
PAGE 10 LA VOZ ATLANTICA SATURDAY, JANUARY 22nd. 1944 THE CHANCES OF SUCCESS TEATRO MODERNO high on stickor under is a Juana Lunes Enero 24 CASADOS APURADOS, con George Brent IN REMEMBRANCE In fond and loving memory of our dear Mother, Grandinother and Great Grandmother Juana Mata Saunders who died on the 26th. January 1943.
We cherish the first anniversary of her death with the tenderest memory.
Safe in the arms of Jesus Safe an His gentle Breast There, by His love o ershaded Sweetly her soul shall rest.
Mrs. Luisa de Coward, sons and daughters; Miss Emma Mota; Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Rodriguez and family; Grand and Great Grandchildren and the rest of relatives.
Martes Enero 25 MI CORAZON CANTA con Alice Fave Miércoles Enero 26 CAMINO DE MARRUECOS con Dorothy Lamour Jueves Enero 27 VEN MI CORAZON TE LLAMA Qon Elvira Rios With the progress of For the man possessed of science and the advance incapacity and character, the complicated processes who sticks undeviatingly to of specialization and distribution of function, Lord Halees of success are, we are dane, tells us there are ari assured, very great; though sing more and more ope wisdom means more than nings, more and more chan attention to the gospel of ces for those who aspire to getting on, and life will, at succeed in the competition the end, seem poor affair which everywhere exists.
if the fruits of its exertions We are warned that the are to be no more than ma standards are also rising terial acquisitions. From and that high quality and the cradle to the grave lihard work are more than fe is a course of developever essential. The spread ment; and the development of as of ble Lord declares, a demo quantity, ought to continue cratic tendency and that to the last. It is quality of those who are to gain the the whole, judged in all prizes of life will be cho its proportions and in the their merits more outlook on the Eternal, than ever before: though which has been gained, that it should always be borne the test of the highest such in mind that character and cess lies the success that integrity will occupy outs 13 greatest when the very tanding positions in those greatness of its standards merits in addition to know brings in its train a deep ledge and ability.
sense of humility IN FOND AND UNFADING MEMORY Viernes Enero 28 VEN MI CORAZON TE LLAMA con Elvira Rios To the cherished mentory of my beloved husband Sábado Enero 29 VOLVEREMOS con Brian Donlevy sen on EZEQUIEL SAMUELS who departed this life on January 21st. 1943 Domingo, Enero 30 AVE SIN NIDO con Blanca de Castejón Yesterday, the first anniversary of his death came to hand. commemorated the event with fond memory.
It was the will of the Heavenly Father to ease his poins, and His will must be done on earth as it in Heaven, May his soul for ever rest in peace.
English Tweeds Sergs can still be har at Reasonable Prices at JACK ORANE Sucs HIS WIDOW FOR SALE HE PEOPLE HOU IN LASTING REMEMBRANCE Limon Titled Property containing Forty (40) hectareas Interwoven with the charging years has dome the Fifth of land.
sad anniversary since the Grim Reaper mowed our beloved Husband and Father WITH THE The cultivated areas consist of 85 hectareas of well planted two years old CACAO. 17 hectareas in good HENRY HYLTON MATINA beating condition and, in addition two and a half (2 12)
January 20th. 1939 BAPTISTS hectareas with bearing cacao in need of cleaning. four apartment building equipped with two kitchens This vent in our hearts was widened two years later by The 1944 Harvest a Barbecue and other home conveniences.
the death of our darling daughter and sister. sgiving Services and The Property is situated in the vicinity of Santa Maria WIN FIELD AURELIA gramme of the Matina tist Church were pre: at 15 19 Miles.
January 16th. 1941 last Sunday. Very grat.
For further particulars apply From our care, home and view those two dear lives were the achicvements, in hove departed, but memory of them is ever fresh on tellectually, materially and memory tablet.
JOS. THOMAS Set your affections on things above, not on thing POST OFFICE BOX 199, LIMON on the earth, were the introductory words of the serFor a much better Hair Cut or Shaves go to Dixon Barber Shop. West of the City Market.
mon delivered by the Rev. Forde, the Pastor of the CECIL MORRIS LOSES YOUNG LIFE Church. The members of FRATERNAL SOCIETY CELEBRATED Human sympathy the choir participated in the was ring motor truck, without HARVEST FESTIVAL entertaining features along greatly stirred last Tuesday the knowledge or consent with the Young People. Miss morning by the scene, so of the chauffeur. He unfor. Highly flavoured were gan. In addition to the se Lyn Dunn and others from mewhere on the road in tunately missed the jump the renditions by the choris lecl ons rendered by the other Mission Stations were of front of the American Co and was instantly killed. He ters of the Baptist Church, choir, Mrs. Stewart and also among the contribulony, where laid the dead was an orphan and under on the occasion of the Har Miss Olive Gourzong note: tors. All the singing items e body of Cecil Morris, a lad the guardianship of a per vest Thanksgiving Program worthily contributed duet. gained wide acclaim. Mr.
of about fourteen years of son of advanced age; a me of the Guiding Star Lod duet. The reciting Tots Palmer presided at condition which, seemingly ge of the Independent Or The very impressive teh organ. Among the chilMorris was categoried as helped his desire to ramble der of Good Samaritans they were the Misses Lori dren who recited were the one of the erring and way. unrestrictedly.
and Daughters of Samaria, ne, Hortencia, Melvina, Her Miss Hazal, Irene, ward youths of our city, Linda, We add our deep sympas conducted in the Hall mina, Masters Clifford, and in his rovings on the athy for the sudden passing of the Grand United Order Hubert, Rodolph and Earle Mildred, Millie, Beck, Mor.
Esma, Kate, Ditty, Lydia morning of his death, he is into eternity of so young a of Odd Fellows, on Sunday Drysdale. Mr. Jos. Tho line, Masters Raymond, Fer said to have endeavoured life. May his soul be at rest. the 16th. instant. Mr. Ben mas was the presiding nando and Garfield.
to hop on to a rapidly movEscoe presided at te or chairman. Worshipper Nor permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back de su recibo que dice: of recoip! which reads: NUEVA DELHI, 21. UP Se Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro This hill must be paid at our office before anuncia oficialmente que las fuer the 10th. of the month zas aéreas rorteamericanas atade los primeros 10 días de cada mes caron Bangkok en la noche del 19 Be so goou as to comply with this request and do not al 20 del actual.
Le rogainos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos lo pena oblige us to suspend our service, o step which LONDRES, 21. UP La Press de tener que cortar su servicio wo would much regret to take.
Association anuncia que se tiene entendido que el número de bom EO barderos que participaron er la DE LIMON Incursión de anoche a Berlín es el mayor que haya atacado a esa capital, pero que el peso de bom bas no excede al mayor descar.
gads hasta ahora, age.
COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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