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PAGE 12 ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, JANUARY 8TH. 1944 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN FIJI WARRIORS 26 PUSTWAR MO BETTERMENT FOR THE ង រ When war broke out ther, WEST INDIES LOLOTOS SH were in most parts of the Colo nial ge Empire small voluntees pone PEA IN VERSE IN THE INTERESTS OF units of the Army recruited from Some time before the outbreak Europeans and native peoples of the war, a Royal Commission These units GUAMOLLS were immediately was set up by the British Gov.
ANGLO AMERICAN ACCORD strengthened, in ៩៨៦L. some cases ernment to study ways and mobilised, LOL316101 and the volunteerg means of improving economic SODIO AUGUST 19 were given two months intensive conditions in the Caribbean posX doo training. Conditions in the Colo sessions. Development and Wel.
nies were much the same DGLASS as fare schemes amounting to a they were in this country. Col total commitment of some 744 nial volunteers had to sacrific million were already operating their leisure hours to training Dom in, addition to forward purchasand at the same time ensure that ing of the Jamaican banana Theese lines are dedicated to a man More than our patriotism is concerned work ni vital. war production crop, the payment of bonuses to met in Glasgow, an American.
In this grim chaos. Everything we believe, did not suffer.
West Indian labour, and other He was an Army officer, not old, Everything we inherit, all our past The defence organisation measures tending to alleviate In the late twenties. If the truth were told Yesterdays, todays, tomorrows, cast large areas of the Colonial Em the increase in living cost. Na. great deal younger than he thought he was Into the holocaust. Do not deceive pire is often undertaken jointiy turally upon the cession of air. mention this ironically because Yourself. This is no opportunity by units of the fighting forces bases in these Islands to the After we had a drink or two he said For showing off; no moment to behave and volunteer defence forces, In United States, that country also Something so naive, so foolish, that fled. Arrogantiy. Remember, all are brave East Africa, for instance, the had to increase its interest in This was December, nineteen forty two. ho fight for truth. Our hope is unity.
world famous King Africa: local conditions and study the He said: We re here to win the war for you! Do not destroy this hope with shallow words. Rifles, resulted from the Eeas problems arising from conside.
The future of the world is in our hands African dependencies, are rein rable transfers of labour and Now listen m a Britisher.
If we remain together. All the lands forced by part time volunteers material to constructional rather love America and know it well.
That long for freedom; all the starving herds of the East African Defence than land work. special know to fine tradition, much of its land Of tortured Europe look to us to raise Force. In many places the native Committee was therefore esta From California to Maine. know the Them from their slavery. Don undermine inhabitants have had to accus.
blished which in logical course grandi sweep of the Colorado The values of our conflict with a line, tom themselves not only to novel merged with the Royal Commis. Mountains, the sweet smell of lilae in An irritating, silly, boastful phrase!
conditions of training but also slon already functioning, and Cannecticut; dose my eyes to new equipment and clothing.
thus the Anglo Americtn Cari And see the glittering pageant of New Remember m a Britisher.
The advent of modern battle.
bbean Commission came into York blāzing against the evening know my country faults. Its rather slow dress, for example, has obliged being, when it was found ad sky, walkis Superior assumptions; its aloof the Fijians to abandon their visable to organise all the Cari. In memory, along Park Avenue, over the rise Conviction of its destiny. The proof traditional fuzzy coiffure, kilts bbean countries to work as a Before Grand Central Station; then Broadway Of its true quality also know, and bare feet. But, in tin hats single unit at least for the dura. Seared by the hard, uncompromising glare This lies much deeper. When we stood alone, and Army boots, they look more tion of the war. This Commis of noon, the crowded sidewalks of Times Square Besieged for one long, agonizing year, warlike than ever, and their sion, whose 94 page report just So disenchanted by the light of day The only bulwark in our hemisphere enthusiasm and efficiency published shows how much has with all the sky signs dark, before the night Defying tyranny. In this was shown made a deep impression on the already been effected by labour Brings backe the magic. Or can wait The temper of our people. Don forget New Zealand troops who serve transference, block forward crop High on a hill above the Golden Gate That lonely year. It isn lease or lend with them in Fiji.
phrchases by and and To sea a ship pass through. could recite Or armaments, or speeches that defend the introduction of certain indus All the States of the Union, or at least The principles of living. There no debt its think could. ve seen the autumn flame trial plants will continue Between your land and mine except that year, IN EVERY THEATRE studies and act as adviser to the Along the upper Hudson. could reclaim All our past errors, all our omisslve sins We cannot claim to be victo local authorities and main. know East, Must be wiped out. This war no nation wins.
