
SATURAY, JANUARY 22nd. 1944 LA VOZ ATLANTICA PAGA MANAGER OF RAILWAY Co. INTERVIEWED BY REPRESENTATIVES OF SYNDICATE OF WORKERS HOTEL HISPANO AMERICA The Atlantic Voice has, tember last year. The atten Fisqals from the Union City of Limonto ante been extended the informaſion of Mr. Green is also would from time to time, baldai tion that during the recent said to have been called to be assigned to the different Beautiofully situated in front the Sea.
visit to this city of Mr. the fact that the Compariy gangs to prevent difficulN. Green, the General Ma has not furnished certain ties which may arise during Airy, Cool, Comfortable Rooms nager of the Northern Rail workers with the necessary working hours.
way Company, Representati protective measures, such After carefully noting all Special Dining Room Service ves of the Syndicate of as gloves, masks, etc. pro the representations of the WELL STOCKED BAR WITH NATIVE Workers siezed the opportu test was also, we learn, lod delegates the Company ge nity to interview him with ged with respect to the nu nial Manager is said to haAND FOREIGN LIQUORS respect to a series of irrégumerical status of the colou ve expressed his full comlarities which, it is claimed, red workers in the gangs prehension, and to have gi ERNEST CECIL LEWIS are being perpetrated in on the wharves and bode ven the assurance that the Proprietor.
connection with the labour gas; it was requested that Labour Office is giving spe on the Docks, the Customs a fifty fifty basis of white cial attention to the matter House and Railroad Mainte and coloured men be main and working out certain re EARTHQUAKE TAKES HEAVY TOLL IN ARGENTINE nande. In his accustomed tained.
gulations for the Railway genteel and cordial man It is further stated that Cº whereby it is hoped An earth shock of very, cult has it been found to ner, the Manager is repor the delegates promised to their operations will harmo severe intensity visited the extricate all the bodies ted to have met the delega see that no undue delay was nize with El Codigo Tra Roublic of Argentine dur the victims from under the tes in his residence on the experienced in the loading bajo. in all respects.
ing the night of Saturday ruined buildings that the go American Colony.
and unloading of ships; as last. Of the various locali vernment is said to be con The interview treated ties adfected, the city of sidering the necessity of set with certain working condi San Juan is said to have suf ting fire to all that is left JUPITER SPORT CLUB NEW GODfered most tions which the Syndicate MOTHER INSTALLED of the city, so as to avoid regard, we underatand, Seventy per cent of the the outbreak of an epide.
being in conflict with the Umder the influence of, ling, their new God mot buildings were estimated mie of a serious character.
Work Code, mention being a mild wintry temperature her.
completely destroyed; and The latest advices to hand specially made of the non which circumfused in the The view presented by so badly damaged were the state that 3, 500 bodies of compliance of remunera Hall of the St. Mark Pa the flower of the nation others that it was expected the victims had been crema tion to workers for services rish on the night of Satur youngsters, enraptured the the majority would have ted, apart from these interrendered after the day day the 15th. instant, the eye and enriched the mind to be demolished. The vicrred by their families.
regular period of work has members of the Jupiter There was nothing to hin tims are estimated at bet extend deepest been accomplished, as well Sport Club ascended anot der the penetrating admira ween 4, 000 and 500 killed condolence to the families as on State Holidays; and her rung of their great spor tion by the graceful measu and 2, 000 injured. So diffi of the victims.
the recognition of ting Ladder, on the occa res of the dancers.
the allotted one and a half sion of their dance, staged Miss Hayling, the newly sortuta hours rest time for the in celebration of the Club inaugurated Sponsor, Hot Yorkes. It was also clai triumph in the terminated accompanied by her pa ned that the men at the half period of the Season rents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Bodega were not paid the Football peague Fixtures, Hayling; her sister, Miss xtra time for services ren as well as for the installa Elsie; and her cousin, Mr.
ered on the 15th. of Seption of Miss Marqorie Hay Reginald Shaw of San Jo(Frente a la Unidad Sanitaria, Limón)
se. At the hour of midnight Sr. don Roberto Blanco, the energetic President of the Club, in refinely couched language, effected the OC pre offers the Public sentation of Miss Marjorie ROGELTO TASTES diffusive central Light of the Club. DeafenA COMPLETE ASSORTMENT ing Cheers crowned the of Boards and other Lumber in conclusion fof the Presi whole, of an exceedingly The Lebert Brown orches dent illuminating address. dignified character, and me tra dished out the lively CEDAR and LAUREL The Qunoon was, on the Irits the Hip, Hip Hurrah. dance numbers.
as our nonwas LA FAMA LUMBER YARD GAMEZ Vea Precios de CAMISAS as the Lowest Prices in City NICANOR GAMEZ Sucs.
Caribbean Packing Co. LAMENTABLE OCCURRENCE CACAO The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao RAICILLA. IPECACUANA RUBBER During the night of Monnied by the other pilot and day last, two units of the ae two other persons. Shortly rial armed forces of the Uni after he took off, the plane ted States of America are was seen to be in some diffi said to have developed difficulty and fell almost imme culties while on their way diately afterwards in a over Costa Rican territory. nearby farm. The pilot in The pilot of one succeeded crarge was killed instantain making a landing in the neuosly injured and one of National Airport, San Jose, the others died in the San while the other fell in the Juan de Dios Hospital on sea off Quepos, where the Thursday.
pilot was rescued.
The Atlantic Voice ten!
During the forenoon hours ders its sincere condolence of Wednesday, the pilot at to the relatives of the unfor the airport decided to make tunate victims as also to a flight of inspection over the members of the North the locality where the other American armed forces plane had fallen off Que. now in thecountry.
pos. He was being accompaWe are Agents for THE RUBBER DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF THE GOVT.
OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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