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to a is is 19 a recons to NO SEPARATE experimental stations of the United States, Great Britain and ANTI MALARIA INVN. BLE DAMAGE table for making high grade pa per. Its leaves, when dried, PEACE the Netherlands in the Caribbean DRIVE can be used as cattle food and area.
The Commissions adopted Slackening of interest in the the possibility of using the woo.
as UNCONDITIONAL SURREN reconstruction of shattered citie, dy part of the stem as a prepa: the basis of its deliberations the Malaria has always been DER. is the watchword of the recommendations British and Allied nations in this the United Nations Food Confefronts.
and report of dangerous enemy on tropication and in maintenance of produc ration for artificial silk is being is rising steadily in the investigated. The pith of elder war, and despite all their efforts renonat Hot Springs, as these Reich, according to well infor wood is found to be useful in It was a British officer of the to sow dissention between the recommendations will provide Indian Medical Service, Surgeon of topping off med sources. The Allied tactics microscopical work.
United Nations the Germans will the foundation for coordinated Major Ronald Ross, who disco damage to a city with a sharp raised from dried eyes. These the original crop of potatoes has been not sueceed in obtaining other effort in the planning of agri vered, forty five years ago, that attack that destroys rebuilt ho chips weigh only 15 of conditions. Winston Churchill as cultural and other research the in malaria is carried by the mos.
well as President Roosevelt have the Caribbean by the participat. quito. Since that time, much im. much of this invisible damage, new method can be standardized, and factories usual seed potato and, if the produces stated time and again that there ing research institutes and expe portant work on malaria control which in many cases is so great it will result in great economies can be no peace until the totali. rimental stations. The Commis. nas been done in India. semi that soldiers summoned to clear, of transport. In its dried and tarian evi doers have been uttersion decided to create a Carib. official Indian Research Fund ly defeated and received their be bean Research Council to serve Association, founded in 1911, sup and civilian defense the debris and rebuild factories reduced form the seed can just deserts for their crimes and in an advisory capacity to proports the Malaria Institute of In have to be ordered to remain in signments will 60 workers sent by air and this year con the told misery by air to caused by mote scientific, technological, socia, whose work is internatio the cities instead of fleeing plunging the world into the secial and economic research for nally recognized. special grant the countryside, at nightfail.
to tropical Africa and other part cond catastrophy in twenty fire the benefit of the people of the from the Government of India of the Empire. With the help on To many this damage is as in the Women Voluntary Servi.
area. This Council will operate has been devoted The quick denial by authorita through committees for agricul control schemes carried on for fort as the systematic destructions of large quantities of aigl.
intensive portant to the German war ef. ces, Kew has organized collec tive British sources of the reports ture, forestry and from Cairo printed by the Rus health; sociology, and industry.
fisheries; a period of years in restricted tion of industrial plants. It has talis, belladona, colchicum and areas to test the methods evol a grave psychological effect, the other plants which have helper sian newspaper Pravda stating ved by the Malaria Institute. As weakening of the will to work considerably in tiding over that British officials had celebra in many other fields, war has for the war program, and ted an interview with Nazi Fo CANADA. WORLD will shortage of essential drugs wnie speeded up the processes of peal ultimately contribute as reign Minister von th Ribbentrop much used to be imported from somewhere in the Uyrenees with POWER ce. time, but the success of the to the Allied victory as the de continental markets.
present. anti. malarial measures vastation of the physical means the intention of negotiating is due largely to the long years of production with which it is separate peace with Germany is THE NEW CHINA Canada, World too ridiculous to merit attention Power: In of research in India before the closely connected.
Washington today, Hon. Leigh. war.
by the sane peoples of the world.
The bombing of Berlin, is hav.
Scientists are key men in ton McCarthy, Canada first The einchona tree, source As a matter of fact, Germany of ing a considerable psychological China today They are playing ambassailor, presented his Foreign Minister and ex cham let quinine, is now being developed effect not only in the city but a vital part in winning the war ters of credence to pagne salesman is the last man President again in South America, and among Germans elsewhere. The and in rebuilding their country Roosevelt.
any British official would talk to, synthetic substitutes for quinine city is not only the commercial, as a great world power. The im because the present conflict The honor which falls to you have been found. Atebrine, the military and political capital oil provement of her agriculture and today. says Primei Minister best known of them, was used the German Empire, but it is a the development of her industry largely due to his machinations Mackenzie King in a mossage of with great success in the recent symbol of the idea of German are equally important aspects of and his anglophobe attitudes too well known.
