
KECA THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE occuManners are of more importance than laws.
Upon them, in a great measure, the laws de.
pend. The law touches us but here and there, Editor: JOS THOMAS BOX 199 now and then. Manners vex or soothe, currupt Year IX Limon, January 22nd. 1944 NO 407 or purity, exalt or debase, barbarie or refine us by a constant steady, uniform insensible RUSSIANS DEFEAT GERMANS ON LE INGRADE FRONT operation. They give their whole form and ofcolour to our lives. According to their quality After several days of the Russian armies have reg ste Leningrade front. The most violent fighting the red important gains on the fensive is said to have been they aid morals; they supply them or they launched in two distinct sec totally destroy them WINSTON CHURCHILL IN LONDON fors. the one of the Baltic, west of Leningrade and Completely recovered south of Kronstadt, the ot POSSIBLE RESUSCITATION from his illness, the British her of Volkhov, between OF BANAN INDUSTRY Premier, Winston Churchill, Deningrado and Novgorod.
General Govoroy the Com arrived in London last Tuesmander of the Northern for!
day. Though no Quite a ray of hope looms on the horizon announcement had been made regar ces reported the destruction with respect to the resuscitation of our Banana of the Nazi defence lines ding his return a large num Industry.
ber of persons awaited him and permanent fort:fications at the railway station.
As was mentioned in our last issue, the Pan and the capture of the imA few hours later he appeared portant positions of Krasno American Commercial Company, domiciled ye Selo and Roksha. In the in Mexico, are interested in the matter of pursuddenly in the House of Commons, where he course of this offensive ser chasing our fruit and asked to be informed the was given a warm reception.
ven German divisions were destroyed and a large quan quantity we could give them. They have been It will be remembered tity of artillery seized. The told, we learn, that they can get about fifty that the distinguished Britis her left England during the Premier Churchill enemy killed totalled, it is thousand stems per month. This estimate, is latter days of last November stated, 20. 000 men. Peter of course, based on existing conditions as the to confer with President len ill of pneumonia on the hof, the old Versalles of the cultivations have been practically abandoned Roosevelt and Premier Sta 112th. December, which neCzars has also been lin in Cairo and Teheran. cessitated his remaining a. viets. The offensive in this quiry has stirred great enthsiasm among oui pied by the successful Sosince the suspension of exportations. The enHe was reported to have fal broad somewhere, sector of the fighting fronts cultivators, and we take it, it would not be long is destined, we are told, to ON THE ITALIAN WAR FRONTS before much larger quantities were available.
el minate the enemy from the entire northern regions.
Despite the many efforts undertaken, our British troops are report The city of Piza on the The divisions under Genel economic interests have been severely shaken ed continuing their ferocious western coast was heavily ral Ivan Bagramyan have since the closing down of the industry, it is activities to extend their po attacked by Allied a un ts reached a point a little more sition along the river Guari Important railroad installa than 100 kilometers from therefore sincerely hoped that all who can in gliano on the coastal región tions in the vic nity of Flo the frontier of Letonia, whi any way aid the desire of the Pan American while the North American rence have also been seriousle the operat ons of those Commercial Company will wholeheartedly do and French pursue their at ly damaged.
under General Vatutin have so. In so far as the difficult matter of ocean tacks along the Gustav line The town of Minturno, si penetrated further into Po transportation is concerned, it is pleasing to further inland.
tuate two miles off the coast land, and also repelled the note the announcement that the war Shipping Consequent on the cutting and on the principal road intensive efforts of the Na.
of all the railroad lines, by leading to Rome, has fallen zis to check their advance Control Authorities have advanced their will Alied air units, Rome is under the control of the in the direction of Rumania. ingness to assign the required amount of ton.
said to be at present with Fifth Army, as also the two Novgorod, the impor nage.
out the means of commnica other heavily fortif ed ene tant district located to the ting with the north of the my positions of Tufo and north of Lake Ilmen and country.
one hundred miles southFortified positions to the General Clark offensive east of Leningrade and cros GENERAL TITO INJURED northeast of Cassino are re movements have so disorga sed five important ported captured by the nized the enemy defences railroads, has been taken by, by way of Cairo, An unconfirmed advice, of the port of Spalato, their French troops, while the that they are said to be ef the troops of the north So the information that Generests of the Allied activities released loss will also affect the inte north Americans, having ef fecting a general retirement, viet army. It is estimated fected the crossing of the ri the while the Fifth ral Tito, the famed Chief of we are told.
are that 300 thousand Germans ver Rapido, it is expected advancing northward at the Yugoeslavian patriotic The districts of Kotor, Va are threatened with annihila the important district will rapid rate it is stated.
warriors had been wounded ros and Foca in Bosnia hation as the result of these o in an engagement in Monte ve been occupied by the Yu shortly be dominated.
perations unless they can ef பபMHA fect their retirement to the negro. No details were gi goslavs, and reserves have Baltic countries. During the been dispatched to the pro NOTICE patriots have suffer: vince of Lika where two di last two months the Ger ed a sensible loss, it is thou visions of Germans are said mans are said to have lost Aadress all your Eng Para todos sus trabajos 550. 000 ght by the occupation of to be endeavouring to break men and 000 ineering Requirements ro de ingeniería dirijase a tanks on the various Russian let, off the coast of Dalma the islands of Brac and Su through to the coast. ROIG Fighting of a ferocious fronts.
the character is reported pro BOX 523. Telétonos 5319, 3201, or 2929 of of SAN JOSE importance for the defence Fiume.
Charges Reasonable Precios Módions ROME BOMBED DISSOLUTION OF JUAN VIÑAS CUGAR AND London states that a DNB BROWNE ABRAHAMS COFFEE ESTATES CO radio broadcast had announ ced that Allied planes had VENTA DE MERCADERIAS According to the San Jo ve been taken at an extraor during the early morning nse Press, it is noted that the dinary general meeting of hours of last Thursday, bom DEPOSITO DE AZUCAR long established and widely the Shareholders held on bed the outskirts of Rome.
e known Juan Viñas Sugar the 15th. instant. Messrs. Much damage is sa to haApartado 362 and Coffee Estates Compa Cecil Vernor Lindo and ve been effected by the lar ny is to be dissolved. Stanley Alexander Lindo ha ge number of explosive and LIMON The decision is said to ha ve been named Liquidations, incendiary bombs.
by a ven.
tia. by the German strategie gressing in the sector Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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