
HITLER AND THITHER BRAVO FOR COL. CAMPOS AND OUR SOME WAR CITY FATHERS ACTIVITIES ssrs. Glen Rivert, Gil was an ardent worker in the Shaw, the Misses Velo Catholic Parish and served The completion of the de youths from indulging in wno aylor and Isaacs Sisters as organist for a lengthy pe molition of the concrete struclesome out door exercises. Allied aerial attacks against umbered among the variod. Her husband is well tures, erected some time ago All who truly comprehend the region of Italy occupied vists from the neighbou known and needs no intro on the Plaza in front of our the good deed will never for by the enemy are said to have Republic of Panama. They duction. We wish the newly city Cuartel, has been noted get the indomitable effozes caused the deaths of 6, 489 per on the verge of the Fesweds all happiness and pros, with mucg gratification. The and untiring zeal of Colonel sons during the months of perity.
last re inforced wall fell on Fulgencio Campos, don Alfon October, November and, Dey Silvia Minott of Siqui Mr. Sydney Gollop who to the green earth a few days so Solé and our Municipal Fa cember. More than 11, 000 we vas a welcomed visitor rmerly represented the urior to the close of 1943.
thers, in securing the restora re als reported injured, three ir city during the Christ rests of Mr. Findlay Quite different is this to the tion of the plaza for the reccza thousand buildings complete and Hew Year holidays. at Penshurst and now acts tale of the woodmen and the tive exercises of our citizen:y ly destroyed and nearly, six vas felicitously entertain in a similar capacity at Wau old Oak Tree, there was The wor kof re conditioning thousand seriously damaged.
er special friends. chope and elsewhere, was none to bid the workers not the field ins progressing satis Vilfred Samuels and an overnight visitor to our to destroyed the buildings, sin factorily and will soon be at San Jose spen many, city last week along with hisce they had not sheltered, the disposal of our athletes.
the Yuletide season in esteemed wife, after spend but rather hindered many Under date the 29th. ulti They were welcomed on ing a few ow the Yuletide mo, the North American Ma hand.
days with their daughters, DEATH AND BURIAL OF Mr. JAMES DEHANEY rine Department announced Alexander a much the Misses Dolores and Mae, Death has further thinned ciated with the Wesleyan Me that their submarines, aircraft citizen of the frien who reside in Cartago. They the rank of our citizens of thodist Denomination, the de and naval artillery had suns epublic of Panama, effecwere heartily welcomed by brief visit to our city atheir numerous friends.
pioneering days by the lamen ceeased was a member ow the 1, 538 enemy ships in the. Far We table passing of Mr James De choir and Superintendet Eastern war zones.
of ago. He was warmly also note the recent return ed by many former ac of their two sons, Jorge and sident, who was a worthy son cal Church. He had also dis honey, a deeply respected re the Sunday School of the lo tances, Hugh, from the southern Re of Suanish Town, the ancient pplayed much activity in the com abroad arrived Mrs public after completing their Capital of the Island of Ja local Branch of ihe Jamaica The Chinese High Command Delpratt Brock and her work contracts with the Ca: maica Buriel Scheme Association, have intimated their readiness also her daugther Junal Zone authorities; they Mr. Dehaney had resided where, at the time of his to launch big offensive with who recently beacme the have joined their sisters in in this very peaceful and de death, he occupied the post several million men against we learns, of Mr. Vin the Ancient Capital.
mocratic Reput ilcf ormany tion of Chairman. On the Japan, in the course of the Mrs. Hart, while here mocratic Republic for Alles many day of interment, the 23ra. present year, in the years, and his very genteel ultimo, his remains laid in will attack such important and winsome Caa characteristics state for hours until the fu places as Hong Kong, Servicios Religiosos earned him admiration and neral service was conducted ton and Burma, and auggenuine esteem. He is survi in the Church by Mr. Les ment their aerial forces in ved by his daughter, Miss lie Angus in the presence of China, Joyce, who is a trained Nur an overwhelming congregase of the San Juan de Dios tion. The Rev. Mi. Holmes Rito. concourse of mourHospital of San Jose and arrived from one of his line ners and sympathizers atten, had been serving in the Comissions, and by special ded the obsequies. We extend lon Hospital of the Govern arrangement, reached the our heart felt condolence to ment of Panama, at the time cemetery in time to assist be bereaved daughter, Miss of the serious illnes of her his Church Steward with the Joyce. May the soul of our father.
completion of the funeral departed one be eyer at Rest.
An ardent christian asso Limon Trading Company on los artilleros en sus puestos de combate, alerta contra da sorpresa, soldados de los Estados Unidos que se diriin en un transporte a invadir una isla ocupada por los poneses asisten a una función religiosa, en la que sirve altar una caja de municiones.
PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR toarewell Service Tendered Elder Farrell the truly religious, hearers.
ter of Seventh Day The Secretary. Treasurer tism, a very touching of the Costa Rica Mission, Sell Service was con Mr. Robinson, submitted a in the Denomina magnificent review of the Temple, in this city, Elder s, work. Other contrithe evening of Sunday butions to the service were 2nd. instant, as a ho the scripture reading by e to Elder Sam Farrell, Mr. Edward Rogers; The has been transferred invoking of the Blessing by new area in the Mas Mr. Buchanan; the soVine yard. The sacred lo There is a land mine ice was outstandingly eyes have seen by the Elesentative of the nature der wife, addresses by he special service. Ad Messrs. Buchanan and Abnts of the Creed and bott and a penetrating solo rs attended in an over and chorus with Mrs. Lydia Iming manner.
Rogers leading.
lder Farrell sermon The Atlantic Voice of high light and serv wishes Elder Farrell and as a medium to further family the fullest success Xave his evangelical ca success and prosperity in the minds of histheir new sphere of labour.
Dried Ipecac Root Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra RUBBER REMEMBER WE PAY THE BEST PRICES er on Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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