
PAGE LA VOZ ATLANTICA SATURDAY, JANUARY 8TH. 1941 Re Opening Dates of Some Private Schools Caribbean Packing Co.
CACAO The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao RAICILLA IPECACUANA RUBBER Following are the propos. bot, Director. Mrs. Sarah ed dates for the re opening Cummings School at the of some of the Private Kingdom Hall.
Schools of English Tuition, January 31st. The We.
operating in this city. leyan Methodist. Mrs. JE January 10th. The Ex ssie Wright, Directress. The celsior. Universal Negro Adventures, Miss Lucille Improvement Hall Direc Johnson, Directress. The tor, Mr. Cyril Corniffe.
Progressive St. Mark January 17th. The Hall, Mr. Jos. Thomas, Alpha Cottage. Mr. Director.
Davidson, Director. The St. It is hoped that parents Alban Primary. Mrs anu guardians will do their Carnegie, Directress. The best to send out their chilWest End Mrs. Wee dren and wards in fur kes, Directress. The Sacred measure to enable their Heart of the Catholic Pa gaining, at least, five or si: rish Mrs. Bernard, weeks of full time studies, Directress. The Salvation under the English System, Army Major Lynch, prior to the restarting of th Director. The Seventh Day Official school. year Adventist. Mr. AbWe are Agents for THE RUBBER DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF THE GOVT.
OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE If your last Hair was not satisfactory. It is because yau did get it done of Dixon Barber Shop. West of the City Market.
in num GENTEEL FOLK AND GENEROUS SERVICE DANCE BY LIFE PROBLEM CLUB We do not desire to let band. Among the Hesperides brilliant New Year recting the festival were the pried the tunes which gave the festive season be coated were Gertrude Ritchie, Lena Moon enriched the evening of ladies of the Club attraractive tre romantic Kick. There with ice; therefore we intend lupezpi and Willis, Gro January the 3rd. with a mildly costumed in red tafeta blou was a charming floor show, to assemble tonight, the fourth ves, Taylor, Brown from breeze accelerating over these with guague front to a cor when the Problemers. cou instant, some genteel folk and the Capital, Isaacs from western sky, as the gay and diform firish; puff sleves; pled with male partners extend them generous servi over seas, Fray Hylton. The attractive invitees were seen tall sheer waist with a cluster snowy white, had the Hall to ces. Hold tourself invited Hyacinthusers were Eccleston, pacing vigorously, from almost of red rose craped to the left themselves in a spycy These were the expressions white, White, Whiskey. Gunnie ewery section of this city, to side. The blouse rested elegan ber, while the guests stood by by one of the ladies wo gave Taylor, Sylvester, Araya, ware the St. Mark Hall, intly on white not skirt support in homage.
the spree. So liberal an in Slennette and McPhont.
order to be on time for the ed by tafeta interior. The Among the over seas guests vitation could not be reasoro opening number of the Dan hair of the head was arrang were Mr. Eccleston, Mrs.
bly refused, hence, in prepa Mondunga soup, a la Creo ce given by the Women Life ed Coiffure a la mode The Wynter, tre former Miss ration, we washed out these. was served direct from Problem Club, one of opening colourful atá rement of both Seally and Miss Edith Gittens stomach, solicited increased the steam tabie. Juice from number of the Dance given by sexes furnished. first rate ima Beautician practising in Co appetite, oiled the legs to ma cane and other specialties we the Women Life Problem personation of the Fairies. lon; From San Jose were Mrs.
ke them pliable for the strut. flouristengly added. The Club, one of the buxiliaries reinforced quadrille Band Barnes and Miss Brown, and with Bells on attended party was the creation of Mr. of the Anglican Parish. Jocund featuring Messrs. Percy and Oh! that midnight waltz Selections of an extremely Pa Joe Sanchez, Mesdames atmosphere circulated every Llewlyn clarionet players; has lefts is sensation on melively character were dished Bornes of San Jose, Edith Git where. It was just the ample Box was occupied by Colonel mory tablet.
cut by the famed Zazurke tens and Hewitt from place desired by the merryma White, violinist and others, sup aBrced The accomodating kers. The decoration of fes apartaments of Mrs. Amanda toon design was a revelation THEIR FIRST MATRIMONIAL MILF STONE Barnett, sister of Mrs. Git to the guests, and palm fronds THE ORIENTAL BARDER tens, provided the setting. It amid colourful lighning ef Mile Stone on the matrimo congrats to our widely esteem few days ago the first We extend our deep rooted Located in front former was long after midnight when fects added rescplandent adminial highaw yof Mr. and Mrsed and deeply regarder citi Motive Power Club in 3r the charning tune Show ration.
avenue is the new parloure the way to go, for we want Ernest Cecil Lewis of the Holzens and profoundly wish that of the only Oriental The distinguished Guests tel Hispano America was rea! they continue in that same Bar to god to bet, though with ber Shop in this city. All sa heavy hearts to leave Enrique Esquivel, our those Police ched. It has been stated that concord, love and frace for nitary arrangements. Bartender embraces and dainties Commander, and the Rev. much pleasure and prosperi many many more anniversze bar with years of practs heard.
James Evans, Rural Dean of ty marked the full course ries in all classes of the Hair Costa Rica and Panama. Di of the journey.
Cutting Art. trial will convice the most fastidious LIONEL MONDOLL Proprietor LA PROVEEDORA OD TO CONVEN SILCIAL MEETING By th medium it is desir ed to recify all members, ac tive er inactive, of the Scotch Lily rouge of the Undependent United Order of Scotch Mechanics, that a suecial ne et will be convened on the evening of the 12th, instant in their regular Hall, in front of the Costa Rica Sɔ din Water Factory. All meribers as urged to attend.
Offers you Correct Weight, Lower Prices, resh Merchandise and Courtesy Condensed Milk, large. 35, Cacao XXX, lb.
Lard, lb. 70 Nugget Shoe Polish, tin, Banquet Sardines, tin 65 Crisco, lb.
Camay Soap 70 Tuna Fish, tin a. molive Soap 70 Sapolio Vinagre, bot 40 Wire Sponges Quaker Oats, tin 75 Coffee, Ib.
Floor Polish, lb. 50 Brooms A11 Polish, tin 50 Starch, lb.
Baking Powder, lb. 00 Carbide, Ib.
Sweet Oil, bot. 25 Cake Sand, ounce PROPOVEEDORA Puerto Limon. 85 45 25 50 00 25 00 80 60 00 50 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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