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PAGE 12 ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, JANUARY 8TH. 1944 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN 00 be OL a a INTO THE ULTIMATE BRITISH MIDGETS NIGERIAN MOUNTED FRIENDLY ISLANDS WEAPONS OF PEA PHASE LAY UP REICH LEVIFS 210UE In the midst of war in War has been the inspirat the FLEET It can now be revealed that Pacific, some things have gone minds. During pf many inventions of ma when the troops of British Weston unchanged. Tonga the small the last The incredible exploit of the Africa were sent to fight in the group of islands to the north never before. Man has achi years science has marched on At ine moment of onering our liny British submarines that pe East African campaign, it be. east east of New Zea! snd, reauets every Bucu wisn for this netrated Alten Tjord and dama, came vitally urgent to recruit this year celebrating the twenty developed to the point is cd master of the air; radio yea: ui promiso, 1014, we receiv ged the mighty German battle additional men to guard fifth anniversary of the access.
au liews of two resuunding Brit ship Tirpitz was a naval exploit geria 2 000 mile long frontier, ion of Queen we take it for granted that 1911 laval vicwries wnion set the of major importance, the Salote to the spoken word will gudle seat u coon upun ine surviving miralty pointed out. This is so desert wastes.
Ad. roadleas bush and uninhabited throne.
pirave snips or riter and Hiro because the German Navy Queen Salote portrait ils documents are flown from cot earth; micrographed letters a hito. Inanks to the genuine co numerically small and the vessels families of his Chiefs and Heads philatelists. Her name is a Poly undreamed of.
is For this type of campaigning state robes, is familiar to all try to country at a speed or operation OL Lau. lt American are more important nations who are effectively pa. than as units of a fighting fieet. who could live on the country was introduced into the Tonga as raiders hardy and experienced men, nesian version of Charlotte, and These are but a few of stroming the western shores of the Auanuc ana me souinern seas, has been magnifled because the dreds The action of the Alten Fjord for many months on end, hun. Islands in honour scientific developments whi of Queen the more powertul units of Brito, target, the battleshly Tirpitz, is bases.
have been put to the service of miles from their Charlotte, consort of King war. When peace comes ish and American navies have one of if not George III of England. It is one the greatest been released for the more ef warships afloat. only exceeded Emir of To achieve this object, plar the of a number of links between same developments will great responsibilities in fective use of their superior ar in strength possibly by the latest services to the authorities as an Captain Cook, on his of Kano offered his Britain and this Pacific outpost.
njaments. Latest evidence of the the sister ship of the Bismarck, adviser. He also famous supplied voyages, The Latin American spirit is given by the sister ship of the Bismark, volunteers visited oceans which divide the Tonga nation from nation will from the recent announcement of Bra raider par excelence. More, she families of his Chiefs and Head them the Friendly Islands aniong the Islands three times. He called bridged by the swift air flee zilian troops preparing to play would be the chief weapon of the future; to the radio sts of men, tribal warriors who had a designation still found in some tions of the world will be give theil part in the European collective action in the North thorough knowledge of Theatre of War. The living rock Sea should the day arrive when country and its many dialects. in 1777, lasted seven weeks. On the British chart. One of his visits, the opportunity of furtherir.
of political, diplomatic and mil. an all out. German naval offen.
understanding between distan The Emir also provided the leaving, he presented the Islands itary achievements by sive against the Allies would be horses while the Army supplied with a pair of land tortoises. Countries; speedier means and does not need justified.
communication will make fo to be beaten with a wand to two experienced British Officers one of which is living today.
Rigged as she is the German to closer contact between of ih command this Troop bring forth a further stream of Navy loses more than just one Mounted Volunteers, as well as ries, Europeans, mainly missionain settled the Tonga people of all nations, effort and potency, but it must ship when the Tirpitz is crippled. the arms, All this can be accomplishe not be forgotten that China with The risks of facing all ammunition and Islands in about the nineteenth other if the weapons we wield to. da her unarmed millions has with ships is grater now by equipment.
century during the long reign are well and reason stood the onslaught of the brutal of her loss. Add to these These Mounted Levies as they of King George Tubou Tonga wisely used a instruments of peace. In thei psy are krown, needed little train became a British protectorate in and treacherous Nippon for chological factors the doubt as to ing. They were all expert shots 1900 and has since adopted a use each one of us must play practically twice as long as the how long the Tirpitz must re and horsemen and in less than number of British constitutional part.
official period of the present main in a convalescent state a month from the time of join forms. Like Britain, it has Greatest World War. Among the and you have a fair idea of what ing their formation they WHERE had Parliament, a Privy Council and outstanding events of the past is pasing through the minds of taken up their duties, patrolling a Cabinet. American soldiers twelve months, one may look enemy naval authorities.
20. 000. 000 ARE the vast and varied frontier.
have been in the islands since with satisfaction upon the highly May, 1942.
WISELY RULED successful North African landtngs which erased Axis forces DO YOU KNOW. ORIENTALS ON THE When the Colonial Secretary from an entire continent and That the largest steel plani in Colonel Oliver Stanley, steppa gave the United Nations their the British Empire and ComQUOTA from his aircraft in Nigeria first foothold on to the outer the huge Tata ME LAUGH ALONG other day he monwealth is was greeted bastions of Nazidom sorely As President Roosevelt said Works at Jamshedpur entirely Sultans and Emirs. These me pressed European Fortress. That by the repeal of the Chinese financed and run by Indians.
