
PAGE 10 LA VOZ ATLANTICA SATURDAY, JANUARY 8TER 194. 2 to WEEDENG BELLS HARVEST FESTIVAL Plan para el Sorteo del de Enero de 1944 December the 28th. will performed the duties of long be remembered by the Chief Maid. Mr. Benson DRAWS NEAR numerous fronds of Mr. and had an assignment of imEmisión de 26. 000 billetes numerados del 1001 al Mrs. Loftus Lewis. The sha portant duties. Miss Farra Eight days from tomorrow, a razón de 15. 000 cada uno divididos en déc!
dows of eve had stolen presided at the organ and on the 16th. instant, at oa 150 el décimo across the skies and the is worthy of much praise, three o clock in the after Valor en premios: 245, 740 00 firmament illuminated by a especially for the execu noon, the Guiding Star Lod brilliant starlight, when the tion of the Wedding March. ge of the Independent Order Premio mayor de 75. 000. 00 and Pemio de 15. 000. 00 very impressive ceremony, Miss Gladys Folk rendered of Good Samaritans 1: which united them in holy a beautiful solo entitled o, Daughters of Samaria wil 10 premios de 000. 00.
16 matrimony, was golemnly Perfect Love. The Dean observe their Harvest Festi10 premios de 500. 00.
conducted by the Rev. gave a short, but very im val in the Hall of the Grand 50 premios de 200. 00.
10 Evans in the Church of pressive, address during United Order of Old Fellows 104 pemins de 100. 00.
16 the Good Shepherd in San which he tendered his con situated in front of the Sal 10 Aproximaciones al primer premio Jose.
gratulations to the newly vation Army Headquarters (5 anterioes y posteriores de 200. 00 The Bride looked charm weds.
in this city. We are assured cada una. ing as she moved toward The bride was befittingly thât a splendid programme 10 Aproximaciones al segundo premio, the altar under the escort attired in a flowered sateen will be presented (5 anteriores y posteriores) de 100. 00 cada una.
of Mr. Rolando Pugh, who dress, which displayed the gave her away in marriage. splendid handiwork of Miss 99 aproximaciones a las tres primeras cifras The Groom was attended Patterson.
del primer premio de 30. 00 sada una Mrs. Rowe, the mother of by Mr. Thomas Allen, as At the close of the reli the Groom. Mr. Rowe gave 999 Apoximaciones a las dos primeras cifras Bestman. The Bridesmaids gious Rite, the newly weds!
del segundo premio de 30. 00 cada un. 29 much appreciated adwere the Misses Amy Aird, and friends retired to the dress. Several other addres.
25 terminacines a las tres últimos cifras del Carmen Smith, Sadie Brit. home of Mr. and Mrs. ses were given and that by premio mayor de 100 cada una.
ton, Ida McKenzie and Do. Britton, where they 234 terminaciones a la dos últimas cifras del were the host will long be re.
rothy Knight. The Misses received by the 11 famed tained by those who were premio mayor de 50. 00 cada una.
Jean Gordon and Verna Champion Orchestra. Mr. present. Dancing was indul2340 Terminaciones a la última cifra del premio Thompson acted as Flower Allen acted as Master of ged in until mayr de 30. 00 cada una.
70 the midnight Girls. In a very graceful ceremony during the very hour.
manner Miss Louise White attractive reception, which 3893 Premios Valor.
C24 was opened by prayer by Special Reporter.
CABINET AND UNDERTAK ING SHOP. Specializes in mak programme, in addition to VOICE FROM THE DISTRICT OF ZENT ing and repairing furniture and the donation of books THE NEEDY every other branch of wood The English Private School bourne, The third place was Prizes, and the giving of work. Coffins always stocked of the district of Zent came obtained by Leonard Max refreshment on the occasion CHEERED See us beforo going elsewhere in for a lively scene, in con well and Reginald Thorpe. under report.
