It disregards or is forced to frequently attempted in undermined by success than by recent longer than anyone else. They disregard regional associations or years to stir up anti semitic and failure. Sir Stafford Cripps.
remember some of the destroyer unions. Geneva may nat have anti negro feeling in Brazil but Adventures in the Mediterranean.
On October 10, 1940, a bomb Surely there never was been entirely successful but their attempts have come to When the Army was fighting tn Libya we used to go up the venture to suggest that Pan Ame. nought for in that great western exploded under the roof o. st. greater battle than the Battle of Paul Cathedral and destroyed Britain, never one on which coast to do a bit of bombarding rianism will not be fully effec emocracy there are only Brazi. the High Altar. Yet the fabric of more stunerdous issues depended.
said Boddy. The Army show tive as an agency of peace if it lians, and that is the only thing Wren masterpiece stood, erect is not able successfully to colla that the people of the country as the people of Britain in their stake and with it the liberties of The fate your Empire was at ed us the targets and we gave borate with Genova successor, care to know. Here is true de darkest hour.
them the works. Sometimes we all free nations. Likewise, there mocracy and here is the spirit were standing by for two Three years later, church bells was never a battle more decisively three days at a time ready to that animates one of our great are pealing umafraid. They hail won. Sir John Anderson. PITTLE SHIPS allies.
oblige whenever we were asked.
the advance of the allies of Free Both Green and Boddy agree OFF NORWAY dom, bringing light and delive We must make sure that futhat the best bit of work Janus against cargo ships right under ranog to a darkened Europe. Godture leaders of Germany cannot did pas when she was one of a the guns of enemy shore batte is not mocked. His law abides manipulate the defeat of their force of destroyers which deWith almost incredible daring ries, penetrated into the flords phen armies have passed away. country as other German leaders stroyed an Italian convoy of five tiny ships of Light Coastal For and in the majority of cases re Humbly let us strive until we did a quarter of a century ago.
merchant ships and three de ces have been making 500 mile turned to Britain undamaged. achieve a peace that brings a true. Arthur Henderson.
stroyers in a night encounter off voyages from their bases to join Some of these ships moatiy kindred of all nations, Cape Bon We got within 2000 in the attack on Germany shi motor torpedo boats are astach Let us remember that only yards of the enemy before, they ping along the Norwegian coasted to the Royal Norwegian Navy to do has to be done at high one thing can stop aggression and saw us. said Boddy. The chase ne. These little ships, which These have been manned by ex speed. The length of the voyage free the world from fear. That lasted about four hours but it were never built to operate at Norwegian fishermen familiar affords only a brief period of is the power of organised and took less than half an hour to such a range, have, during the with the creeks and reaches of darkness after they have arrived educated public opinion. Mr.
finish them off.
last few weeks, gone into action the coast. The work they have at their destination. Noel Baker, Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
come are to e creed Mr. McCarthy added, pits, Noong pointed out, bave LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS or

    DemocracyGermanyItalyNazismWorld War

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