YOU JAPAN, and others, with their chiefs an now rapidly diminishing Ger exclusion laws we can correct a their councils, HA! HA!
are responsidi man Citadel, is destined to historic mistake and silence the That the King African Rifles with advice from British official dwindle soon into a mere Nazi distorted Japanese propaganda, has an excellent band, trained by for the government and weifa cell. whose foul heart is already The second point is important: veteran Bandmaster Hurrell, who Native women on the island of about twenty million people eeasing to beat, thanks to the Whatever voluntary support the went to East Africa after the of Guadacanal in the Solomons very different state of continued and effective dagger of Japanese have in Asia they have last war and brought something have reaped than fairs existed in Nigeria less the one retribution which the RAF and cained from Orientals who of the traditions of Kneller Hall advantage from the Japanese fifty years ago. To Colonel (no her companions in bombing resented being treated in to tribesmen who turned literal defeat. The islanders searched Lord) Lugard had been sive are plunging into it. In the poli as inferior. The exclusión actly from the tom tom to the the beaches which were the the task of putting an end to th Lical field, the recent conferences specifically rates the Chinese trombone. The Band is constantly scenes of last year heavy fight tyranny of barbarous rule between the leaders of the Four below the natives of Paladin Nations resulted in recog. Its repeal will remove Europe, making successful tours through ing and, as a result now have whose power rested on wholesa, the enormous East Africa Com more kitchen utensils, in the executions of their subjects an nition that fullest weight and me that stigma, 11025 mand which comprises Kenya, shape of Japanese helmets. Sec religious rites which sacrifice rit should support that gallant and Otherwise it will have no Uganda, Tanganyika, Nyasaland, tions of Japanese collapsible masses of human victims. Wit unruffled Far Eastern Ally re practical Northern American Zanzibar, Rhodesia, boats mounted on wheels make a handful of British officers presented by her hard. fighting life or American labor. Chinese Madagascar and islands in excellent village handcarts brought about peace and order and adroit generalissimo, Presi. already legally resident will be Indian Ocean, as well as East Swords which once adorned HUMANE CHANNELS dent Chiang Kai Shek. Complete allowed to become citizens.
African Troops now stationed in Tojo officers are now used to It was no part of British polic, understanding was at last crys. About 100 a year will be ad the Middle East and Ceylon.
to destroy these native kinr dig potatoes, and the women tallised mutually between those mitted under the quota system wear bracelets made from the but simply to divert the ener of common tongue and their ideo That is all there is to it. Presi. That Trinidad is the British metal of crashed Zeros. The of their sovereigns into humai logically differing associates from dent Roosevelt believes that the Empire principal producer of and enlightened channels. When the season musical hit in further east. The culmination of Chinese have earned the pre petroleum, and exports sugar, Island is this had been accomplished, Lu song in these forces for justice and deferred status over certain other citrus fruits and wild rubber. An English which tells of the Ja sard worked out the system o cency is causing Hitler to shiver Oriental peoples. which Local Native the of Trinidad exportable surplus panese defeats. Each verse ends with dire anticipation of follow repeal measure will give them. of wild rubber is to be boucit with the derisive line, Me ore Indirect, Rule, as it is some ing the fate of his former Medi This will scarcely be denied. by the United States until the ha!
laugh along you Japani, terranean catspaw, who, elimi. But suppose that admission end of 1946.
Under this system, with ha. nated from active direction by under the quota system is ulti.
dance from British officials, th the rising tide of Italian regene mately extended to other Orien That the United Kingdom rulers and the councils hav ration been kicked to Gunga tals let us say the people of bears the bulk of the cost of delearned to deal wisely with the Din hot subterranean abode the Netherlands East Indies, the fence of the Colonial Empire; TOUGH GUYS own problems. Today they hav for Dictators by his Teuton dis Burmese and the Malays, but these territories pay only a little a very large measure of respon ciple. Nor can we close without obviously not the Japanese more than they did in peacetime, sibility for their internal finance mention of the gallant warriors Exact figures of the number which was generally under five couple of Australian in the establishment of schools of Marshall Tito Southern Sla who could be admitted are not percent, of their total budget. aviators had been shot down the building of roads and brid the ges, the introduction of via who go from success to suc available, but surely it would Britain gives financial help on and were floating around cess now that they are provided not exceed another hundred or a large scale for India defense, Pacific in their rubber boat crops.
with modern weapons. The pup. so annually. Two hundred Ori to the extent Wherever of millions of when a Jap submarine surfaced possible, ancien pet states of Central Europe also ental immigrants a year would pounds sterling, and bears the and its crew called on the avia laws and methods of justice hay preparing to follow the be unnoticeable in been kept. In the Emirs judicia our great cost of India troops abroad, tors to surrender.
example of Italy and to turn the population. But the friendship The flyers held a whispered courts, for instance, traditional weak poison of their fangs upon of the great Oriental peoples That India Army 1, 500, 000 conference.
ceremonies still take place; but the Hun charmer whose flutelike which we need for peace, world strong. is the largest volunteer That the stuff. said one to there is a modern note, for the notes no longer have the power order and mutually profitable army in the world! third of the other. Let em think we re typewriter, telephone and four to dull their reason.
commerce, ould be very notice. Vthis Army is now on active ser giving up. Then, when they get tain pen are used during the able indeed.
vice overseas.
close we ll ram em.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
more 20 effect on the a pidgin ney are

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