Prices moderate. 4th. Street, nection with the termina The merit for the Fourth At a latter part of the Maintaining their well entrance Gamez Lumber Yard. SYDNEY BECKFORD, tion of the year tuition Class went to Ivy Hamilton. term, it was very pleasing charitable character, Manager.
under the guidance of Mrs. Through this medium the to have had the visit of Mr. the religious denem Alberta Sawyers. With a Schoolmistress and scholars Sawyers of the Bana and other organizatio WORKSHOP OF QUALITY view of awarding prizes, a are expressing their warm nita School. As an experientered to many of the AND ECONOMY. Everyth qualifying examination, con appreciation and thanks to ced teacher he spoke wisely diest on Christmas ing in machinery made or ducted by the Rev. Ja Captain and Mrs. Keates, on the subject of cultural These included the Dos repaired, from a Pin to a mes Evans, Rural Dean of who have been, from time activities among the young. ciety of the Seventh Crane, See us. We carry an Costa Rica and Panama, to time, extending charitaventist; The Baptist assortment of Beds, Springs was effected with the fol ble acts to our educational Special Correspondent. Federation; The Me and other useful things at lowing results.
Women League, The all times. Building Nº 89 First Grade The hotion Army and the North Fifth Avenue. nourees Alfred Junior mon Branch of the Thompson, Proprietor.
and Mildred Malcolm. SeBurial Scheme Society cond Division Myrtle Foslearn that the Ladies NEW HARLEM BAR AND ter and Larin Thorpe took RESTAURANT. The Best of Liverpool came in first honours, while the se.
drinks prepared by Craw. cond position share of the good det was earned ford and Grant, Genuine having sent, through by Joyce Whitehorn, Daisy native and foreign liquors Bell and Vincent Williams, dium of the Burial stocked Our Cusine service a considerable supply Third Standard. Esmey the most up to date.
ker, fruit and provisio Douglas gained number one Crawford and Grant, augment the offertiogs position; and in numerical poor order game Cynthia Thom Lo dolores sordoso panzantes del reumatisrao son ana Advertencia: ietelan que ciertos órganos vitales. cumplen en debida forma su RECENT DEATI tares Los dolores en las coyunturas y músculos se deben a la formiación de afilados y microscópicos We are in receipt of offers the Public cristales de ácido úrico, que no han sido eliminados del organismo.
formation that among COMPLETE ASSORTMENT Los riñones deberian eliminar de who died recently ir. th ta sangre este exceso de ácido úrico isapurezas y regenon. Ses riñones of Boards and other Lumber in (y demás imporezas y venenos. He volverán la normalidad.
Juan de Dios Hospita, aquí por qué, usted, al sentit las inflamación e hinchazón de las Jose, are the undermen primeras punzadas reumáticas, debe coyunturas disminuiráa, con CEDAR and LAUREL procurar que sus rifonos vuelvan a los dolores. Las articulaciones persons who were con Funcionar en forma rigidas recuperanka su agilidade Las Pildoras De Witt se claboren Los riñones reanudarán sus tareas with this Zone, Lowest Prices in City sepecialmente para que obren sobre eliminando las impurezas de la los riñones débiles e inactivos. Des sangre y expulsándolas del or Adina Bernard Wrig congestionan, estimulan y fortaleceu ganismo, mediante el maravillos years of age and forme NICANOR GAMEZ Sucs.
estos órganos. Dentro de las 24 mocanismo de la naturaleza.
foras do haber tomado la primera He aquí por qué un tratamiento this city. She is said to donis orina se tornaré azulada. con las pildoras De Witt ca la been the daughter of DESEA SUS Esto demuestra que el excelente conveniente para el alivio del res antinéptico que contienen las Pildo matismo. Van directamente al Bernard and Carolina CLIENTES AMIGOS meg Di Witt empezó a eliminar las fueute del mal: los rifiones She died on the 21st. u Miguel Portuguez who once lived in Sig and was years old.
Kapecialisate recomendadas para Roumatismo, Lumbaga, Dwera dne tered the institution o Cayuntas y Trastornos de los riones 23rd. October lar. yo died on the 28th, Rápido alivio del REUMATISMO LUMBER YARD GAMEZ MUY FELICES PASCUAS Píldoras De Witt para los RINONES y la VEHIGA PROSPERO AÑO NUEVO Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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