
SATURDAY, JANUARY 8TH. 1944 LA VOZ ATLANTICA PAGE 11 in BANCO DE COSTA RICA noon ny of to DISASTROUS AIR OFFENSIVE OVER GERMANY troops, who operate in the The Allied air forces conti north of Russia, was laid in LOS CENTIMOS DE HOY SERAN LOS COLONES DEL MAÑANA SI UD aue their disastrous offensi ruins by an air attack ve over Germany and the which hudreds of Allied via SABE AHORRAR Nazi occupied territorios in nes participated.
Europe North American unis effro PROC Three thounsand British ted a raid against Sofia, the COMIENCE HOY: DEPOSITE SUS AHORROS EN EL nd North American air Capital of Bulgaria, dur ng nits are reported to have the daylight hours of the arried out a gigantic bars 4th. instant. The victims are ardment over Germany and said to have been usually nu he coast of France, on the merous du eto the city un th, of the present month. preparedness for protection (Sucursal en Limón)
The principal objectives we against such attacks.
the important ship yards das won Berlin is still being subject. eil, which were compleed to further serious damage.
REALIZA TODA CLASE DE OPERACION BANCARIA sly destroyed, and the rail Tre city is now supposed to installations of Mun contam abont one fourth of LA FORTUNA ES UN LARGO AHORRO er, which were badly damagits usual poulation.
id 1, 800 persons are reportd to have died in Keil.
Stettin, the principal port INVIGORATING HARVEST FESTIVAL HORRIBLE MASS MURDER BY NAZIS supplies for the German BY BAPTISTS 19 ficer had to say. As soon as Passing of a Former The services and after kept the Pastor and his. Not yet satisfied appareo the ususpecting youths and tly with all the horrid derds men had asembled they were Limonense programme, in line, Deacons somewhat busy with the Baptist Harvest; securing additional benches they have committed against surrounded by the soldiers The murderers It is with sincere regret we Festival, were observed on and chairs. The youngsters the innocent peoples of Eurs and shot.
pe the report reaches us that then placed the women and meytion the receipt of the Sunday the 2nd. of the were eloquently entertainiews of the death of Mrs. present mouth. The obla ing with their reciting and the one thousand Greeks were children in a large school murdered in the most. coid building and set it afine Ma The laconic Jeanette Wilson, the wido: tions in thankfulness to God singing itema.
blooded manner recently.
these were able of the late Wilson one for His manifold blessings, renditions were imbedded illustrious lessons. The report states that a la effect their escape but a lar of our widely known agrict: were rich in quantity and with furists of pioneering days The quality. Among the ofer. The offerings and presenta ge force of German soldiers ge number were killed in the in tions sad closing of Mrs Wilsonings were works of art were highly appro appeared in the city of panic which ensued.
arthly career took place in marked. representation of priate. The choristers, with Kalabritos and ordered, al couple of historie monas the United States of Ameri the talent bestowed by our Mrs. McRae presiding at the males of more than tweteries were destroyed and the where she had been residi Heavenly Father on the ac the organ, added magnifi ve years of age to assemble, residences of the slain inka ing for a long period of complishers.
cently to the sublimity of in a large open space to hear bitants sacked of alt which The afternoon entertain the occasion. The Pastor, the what their Commanding of could be removed.
ment was a setting of glo Rev. Forde, presided.
rification, with its impressi He was, as usual, very chaEnglish Tweeds Seres veness and enhancement of ritable in his remarks and NOTICE can still be har at humanity preparation for comments with regard to the Reasonable Prices at the final Harvest. The seat children, who splendidly ing capacity of the Church acquitted Address all your Eng.
themselves, JACK ORANE Sucs.
Para todos sus trabajos proved insufficient to ac well as to the rather goodineering Requirements to de Ingeniería dirijase a HE PEOPLE HOUST commodate the congrega natured congregation, comR. ROIG Limon tion a condition which posed of citizens and others from some of the coastal BOX 523. Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 2929 he kids you see around with the smart looking Hair Cuts and line towns.
SAN JOSE nat fit the little scalps, have all been Jone at Dixon. BarCharges Reasonable Precios Módicos er Shop. West of the City Market.
MIRIL SPLENDID TRIUMPH MASS CELEBRATED IN LOCAL JAIL The bloodiest operation this war for Great Britain and Though the hand of fate priate hall on the upper floor The former Guillermo Ne, proper storing of their pro, the United States lies ahead of had fallen heavily on those of the building. The Milita haus business edifice in the ducts, thereby enhancing us. Neither the House, por the confined in our city jail, cha ry Band, under the command ity has been assigued to the their agricultural activities from Cath of Col. Sanabria, attended. newly organized Cacao Co to the greater benefit of the that ordeal. We shall not grudge racteristically, our any sacrifice for the common Parish took the Gospel of the addition to the unfortunates operative Association. In the Province generally cause. The Prime Minister. Babe of Bethlehem to ther, the officials of the Police securing of this very spacions building don Raul Velazquez While we are exceedingly Today there is only one or on the morning of Thursday Headquarters and their fami kas hit a Home run on the gratified for the concession der of the day for all of us: Outlast when a solemn Mass was lies as well as several other of the Cacao farmers, we cannot far to extende our with the Germans. Marshall celebrated in a very appe: persons were in attendance.
who will also be afforded grateful thanks to the Jun by its use, a much ta de Custodia for so greater measure of fa coming to the aid of cilities for the handling and agriculturists and Province LIMON SODA WATER FACTORY as of of the nobis 213 FABRICA DE HIELO REFRESCOS HOTEL HISPANO AMERICA City of Limon Beautiofully situated in front the Sea.
LIMON APARTADO 417 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud


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