
SATURDAY, JANUARY 8TH. 1944 LA VOZ ATLANTICA PAGE 11 09893 Actividad Nocturna THE RED CROSS AMBULANCE FUND SOY It pleases us exceedingly Cañas, the President of the to state that the egnbibu Limon Auxiliary Committee tions to the Limon Red Cross and we note with much it Ambulance Fund, as detailed terest that as the outcome elsewhere in this issue, have the herculian efforts of Mrs reached the highly apprecia Cañas, don Alfredo and ted sum of 7399 po onest and others, the sale of the num 90 cents.
bers for the drawing produ The great scheme of the ced the magnificent sum raffle of a serie of the Naw six hundred and eighty tional Lottery Tickets, con lones. Limon heartily than ducted on the 1991. ultime them.
originated with don Alfredo OS 91 NOTICE!
our Marta Pacheco Villalobos, widlow of the late Attorney Albino Villalobos, by this medium, advises all El resplandor producido por el disparo de un potente cañón calibre 155 del ejército persons who may, at this time, have pending judicial or norteamericano dibuja las siluetas de los soldados y árboles en una posición en el frente other business masters which were being transacted by italiano. La precisión de estos cañones de alto calibre ha sido de gran utilidad para the said Albino Villalobos, that the Attorney Guillermo destrozar las defensas nazis.
Goebel Yglesias, who practises in this city, is underak Jones ing the termination of such transactions and is hereby authorized to effectcollections of such sums of money RESOLUTION OF CONDOENCE another life, your dear father, which in judgment of balances, an according to the documents in his power, appear today, by discovery, for mother, yourself and we, too professional services rendered by my husband, and to January 8th. 1944 uable asset will afford a me. reunion, where partings fare will gather again in a sweet receive the amounts and extend, in my name, the coMiss Joyce Dehaney dium of consolation, rresponding cancellations.
Limon We have resolved that in Commending you do Him, MARTA PACHECO DE VILLALOBOS.
Dear Miss Dehaney re death of your father and who doeth all things well, we Whereas it has pleased the ur comrade, the great central GUILLERMO GOEBEL YGLESIAS.
remain in the tenderest affec Almighthy Father to remove fun of your young life has tion.
Limon. December 18th. 1943.
from this mundane sphere one down, and that our soAntonio McFarlane, BULLET your dearly beloved father, ciety has lost the influence of Secretary Mr. James Dehaney, wł this rays, hence we truly, dee IN THEIR HOME was also our loving brother ly sympathize with you in ti is the Chairman of the Port Li afiliction.
PERSONAL The new home of the Cased.
Whereas, we acknowledge The occupancy was efmon Branch, Nº 134, of the Jamdica Burial Scheme So the affliction is God s, it has cao Co operative Association facted on Monday of the week We much regret having to is the very spacious, imposing in course.
ciety and we are quite com been resolved at our general prehensive of the fact that assembly on the evening of the report the il ness of Mr. Ma: edifice, formerly of Messrs, The acquirement of this lachi Walker, a well known Guillermo Niehaus and Co building is a valuable asset noising can make amend for 6th. instant, to communicate citizen. He, unfortunately, which has been assigned to the agricultural activities the great loss you have sus this medium of sympathy to took ill while at his work at them by the Custodians of of our province and will, un.
session tained, we deeply realize, from tu, at which having passed through simi heads were bowed for two mi 25 Miles and had to be trane Enemy Property. The buil doubtedly, benefit the Repuferred to the local hospital. cing central position no Com blic, in general.
lar bereavement in the lossnutes meditation and comIt is hoped his recovery wil of some dear ones, that mere mended his spirit to God, remerce Avenue, directly in Don Raul Velazquez, the words, wholly fail to cheer solved to place a copy of this soon be effected.
front the city market, and peopeliant spirit of the Coyour almost broken heart, yet condolence on the face of the within easy reach from the operative movement is nowva In like manner, we men wharves and railway freight guest of our city for an inde we cannot but that Ixiety Minutes as a lastingtion that Mr. Peter hope Muir heart felt sympathy of the memorial station add greatly to its use finite stay. We extend him a mabership of four Society, in Let us hope, however, that though not altogether recotulness for the purpose for kingly greeting and hearty vered from his very sudden which its occupation is intend welcome to our communal life.
wasch your father was a va in the golden sun txer and delicate affliction, retur ned eight days ago from San It is just nctural and somewhat right that when you Jose, where he had been visit the To the lines or coast, you should call ar Dixon Bart Shop for a Hair Cut or Shave West undergoing special medical CONVALESCING AT HOME of the City Market.
treatment. We wish him coni NOE pete and speedy recovery.
Mrs. Susan Morrison, onc, Capital, is now convalescing Momento Solemne It is very encouraging of the employees of the ge at her residence in this city, mention that Major Thomas nia! General Manager of the under the care of her sister Lynch, after having under Northern Railway Company, and other relatives.
gone a very technica! surgi after experiencing a very Her complete recovery, cal treatment in the Clinica Isevere period of illness in within the nearest future, is Biblica in San José, is much, one of the hospitals in thel our carnest wish.
roved and exrected to re ere this note Season. After an absence of, nesday of the past week PPGIS rint.
many years he arrived in resume his duties with an im time to attend the marriage portant business firm is the it was very gratifying tu of his daughter, the present neighbouring Republic of Pa.
have had our good old Limc Mrs. Charles Gourzong, and nama. We wish him contis, Mr. Jolins wylor, spend the merry Saison with nued success.
with us during the Yu el la his family. He left on Wed.
65, 000 LAUNCHES FOR INVASION OF EUROPE English Tweeds Sergs can still be had at The Sub Secretary of the der to guarantee the success Reasonable Prices at North American Marine De of the proposed invasion of JACK ORANE Sucs El padre Edmund Skoner, capellán en la fuerza aérea del Ejército de los Estados Unidos con el rango de Capitán, partment has declared it will Europe.
da su bendición a un grupo de artilleros momentos antes de be necessary to quickly. com It was said that 20, 000 of THE PEOPLE HOUSE éstos despegar desde un aeródromo en Inglaterra para plete the fonstruction of the required 60, 000 launchas Limon lanzar su destructiva earga contra las fábricas nazis.
145, 000 landing launches in or had already been built.
of SARIS SU Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa Rica.


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