
PAGE 10 LA VOZ ATLANTICA SATURDAY, JANUARY 15th. 1944 Voladura de un Barco Japonés Limón Trading Company PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR Dried Ipecac Root Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra RUBBER REMEMBER WE PAY THE BEST PRICES pesar de sus esfuerzos desesperados para escapar este barco japonés fué volado desde muy poca altura por un bombardero mediano de los Estados Unidos en el suroeste del Pacífico. La foto fué tomada en el momento preciso en que la bomba estallaba sobre el barco.
on BACKACHE GOES Edna Lord were the witnesses. when kidneys are active again!
gold FROM GUACIMO much credit to the choirmas ter and others who prepared YULETIDE WEDDING the fect of the merry parta.
the entertainment: Mr. Stoskers on the move until the The Harvest Festival Ser phen Hunter and the orga It is generally accepted out, humorously, be Bride and wee hours of Thursday morn vices of the Guacimo Baptist nits, Mrs. Josphine Watson that the Sun starts to brighten Groom, Expressions of since ing.
Church were conducted on and Miss Etis Reid.
and rule the day at the hour re congratulation were show The Atlantic Voice ten Sunday the 9th. instant by Among the reciters were of six each morning, when in wered abundantly the ders its heart felt congratu the Rev. Forde. The di the Misses Daisy, Emy, Una, service. So under its influence, newly weds. After the cn lations to Mr. and Mrs. Car vine worship earned the Hortence, Etis, Rita, Master A very fashionable wedding clusion of the ceremony at negie, and wishes them o usual solemnity and there Lloyd, Ranny and Albert.
was solemnized in the St. the sumptuous feast table, Pro lengthy union killed with life was a true representation of the choristers were won Mark Church on the morn fessor Lebert Brown and his choicest happiness and prbs Harvest.
The significance derfully attuned to the fesing of Wednesday the 22nd. Boys tock command and kept perity.
of the important celebration tival and lustily chanted th ultimo did not wane, in the least, anthems and hymns.
The spousal Knot between at the Young People after Miss Gertrude Simers and Mr.
noon programme. All the An Observer Albert Carnegie was effected participants splendidly acquiby the Rev. James Evans.
tted themselves and gave BIRTH ANNIVERSARY Mr. James Messarm and Miss CELEBRATED The Bride Tomorrow Harvest elegant fashion, furnished If you suffer frequently from Happy Birthday were the from a combination of rich backache you can be fairly Festival words of cheer heard in the tafeta variegated with certain that Kidney Troubie is and silver flowers and resting of the hardest worked organs to blame. The kidneys are two residence of Mr. Charles LeTomorrow, Sunday the wis of the Jamaica Town Seon a costly satin background. in your body. They act 16th. the Guiding Star Lod ttlement, on the occasion of This exquisite fitting was the as the body filters prege of the Independent Order the birth anniversary lof Mrs: artistic accomplishment of venting impurities and lof Good poisons from escaping Samaritans and Lewis, on the night of Monday Mrs. Muriel Hayling. The into the blood. Weak Daughters of Samaria will the 10th of the current bride carried a bouquet of and sluggish kidneys observe their Harvest Festi month.
fragrant liles. Osmunda re cannot do this important val in the Hall of the golis and Jose job properly. Not until those Odd Fellows Lodge, situakidneys are active again can The commemorative affair beauty rose.
you be certain of getting relief ted opposite the Headquar brought together many relafrom aches and pains.
Shartly after ofd Man Sol arluat is why De Witt Kidney and ters of the Salvation Army, tives and friends, and the time commencing at three o clock spent can be rightfully classihad given up his day illumi Bladder Pills are prepared especially to act directly on the kidneys. Quick special programme, nation, a reception was held relief from backache follows the first in fied as a period of wholesome which Churcalamusement. The entertainin the attractive apartments doac for that very reason. Within 24 of Mesdames James Scott and Pills get to the source of your trouble bours of your first dose, De Witt Choirs will, we are told, paring features, in the Alvina Smith, where a number the kidneys. You will have positive, are helped back to healthy activity again. ticipate, will be presented. refreshments, puoved the hovisible proof of this direct action. Poisons and impurities are filtered out ol Judging from the invitations nouree a charming hostess.
of invitees assembled. The Once in the kidneys, the beneficial inthe bloodstreanı. Your backache and joint pains quickly vanish.
said to be issued to other Rev. Evans invoked the bless gredients in De Witt Pills set to work The ATLANTIC VOICE. soothing inflammation, healing and If you suffer with backache don be fraternal organizations, stand wishes Mrs. Lewis many more Ing at the festive board. The restoring. At the same time, a remark content with half measures. Get at the such anniversaries coupled responsible duties of Master Rble internal antiseptic clears the kidneys teal cause of the trouble with De Witt ingroom should be at a pre of all clogging impurities and poisonous Pills and enjoy quick relief from those mium, if the true fraternall with the continuation of her of Ceremonies were effecti matter. In a very few days your kidneys weakening, nagging attacks.
spirit be demonstrated.
life of piety vely carried through by Mr.
Jos. Thomas. The Movelty of catching the Bride bouIf your last Hair was not satisfactory. It is because you quet was the triumph of Miss did get it done at Dixon Barber Shop. West of the Lawrence, while that of Specially for Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Joint Pains and Kidney Troubles City Market.
cutting the Cake was carried Obtainable everywhore, Prices 36 and 6 Start to get well TO DAY Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Snowy San one of the way of De Witts KIDNEY BLADDER Pills AND


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