
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE or to are In the deep, unwritten wisdom of life there are many things to be learned that cannot be taught. We never know them by hearing them spoken, but we grow into them by Editor: JOS THOMAS experience and recognize th em through understadnding, BOX 199 Understanding is a great experience in itself, but it does Year IX Limón, January 8th. 1944. No. 405 not come through instruction.
3y medium of a press 16 a Mexican bussines firm ha tative here is said to have urt, we have obtained the ve signified their interest in been sent a questionaire for nteresting information tha our Bananas. Their representhe purpose of ascertaining, MORE LIBERAL TRAVEL REGULATIONS among other particulars, the INTENSIFIED OFFENSIVE IN ITALY NEEDED number of stems which can Despite very unlavours Nazis are reported to be ru be supplied fortrightly le weather conditions. Alleshing fortifications to monthly.
the While applying our thoughts to the things ir units are said to have pe North of Cassino in and effost that in the event of satisiac It has also been mentioned which right be affected to ameliorate some, of rated deeply in the north to strengthen their defence Italy last Wednesday and of Rome.
tory results being obtained the embarrassing conditions which so often confront our people of colour, it has occurred to us fectively bombed importam an effort to strengthen their from the enquiry, crean trans neny installations including defence of Rome.
portation wi be arranged by that if the Powers that be would modify the very ne large chemical plant at the intended purchasing Con stringent immigration regulations now in sforce The German authorities Torre di Passeri.
in Rome are taking rigid pany. As the revivad of the against them, thereby extending them more libeLaunch ng as intense of Banana Industry in this Zo measures, Lisboa states, ral travelling facilities, of even on this our Conti wnsive over a front of sixteen reduce to a minimum ne would be of much more th miles, the Fifth Army hare possibilities oi than passing interest, it is our nent, it would be a note worthy act for 1944.
disturbancas occupied one ha of the straof a serious character on the sincere wish that all concern Having regard to the present day difficult ed will do everything possi German position situation and the post war programme which lies tegic at approach of the Allied forces San Vittore. This ble to bring abuot the realiza ahead, it does not seem wise that a particular succes: especially in view of the fa.
will, it is anticipated, expedil that there are yet from.
tion of the proposa. group of people possessed of brain, and brawn te the advance to Cassino and, 40, 000 to 50, 000 antifacists in should be so hardly fetetred History discloses permit an attack on the pein the city.
RUSSIANS CROSS that not only in the labour field, but in all induscipal roadway to Rome. The trial and other activities, the man of colour has POLISH FRONTIER displayed great skill and proficiency, and shewn HITLER CHANCERY EDIFICE DESTROYED himself dependable and loyal.
The information is releas been placed. The building 1944 has opened disas The need for remedying the unfavourable ed that among the damages fronts on the Wilhemsplatz triously for Adolf effected in Berlin last Hitler travel barriers is more pertinent when we take Sun and occupies the entire and his fighting partners.
day night by units of the ength of the street Voss.
under consideration the abnormal amount of Reports from all the battle Royal Air Force, was the des Immense air raid shelters fronts disclose they mental and physical pressure countless numbers tructiun of the great Chance were also constructed in the being badly defeated. of our democratic brethren are experiencing in the ry edifice erected under the building for the special purpo Pursuing their violent war efforts of the United Nations in all parts of special direction of Hitierse of affording protection to offensive, the Soviets have the Universe. As with them the one and only aim and carrying a roof said to mothers and small children crossed into Poland and is Victory. so it is with the man of colour.
be three metros thick with during bombardments.
rived at a locality between the view of resisting It seems to us that now is the time to accord all The destruction of the Chan fty and sixty miles west bombs weighing less than cery is regarded by the peo of their fruntier, after to equal privileges to all free peoples, regardless of four tons, and or which ple of Berlin as the city tally destroying all the ob race or colour. Like that of the Indian, the Chinese light anti aircraft guns had greatest loss.
stacles with which the Ger and other democratic peoples, the blood of the mans endeavoured to detain African is being shed for the preservation of civi INTENSE FIGHTING IN YUGOSLAVIA them. The victorious Genlization and human liberties. We have heard the eral Vatutin is supposed to The patriotic warriors, com of food stuffs and munition.
Groans of the people, of colour for a greater manded by General Tito, are The patriots are now using be firmly consolidating his continuing their warfare in of tanks captured from the positions before initiating a freedom in travel facilities and we hope it will advance across all its intensivity against the Italians and Nazis with tel big soale nor be long are they be accorded them.
Germans. The encounter in ling effect it is said.
the Polish territory.
the region of Banjaluka is The Valley of the Rive: The Nazi troops located For a much belter Hair Cut or Shave, go to Dixon Barber said to have ssumed a terri Cetina has been totally freed on the right margin of the the city from the lines or coast, you should call at Dixon ble blood character. Viso fthe enemy, while new po River Dnieper are reported! Barber Shop for a Hair Cut er Shave. West of the City Market.
lent fighting is also reported sitions have been obtained by facing a desperate situation, been practiin progress in the city of No the army of liberation in Cer as they have 10 Mesto, where the Nazis tral Bosnia and the Dinarically surrounded by the bare believed to be feeling the cos Alps.
Russians between CherkasFOR SALE serious effects of a scarcity sy and Peresyelav.
The Soviet troops, under the command of General Titled Property containing Forty (40) hectareas of land.
Bagramyan, are also said NOTICE! NOTICE!
to be successfully advancing The cultivated areas consist of 85 hectareas of well toward Letonia, after cap planted two years old CACAO. 17 hectareas in good Marta Pacheco Villalobos, widow of the late Attoring the important railway beating condition and, in addition two and a half (2 4)
torney Albino Villalobos, by this medium, advises all persons who may, at this time, have pending judicial or center of Novosokolniki, the hectareas with bearing cacao in need of cleaning.
other business metters which were being transacted by last stronghold of the GerA four apartment building equipped with two kitchens, aBarbecue and other home conveniences.
the said Albino Villalobos, that the Attorney Guillermo mans along the line to LeGoebel Yglesias, who practises in this city, is underak tonia.
The Property is situated in the vicinity of Santa Maria ing the termination of such transactions and is hereby The Soviet forces on the at 15 14 Miles.
quthorized to effectcollections of such sums of money advance toward Rumania which in judgment of balances, an according to the For further particulars apply have arrived, at Vinnitsa, documents in his power, appear today, by discovery, for professional services rendered by my husband, and to the German stronghold receive the amounts and extand, in my name, the cothe River Bug and about JOS. THOMAS rresponding cancellations.
thirty miles distant from the only means still open POST OFFICE BOX 199, LIMON MARTA PACHECO DE VILLALOBOS.
for the escape of the Nazis.
In view of the rapidity GUILLERMO GOESEL YGLESIAS.
with which the Russians are entire evacuation of the ter are likely to initiate a gen.
Limon. December 18th. 1943.
moving, the Rumanian gov ritory of Desarabia. eral retirement from the erment have ordered the! It is reported the Germans Rusian battle fronts.
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