
If we would let love rule our lives at alį times, and practise the art of being kind, at a seasons, greed would then give place to fair dealing, competition to co operation and ill wil to friendship.
Editor: JOS THOMAS BOX 199 Year IX Limón, January 15th. 1944 NO 406 WEEKLY CASH ADVANCES SEEM THREE OF GERMANY LARGEST PLANE FACTORIES DESTROYED INDISPENSIBLE IN INTEREST OF OUR In competent circles, the obo, ECONOMIC SITUATION opinion exists that the North VIOLENT FIGHTING IN ITALIAN WAR ZONES American air units, which lib attacked important industrial Overcoming the violent re and Acquafondata mountains.
For quite a long period of years the employees centers in Germany on Wed sistence of the Germans The British and New Z:2 nesday last, have dealt the the vicinity of Cassino, for landers have improved that of the local Companies were facilitated with Nazis a terrible bow in coo ces of the Fifth penetrated positions to the north of weekly cash advances on account of their carnnection with their prepara the defence line of the tona and their patrols, pene ings. This enabled them to arrange their finantions against the expected stronghold and reached tha trating deeply in the German cial trarcactions on a similar basis, in which the Allied invasion.
heights of Monte Trochio, the lines, took numerous prisio merchants, the farmers, the teachers of the private Three of Germany mos.
ast natual barrier south system, and almost every other member of the important plane factories the position, and from which Powerful formations community participated. The system might also were virtually American bombing destroyed they are supposed to be dis North Those of Ochers eben, Ha. tant about three kilometers panes raided four enemy at have been given some consideration at the time berstadt and Brunswick. Va Their operations are along bases last Thursday in the the Popular National Lottery was established for rious other installations were both sides of the road which southern outskirts of Romo weekly drawings at the low cost of twenty five also badly damaged.
leads to Rome.
Wave after wave of the pla cents per number, to enhance the sale and encour.
In the aerial battle, which Attacking betdween the nes discharged heavy high ex age general support.
took ace during the raid. mountains to the north posive bombs causing great it is officially admitted that and northeast af Cassidestruction; several cuartels The prevailing demand for ready cash has attacking force lost sixty no, the French troops dis were also destroyed. given rise to an outcry by those who are now four machines and that 595 lodged the Germans form Other units of the aerial deprived of the weekly advances; and the substimen failed to return to their three important heights. Re forces attacked and serious tution of fortnightly and monthly payments seen home bases. The Nazis losspelling two enemy counte: damaged enemy słups in is placed at more than one attacks, they a so occupies Yugoslavian port. Sibenik to be the cause of much hardships which seriously affect our economic life.
hundred units, other heights in the Casal on the Adriatic.
None of the factories wi!
There are certain circumstances which cantor it is estimated, be able to MORE RUSSIAN SUCCESSES easily be separated from the general weekly cir restart operations until after culation of cash and our attention has been invi.
the expiration of several months probab y not befoThe Russian offensive continu protected the corridor of Pin ted to the important setbacks which threaten to re the anticipated Allied in es unbeaten. Pursuing their skin in the Higher region of engulf all classes. It has been stated that no one vasion takes place for this activities in the southernsec the Pripet marshes. This suc can do a greater service to his fellow creatures: reason, it is said, the destructor of white Russia, the troops ces has divided the enemy tion of the establishments captured Mozyr and Kalinko forces, who panic striken are than by so adjusting matters as to efford them has deprived the nation of vich, the fortificitions which said to be fleeing in disorder relief and some degree of comfort. The renewa!
hundreds of machines on After having occupied Tute of the weekly payments to all workers is popularly which they were relying to which they anticipate will vichi, eighteen kilometers west desired. We hope it will be granted.
repell aeria) attacks precede the invasion.
of Samy the First Ukranian ar my continue their operations Presidents Calderon Guardia an Somoza Confer.
HEROIC DEFENCE BY YUGOESLAVIAN PATRIOTS on the Kiev Odessa railroad while another column, under According to the San Jose, terview with General AnasThe more recent advices Projdor; and though their the orders of General Votutin press, President Calderón Guar tasio Somoza, the President irom the Yugoeslavjan war artillery continue the assault move northward from Dom dia left the Capital the day of the country, scimetime zones disclose that the Ger against the German position britza and are about 60 kilo beibre yesterday, by air trans yesterday.
mans have intensified their at Novo Mesto, it is believed meters to the south of Pinsk, portation, accompanied by his No information has yet pressure on three fronts of Marshal Tito will find it ne whose conquest will, it is stat aid de camp, Colonel Rigober been released regarding the great strategic importance, cessary to abandon his offened, condemn thousands of to Pacheco, and Major Hernán reason which necessitated the while Marshal Tito has dis sive as a consequence of the Germans to either death or Ortiz for the town of La Cruz conference, though it is sopatched reinforcements to off counter attacks by on the border of Nicaragua. mewhat generally presumed set the efforts of the enemy. Weich.
Effecting other movements From this point he is said to it was with respect to the eco He continues, however, The Nazis are said to he across the old Polish frontier have gone en to Piñas Blan nomic interests of both Redevelop operations in other attacking the positions of the the Ukranian troops have occas, in the neighbouring Rep publics.
Yugoslavs along a wide front cupied Korets and Kilikiey of ublic, where he held an inBeing obliged to abåndon in Eslovenia, and have in much military importance.
Jaice, the patriotic Warriors creased their activities in have retreated northward to Herzegovina, Notwithstan Sun in Eclipse on strengthen their other units, ding the difficulties the guie FOR SALE and are now engaged in vio rrillos are pursuing the offen 25th. Instant lent fighting with the Nazis sive in many parts with We note the very interest between Banja Luka and much success. Titled Property containing Forty (40) hectarea ing announcement that the of land, sun will be in eclipse pn the 25th. of the present month The cultivated areas, consist of 85 hectareas of well HOTEL HISPANO AMERICA and may be partially observed planted two years old. CACAO. 17 hectareas in good beating condition and, in addition two and a half (2 4)
City of Limon here, in Costa Rica, between hectareas with bearing cacao in need of cleaning.
the hours of 30 a. and four apartment building equipped with two kitchens Beautiofully situated in front the Sea.
12 noon. Astronomers are of aBarbecue and other home conveniences.
the opinion that this eclipse The Property is situated in the vicinity of Santa Maria Airy, Cool, Comfortable Rooms will be one of the grandest of at 15 42. Miles.
recent times.
Special Dining Room Service For further particulars apply We advise all who might WELL STOCKED BAR WITH NATIVE he interested in observing the AND FOREIGN LIQUORS solar phenomenon to get their 93 JOS. THOMAS smoked glasses ready with ERNEST CECIL LEWIS which they wlil be able Alfrost OFFICE BOX 199, LIMON Proprietor.
make the observation with greater facility.
the Vor capture.
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