
SATURAY, JANUARY 22nd. 1944 LA VOZ ATLANTICA PAGE 11 GRATITUDE AND THANKS OF MAJOR LYNCH SON LOS TABACOS COSTA We heartily rejoice with the College; as also other Mrs. Lynch, the Comrades dear friends of San Jose of the Salvation Army and and this city for all they all other friends for the re have done for me during turn to us of Major Thomas my very grave illness. I, Lynch, after a period of se however, have the usual as rious ilſness, which kept surance that you will, in him a patient in one of the the meantime, advance the sick institutions in the Ca depth of my gratitude and pital.
thanks until such time as am not at this time it pleases God to restreng fit to sufficiently express then me to do so personalmy thanks to the Medically. These were the words Staff and religious person of the Major on our visit: nel of the Clinica Biblica; ing him at his bedside.
the Director and others of Que los hacen fan buenos.
93. be 20 If your last Hair was not satisfactory It is because you did get it done at Dixon Barber Shop. West of the City Market.
Son los tabacos de primera, bien escogidos, los que hacen los cigarrillos TICOS tan buenos.
boylu od Ак 2001 rcoat Debido a esos buenos tabacos y a la estricta vigilancia en la manufactura de TICOS estos cigarrillos son invariablemente SPLENDID DISPLAY OF NOBLE LIVING Suaves BUENOS TABACOS Samson PRODUCEN CIGARRILLOS icos BUEN SABOR By the wrecking, several unfortunate travellers have weeks ago, of the laurtch been seen freely participa San Cristobal. somewhe ting in the exercises of their re along our coast, a num religious Creeds. Despite ber of unfortunate work their misfortune, they are men on their way home to apparently flooding their Belize, British Honduras, souls with light, while, SA became the guests of this with smiles on their lips, city. Ever since then we ha they reciprocate the good123 ve been operating the eye will which helps to relieve of scrutiny and can in all them of some portion of fincerity say they have their gloom. They have, see been presenting a splendid mingly learned, that nothdisplay of Noble Living. ing is more helpful to happi Soa very realistic observer will ness than the habit of for To agree with this conclusion. getting our misfortunes, as buraz. The deportment of the far as might be possible.
men has earned them the Though we would be glad endearment of our citizen of their continued presen ry, while they, in turn, hace, in charitableness to their SUAVES CON ve not been silent in ac natural yearning to rejoin claiming our Raublie, our their loved ones at home, CIGARRILLOS Government and our people and the great anxiety tho, the most ideal contacted in se there must be enduring, their travel. Many of the we do hope that ere long 09. 30 JOSE ACHION Ng.
transportation facilities will be furnished for the resump Comerciante detallista tion of their homeward voLicores, Abarrotes, Cristale.
yage. May they ever dis río, Artículos de Ferretería y Eléctricos: todo se encuen play the badge of Noble Litra en este establecimiento. ving. RECENT DEATH MATINA ART AND UNIQUE HITLER CONFISCATE TREASURE OF TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT tsent Salvador Jimenez Madri.
ITALIAN ROYALTY AEWOO The charm in the appearance of a man is a well gal, 46 years of age who Information emanating gly valuable collection of designed and smarfiy fitted suit was a native of Alajuela buti.
from the frontier of Italy old coin, many pieces datThe Matina Art and Unique Tailoring resided in Bananito in this declare the Germans have ing from the time of the Establishment guarantees, at all times.
province, is reported to haconfiscated the treasure of Roman Empire, the personal ve died in the San Juan de BEST FIT REAL MATERIALS and the House of Savoy which property of King Victor, Dios Hospital, San Jose, on UNPARALLEL WORKMANSHIP DO the 12th. of the was stored in the subterra were also scized, as also, it present.
02 Our central location makes it convenient for the men nean vaults of the royal pais claimed, the Crown month. He entered the insti.
lace at Pollenzo near Cun Iron of the middle ages, of the Abaco Industry and other vicinities to deal tution on the 5th, of Novem with us.
which had been covered ber last year.
PRICES TO MEET THE TIME The treasure consisted of with gold.
three hundred and seventy The Treasure is stated to THERE IS MUCH IN NAME cazes of jewelry, gold in have been removed in sixIt is understood the Was bars and precious stones. teen comions.
Four of the country e That at San Joaquin de Flo hington office has advanFifteen cases of a exccedin.
ducational centers bear the res bears the name of The ced the proposal that names of illustrious perso United States of America. soon as the information, nagas of the great North This has, it is mentioued: which is to include the na SE VENDEN SE COMPRAN MUEBLES American Republic; those prompted the Federal Edu mes of the directors, the NUEVOS USADOS of George Washington cational Department at qumber of teachers and at San Ramón; Abraham Washington, the Capital, scholars, as well as their LA CASA DE LOS MUEBLES Lincoln at Alajuela; Tho to solicit, through our Se photographs and those 08 50 vs. Oeste Musmanni, San José mas Jefferson at Concep cretary of Public Educa the buildings, are receición, Atenas, and John tion, all the data connected ved, valuable publications Rockefeller at Tutrialba. with the diye schools. will be effected.
as Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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