
PAGE LA VOZ ATLANTICA SATURDAY, JANUARY 22nd. 1944 THOUGHTS FROM AFAR NO Таиро галт was peeping through a bramble a little wild white rose, Where the shoeblack hedge was planted my garden to enclose.
All bevond was sun and shadow all within ws fern and rose, And a wealth of promised beauty stored around.
Limón Trading Company I was peeping through ax the bramble a little wik! white rose, Where the shoeblack hedge was planted, my garden to enclose. heeded not the frangrance of flower or of tree, For my eye was on that rose that grew a bit too high for me.
PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR on vain. strove to reach it through a tangled mass of green. 11 only smiled and nodded behind its thorny soreen All through the sunny morn lingered near the spot.
Ah, why do things seem sweeter when not possesseed bu us?
Dried Ipecac Roof Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra garden roses were in bloom, but all that could see Was that mocking white rose, that grew too high for me.
And so in life wide garden, there are wealth of promises Beyond our reach to gather, though not beyond our view.
RUBBER And like the little charmer that tempted me astray, And stole out half the brigthness of many a summer day: Oh, heart that pines with longing for one forbidden rose Look up and learn a lesson from my white rose and Tis wiser far to number the blessings at our feet, Tian to be ever pining for a rose bud that seem sweeter; y sunshine and my shadow fall from a pierced hand, can surely trust His wisdom for my heart He understands.
REMEMBER WE PAY THE BEST PRICES SUPPLIES FOR ST. LUCIA The Nominated Nember of the other Caribbean Islands. Canada Executive Council, who attended has agreed to supply several the Conference on Supplies in items of food, including flour GUESTS PERSONAL APPROACHING the recently, has stated are made available from Ceylon FROM BIRTH that St. Lucia is to secure corn and fish, tea, butter, cheese, con We learn that Miss Ella ANNIVERSARY and corn meal from Haiti and Sandensed milk, edible oil, and um CIMARRONES Mr.
Domingo, and cattle foods from ber. Flour and fish can only be Lewis, the mother of ordered in bulk through one Beresford Duncon, of the Among his other cargoes, Trade FETED BY agency, so West Indies city leading furniture estaFather Time will, on MonCommissioner in Canada, was HOSTESS blishment, left on Monday day the 7th proximo, bring As a medium of recupeasked to represent the Colony Tea is to be supplied by Canade rating from her very deli regular passenger train for another birth anniversary Miss Margaret Dawkins only until such time as shipments cate state of health, Mrs.
a well needed vacation in for Miss Sobers, one of of our city is said to be enCharles Mason of Cimarro Siquirres. We bespeak for our widely known citizens.
joying the reunion of her COSTA RICA SODA nes is a guest of this city. her a cordial time with all We learn the event will be long friendship with Mrs. WATER FACTORY Having regard to the earlier whom she contacts.
fittingly celebrated at her Wynter, a Limonense, report regarding her illresidence. The famed Lewho has been residing in FABRICA de HIELO y ness, it is very pleasing to Having completed her bert Brown orchestra is Panama for many years, REFRESCOS note her marked improv stay, for recuperative pur said to be reserved for the and is here for a brief vaca Limón ement, and sincerely poses, in this city, Miss Vio jalification.
hope the atmospheric and let Williams left last WedOn the night of last SaFLORIDA ICE AND Tother changes will be the nesday for San Jose. She turday Miss Dawkins entermeans of her securing ahas stated that her stay was CABINET AND UNDERTAK twined. friend with a FARM CO speedy and complete recoveïfected with real cordiality ing and repairing furniture and ING SHOP. Specializes in mak gala fete in her specially ery. hearty welcome is and good will and she has every other branch of woodadorned apartments. Dan LA FLORIDA als extended Mr. Mason, returned to the Capital with work. Coffins always stocked e ng was foremost during MADERAS her husband.
a full basket of forget me. See us before going elsewhere the frolicsome hours.
Prices moderate. 4th. Street, entrance to Gamez Lumber Yard. SYDNEY BECKFORD, Manager.
we LA PROVEEDORA Offers you Correct Weight, Lower Prices, fresh Merchandise and Courtesy Condensed Milk, large 35 Cacao XXX, Ib.
Ovomaltina, tin 50 Nugget Shoe Polish, tin, Banquet Sardines, tin. 75 Crisco, lb.
Camay Soap 70 Tuna Fish, tin Palmolive Soap 70 Sapolio Vinagre, bot 40 Wire Sponges Quaker Oats, tin 60 Coffee, lb.
Flocr Polish, lb. 50 Brooms All Polish, tin 50 Starch, lb.
Baking Powder, 1b. 00 Carbide, lb.
Sweet Oil, bot. 25 Cake Sand, ounce PROPOVEEDORA. Puerto Limon. 85 45 25 50 00 25 00 80 70 00 50 WORKSHOP OF QUALITY AND ECONOMY. Everything in machinery made or repaired, from a Pin to a Crane, See us. We carry an assortment of Beds, Springs and other useful things at all times. Building Nº 89 North Fifth Avenue.
Thompson, Proprietor. NEW HARLEM BAR AND RESTAURANT. The Best arinks prepared by Crawford and Grant, Genuine native and foreign liquors stocked Our Cusine service the most up to date.
Crawford and Grant, Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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