
PAGE LA VOZ ATLANTICA SATURDAY, JANUARY 15th, 1944 JAMES DEHANEY ALICE MAUD WILLIAMS SEVERAL KEURINA at Quietly Solemnizes AMONG THE YULETIDE ENTERTAINING ITEMS CARD OF THANKS Wedding in ne airy and spaceras, the Aurora Borealis of both Resultant from the death of my loving father very enjoyable time was hal of the Universal Nego pioneering fame and the mospent in Siquirres a fortnight improvement Association, térnists. The spacious Libera this city, Messrs. Cras ty Hall bore its burden of the ago et the celebration of the Goulabourn great number of guests. The civil marriage of Miss Aimad and Mere words fail to adequately express the Thanks! Kates of Zent to Mr. were the promoters of a wel: melody makers were Profe: presented and merry dane sor Lebert Brown, the won.
owe the Personnel of the Wesleyan Methodist Church, wells. The ceremony was the Port Linon Branch of the Jamaica Burial Scheme u nChristmas Nighi, derful trumpeter; John Steperformed in the residence on Society and the numerous friends and sympathizers for the Bridegroom.
The fee teasing and senta ele, the savory saxophon st, the oral and written mediums of Cheer, Confort and Fonal rythm Riverside who a so played the clarionet The attractively aid ta.
Condolence, in those days of my bereavement. They westra supplod 15 dits at intervals; Stanley Beeks, ble shall ever be secured as my greatest Treasures.
was graced by Elder The Eagle Aces Friends the thrilling drummer; Syd em Farrell of the Seventh Clue took command of the ney Elliot, the fan, ous ceJOYCE DE HANEY Day Adventist Denomination Mark Parish Hai fro: Hoist; Charles Robinson, the fter which the small group midnight until Father St bango king, Shine, the traniLimon Costa Rica present passed thr: time twakened and started on hbone ace; Herbert Sinclair, tendering congratulatory eximportant duty on New and Palph White, the guita: pressions to the nappypal Year Morn. The Manage thrillers; White, the pheroand in the indulgence of vaIN FOND AND LOVING MEMORY ment generously freed th minal guadrille fiddler and rious games. We add our sinLadies of the existing quo Percy, the mighty blower oi cere congrats to Mr. and Mrs.
As mentioned on the invit Ithe clarionet, commonly ca of our dear caressing wite and mother Howels and hope they many tion cards, it was indeed. Hled the Black Stick which have a long and happy unior. The Tip Top Dance to ushe, gives off musical sounds.
in 1944. The Ha s accoinOn the same night Messrs.
modation was taxed to ts Walters and Stanley Wade.
who departed this lite on January 16th. 1938 DEATHS utmost capacity. The River with the Riversiders, intarThe information has reach side Orchestra dished out the tained their invitees in the Dear is the spot where our wife and mother lies, ed us that among those who enchanting swing music. Parish Hall. The medium of Cherished is the memory for her which will never died recently in the San Juan charm of the numbers pla invitation was very admirafade. Time passes, everything withers and dies, de Dios Hospital San Jose, are ved was In the blue but if others forget her, we never will we often brood o Be. particularly the lines.
the following who were, Evening and think of her, and with a strong faith that seemingly mar a heart was sad after the It not the gifts we gave; we ll meet in that Happy Land never more to part.
some time, associated with Ball our one.
It not the wish we send; Widower Daughter (Violet. Sons Francisco Barrantes AlvaThe Big Prize Quadrit But tis, the kindly thought (we price, rado, formerly of Siquirres Dance, sponsored by Messrs.
and 74 years old. He died on Crawiord and Gouldbourne, When friend remembers the 23rd, último on New Year night. proved (friend.
Nathaniel Brauron Brouron a great magnet which are IN FOND AND LOVING MEMORY (possibly Brown) 56 yeurs of age, who once resided in this of our dear mother and grandmother If your last Hair was not satisfactory. It is because city. He entered the hospi.
you did get is done at Dixon Barber Shop. West tal on 4th. instant and died of the City Merket.
on the 6th.
Ezequiel Shaw McKelly, 50 years of age and formerly of ho left us for the Grest Beyond on January 13th. 1943 Siquirres. He is said to have Hunger end thirst are no more felt, been the son of Henry Show Nor su nwith scorching ray.
and Martina McKelly. He died on the 3rd, instant Cod is her sen; hese chsering beams offers the Public Diffuse eiarnal day.
tomorrow, the 1Cth. The and, Lor. her soul be ever in Thy Protection usual divine services and COMPLETE ASSORTMENT Young People Programme John Gouldbourne (son) and Grand Children of Boards and other Lumber in will be in evidence. The Rev. Forde, Pastor of the CEDAR and LAUREL Church, will be the preacher FROM MATINA All the adherents of the UNDERTAK CABINET AND Lowest Prices in City The annual Harvest Fes denomination and friends are ING SHOP. Specializes in mak vel Services, in ing and repairing furniture and connection specially urged to attend the NICANOR GAMEZ Sucs.
every other branch of the Matina Baptist services.
work. Coffins always stocked Church, will be conducted Well Wisher.
See us before going elsewhere Priecz moderate. 4th Street, entrance to Gamez Lumber Yard. SYDNEY BECKFORD, Mansger.
ELIZA BARRETT LUMBER YARD GAMEZ wood. with LA PROVEEDORA a WORKSHOP OF QUALITY AND ECONOMY, Everych ing in machinery made ol repe. ed, from a Pin to Crai e, See us. We carry an assu tment of Beds, Springs and her useful things at all times. Building Nº 89 NB Fifth Avenue.
Thenson, Proprietor.
NEW HARLEM BAR AND RESTAURANT. The Best ir in prepared by CrawLord and Grant, Genuine nat ve and fore gn liquors stocked Our Cusine service the most up to date.
Crawford and Grant, Offers you Correct Weight, Lower Prices, resh Merchandise and Courtesy Condensed Milk, large 35 Cacao XXX, lb.
Lard, lb. 70 Nugget Shoe Polish, tin, Banquet Sardines, tin. 75 Crisco, lb.
Camay Soap Tuna Fish, tin almolive Soap 70 Sapolio Vinagre, bot Wire Sponges Quaker Oats, tin 75 Coffee, Ib.
Floor Polish, lb.
Brooms All Polish, tin 50 Starch, lb.
Baking Powder, lb. 00. Carbide, lb.
Sweet Qil, bot. 25 Cake Sand, ounce PROPOVEEDORA. Puerto Limon. 85 C0. 45 25 50 00 25 1. 80 C70 100 50 50 Sistem Nacion de bibliotec ter to misterio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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