rious in this total war until we to Remember that when you are over here have won a total victory in every forward in emergency such me Flat plains of lowa; the South in spring, Also remember that the future peace asures as may be necessary to The painted streets of Charleston echoing of war, and the Prime Minister For which we re fighting cannot be maintained has told us that the defeat maintain the improved standards Past elegance. know with pride By wasting time contesting who has gained already attained, and to Japan may take some little time carry The friendship of Americans, that clear, kind, Which victory. When all the battles cease after Hitler has sufftred a dic these principles forward into the Motiveless hospitality; the warm, Then, if we ve learned by mutual endurance, tator fate.
future. The AACC is pursuing Always surprising, always beguiling charm By dangers shared, by fighting side by side, It is for that that we must an essentially long term policy, of being made to feel at home. find, To understand each other, then we ll forge a pride, intended to provide permanent And have found, all the times that ve returned, Not in ourselves, but in our joint assurance spare no effort. To tolerate slack.
betterment in the islands and to This heartening friendliness. Now comes the war. To the whole world, when all the carnage ends, ness or complacency at this sta take advantage on their behalf Not such a simple issue as before.
That men can still be free and still be friends.
ge of the war just because the COLLO 20 SUS fall of Germany becomes of all the facilities which once daily more certain, would be to betray more come into operation when the cause for which we fight peace returns. few of these We cannot relax our efforts un.
possibilities which may be cited 7215 the here are simplification of interWORK til each and every one of BACK TO LIFE tyrants and warmongers (of island travel and transport bet19 160 To GO whom Japan was the first) has ween British End North Ameri. 333 SE have no fear of the future. War has brought back to life been destroyed. It is to that end ou can possessions, increased public doctor, his shoulder crushed Let us go forward into its mys the British flax industry. From that we must work and figi works, combined public health by falling masonry refused to teries, let us tear aside the veils a total acreage of 400 in 1939, it and pray.
measures and medical aid, ex. leave his post until he had at which hide it from our eyes, has grown to 52, 000 and new pansion of tourist traffic and special broadcasts and instrucs him. woman factory tended to the wounded around and let us move forward with factories have been equipped THIRD WAR. worker confidence and courage. The and opened throughout the tional programmes from both clocked in for the morning shift, Prime Minister.
country to handle the abundant Unconditional surrender of the London and Washington.
although the home she had lived harvests and prepare flax for the enemy is the least will ac in for twenty five years had been Blows struck heavily at the manufacture of war weapons. cept. We can only dictate such a shattered by a bomb the night right moment may be decisive Pictures and models of Welpeace if our victory is entire it befort.
in ending the war and now is the lington Bombers and Swordfish the enemy, whether he be white right moment. To falter at this Torpedo Bombers draw attention or yellow, is beaten to his knees This is service that cannot be stage is to impose a fresh sacrl. to the use of flax woven fabric wherever he may be found. The measured by the ordinary terms fice of life upon the soldiers, in their construction. ARP hose partial victory which half heart. DEMOCRATIC of employment. There is no sailors and airmen of the United is woven from flax and nothing edness might bring would be extra pay for heroism. To uch Nations, a sacrifice which we else of its light weight TRIUMPH could useless. It would only mean thtt people uncomplaining endurance can, by our own efforts, save. stand up to the terrific water the enemy was given a breath is all in the day work. Neither Sir Stafford Cripps.
pressure. Thousands of miles of ing space to regroup his forces The maintenance of the free hardship nor glory can fall hose have been used by the Na and to prepare for yet a third dom of the press in total war equally in war. Some face Every provision has to be tional Fire Service to save our world war. From that we must has been one of the triumphs of brunt of the battle, others long made for the last, and very towns and cities from destruc protect our children and oursel the British democratic system, hours of work that may, at likely prolonged, phase of the tion.
brought about by mutual trust times, seem monotonous enough titanic struggle that will be Let us act therefore wlah re.
between the government and the to blunt even the edge of pa facing us in 1944, and we should solution and with courage, deter.
newspapers. While giving up triotism. There is fortitude at not be doing our duty if we mined that whatever the fifth none of its peace time liberties home as well as in the field. It either gave way to sentiment in We are at the beginning of a or even the sixth year may bring the responsibilities of the war is unselfish service, the deter this stage of the war or failed new era of good will, and Anglo we shall not falter or give way, the British press has shoulderedmination to hold on, that turns to take every precaution, whate. American unity is the linchpin, but that every day will set the and welded itself into a power an ordinary job into a crusade ver class of citizen may be af of the new world. Dr. intensification of the struggle ful weapon.
for freedora, fected. Mr. Ernest Bevin. Mellon.
against tyranny and aggression.
governments in order the speca The West, the Middle Wesley the orth the wide.
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