
SATURDAY, JANUARY 15th. 1944 LA VOZ ATLANTICA Muerte en las Playas NOTICE Aadress all your Eng.
Para todos sus trabajos ineering Requirements to de ingeniería dirijase a ROIG BOX 523. Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 2929 SAN JOSE Charges Reasonable Precios Módicos JAPAN PRESSED TO ATTACK RUSSIA By way of Cairo, Egypt, co during which he pleaded that mes the information that Japan initiate the attack imHitler is exercising every pos mediately, as sooner or later sible effort to pursuade Ja the Allieds wili unite in the pan to launch an attack Pacific area, so the Japanese against Vladivostock and other should act now.
Russian paints along the The move on the part of frontier of Manchukuo. Hitler is, of course, regarded The Nazi Dictator is said as an effort to stave off the to have had several conteren total elimination of hisarmies ces, recently, with the Jajal on the western war fronts.
nese Ambassador, Ushima, lozim Diction OL our self.
so RENEWED INVASION BY WEE WEE ANTS We are again in receipt of ral agricultural interests Fuerzas de la Infantería de Marina de los Estados Unidos y del Ejército de Nueva the information that severa! our Zone.
Zelandia desembarcando en las playas de una isla del Pacífico ocupada por los japoneses.
of the cultivators in the Zen: Dos de los soldados que murieron en el asalto yacen al borde del agua, mientras que sus compañeros se internan en la espesura para decoliar al enemigo.
District, particularly at Cuba PRODUCED Creek, are in peril conse: SUSPICION his children or his friend quent on the renewed inva. 85, 945 PLANES IN 1943 with the secret that throbe sion of the Wee Wee ants, which has intensified to such With the production of the However necessary it may been taught to avoid fraud in his breast and the auxie a degree that many of the huge total of 85, 945 war plabe to safe break into his passage by having suffered or seen ties which farmers are on the point, we nes last year, the United through ways beset, on all treachery; or he must der, face. To avoid, at this ex: learn, of abandoning their States of America established sides by fraud and malice, ve his judgment from the pense, those evils to which Suspicion is a token of de consequences of his own diseasiness and friendship might efforts to keep agoing. a new and outstanding record.
pravity and corruption when position, and imputę to others have exposed him, is surely the affected arca have All the agriculturists in Despite this enormous total, it exceeds the common men the same inclinations which to buy safety at too costly a De the authorities in Washingsures, says a well known he feels predominant in him iterated their willingness to ton declare the production rate, and, in the language of auther.
the Roman satirist, to purchase, to the best of their will reach a much higher tisave Greek financial abilities, whatever gure this year.
writer laid it life by losing all for which down, he tells us, that he Suspicion is, we are fur a wise man woud live.
destroying solution our high who believes not another or ther assured, a temper. ly esteemed Minister of WORD FROM his oatth, knows himself to uneasy and restless, that it Suspicion is also regarded Agriculture may have preand direct for sale LIVERPOOL be perjured. We should is very justly appointed the as just as great an enemy to pared he goes on for our opi concomitant of guilt. It is virtue as it to happiness. He to them. direct solicitation Liverpool was visited on the nions of that which we know said that no torture is equal who is aready corrupt, is can be effected, wa gather 9th. instant by Mr. Fernando not, only be placing them into the inhibition of sleep known to be naturally suspi through our Municipal Fat Asch and some of the Manacomparison with something long continued; a pain tdcious will quickly be corrupt. hers and behalf of the gene ging Personnel of the Cacaowithin our knowledge; for he which the state of that man Co operative Association, who is full of suspicio and bears a very exact analogy.
when the arms and objects of detects articfice and strate who dares never give rest to For a much better Hair Cut or Shaves go to Dixon the new project were forceBarber Shop. West of the City Market.
gem in every propesal, must his vigilance and circums: fully explained by Mr. Asch.
either have learned, by ex pactioné but considered him The meeting held was well perience or observation, tre self surrounded by attended, and almost every WATER FACTORY wickedness of mankind, and foes, and fears to entrust WAR BRICES cultivator of the district submitted his name for CHANGE OF DATE IN RE OPENING OF SCHOOL It has been officially admitted FABRICA de HIELO y bership. The election of the REFRESCOS Officers for the Liverpool Due to the unfortunate that the results of the exa that up to the 23rd, of Decem Branch resulted as falloms extended illness of Major Tho mination, he at the close ber ultimo, the losses occasioLimón President, Mr. Clement; Vi mas Lynch, we have been of the school year, will Lened the North Americans on advised that it has become made known and the Prizes all the war zones were 16, 415 FLORIDA ICE AND ce President, Mr. Graham; Secretary, Mr. Henry; necessary to chang. the date distributed On th: even men killed, 38, 916 wounded, FARM CO Assistants, Messrs. Brown for the re opening of the ing of Sunday the 23rd 25, 415 taken prigioners and and Gray. They were insSalvation Army Day School instant. Parents, Guardians 24, 067 missing from the 17th, to Moa day and friends are cordially in LA Reports leaving Italy by way talled in their respective posiFLORIDA tions.
the 24 th. instant.
of Madrid state the Fascist Re It has also been announced MADERAS publican Governmenthad ann FABRICA DE HIELO Local wrespondent.
ounced that Rome had ceased to be the capital of Italy that the senate, the State Depart ments, the Banks and other BROWNE ABRAHAMS public offices had been clos CIUDAD DE LIMON ed and the personnel sent to (Contigua All America Cables. the North of the country.
VENTA DE MERCADERIAS GRAN SURTIDO DE LATERIA FINA An official announcement sta DEPOSITO DE AZUCAR LOS MAS BAJOS PRECIOS tes that the Fifth andEighth Mercaderías en General Armies had taken eight thou Apartado 362 HAGANOS UNA VISITA sand Germans prisioners in Jutio Soldevilla Propietario Italy since the 3rd September LIMON secre: mem, LA CENTRAL last year Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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