congratulation to Mr. McCarthy, Mediterranean campaigns. It has unity. When the Ruhr was being China war effort and in both is one in which the whole of two drawbacks, however, One is devastated, the Germans Britain and the Nations of the there these activities the scientist British Commonwealth are justly Canada will wish to share. It is that it cannot be self administe took comfort from the fact that indispensable. In the last few famed for their traditional, uns.
crowning touch upon the red, as it would be dangerous if Berlin, the heart of Germany years the productivity of the soil werving loyalty, and they would strong ties of friendship and misused. The other is that many was still largely unhurt and in Western and North Western never go back on their pledged understanding which Canada has people are allergic to it. Pend worked desperately China has been immensely int to word, and they have proved so long enjoyed with the Uniteding further study of this and truct the damaged areas. As the creased through irrigation Russia that they are not only Al States. It is a mark of the emer other substitutes, the United Na Anglo American attacks increa double cropping and the use of Tres during the present contact gence of Canada as a worldtions have therefore had to rely sed of in weight, scope and the improved seeds. The results but also during the post war power of major rank.
Today largely on non medical means of variety of their targets, this at long and painstaking laboratory years. That is why Britain signed ceremony will also, as hope, combating malaria.
titude disappeared.
and field work have been record a twenty years pact with the build a firmer basis of unders: These means have been very There are many who believe crops of rice and wheat. In the Soviet Union. That is why Britain tanding and cooperation upon successful. year and a half ago the invisible results of resarch institutes set up by the the sent Russia thousands of tanks which the efforts of both our the incidence of malaria at Ta air war will mount so high this Chinese government studente when her industries had been countries may be directed ever koradi, in British West Africa, winter that the people of Berlin and graduates are learning how laid waste by the Nazi conquer more vigorously until the war was enormous. Takoradi is the will be near the breaking point to raise better silkworms, how ors. That is why Britain imme has been won, and with increas. site of a war assembly plant, an by spring, when the Royal Air to improve tea propagation diately offers her services when ing usefulness in the days of air junction for Northern Africa Force probably will have smas that more silk and more tea will difficulties on minor principles peace and the Middle East, and anhed the Qerman capital be available for export.
with arise between Russia and the important port. Malarial experts twenty five to thirty heavy at But the Chinese are not con other allied nations.
and engineers cooperated to solve tacks.
tent to remain a purely agri.
SAYINGS its malaria problem by draining, Today evidence of psycho cultural country. They are de And why should Britain want and in the first six weeks raise their of logical consequences of the great termined to o make a separate peace at this cime after having resolutely fa am confident that with the was not a single airman in hos being sifted and corre. ated the wet season this year there est aerial assault in history are standards of living through in tensive industrialisation. Here ced Hitler and the rest of evergrowing power of the 8th pital at Takoradi with malaria experts watch for signs of eb again scientists have a special the totalitarian gang alone for Air Force striking alternate bing of the war will of another contribution to make. Many dif more than a year? It is simply blows with the Royal Air Force German generation.
ferent types of generator have unconceivable, and these ru Bomber Command, We shall SU)
mours are nothing else but stra together inexorably More concerned with damage been evolved for factories beat ANOTHER LAMP the tagems used by club foot Goeb life out of industrial Germany to minds than with damage to plying their own power. New been bels and others of his ilk in an and thus hasten the day of finai DIMMED discovered factories, they insist the invil Process have substitutes effort to test allied unity. These victory. The Prime Minister sible results of bombing will, since the war, and feelers are doomed to failure The terrible losses and suf Nazi police recently within a year, precipitate a cri found for imported products.
The western provinces, whose and Hitler and his gang of cri ferings of the war have brought the professors and all the fifteen government than any defeat in industry was more dangerous to the Nazi little developed minals will have to face their again into the open what was hundred students of Oslo Uni the field far from the borders ot before the war are now produc black capped judges after the always latent. the deep reliversity. Thus another lamp of the Reich.
ing blasting, electric Bessemer Nazi armies have been shattered. gious strain in the Russian na learning, is put out, another and Martin furnaces, electric ge.
There will be interviews. tional character. The Arcn storehouse of wisdom wrecked.
The peace will be dictated to the bishop of York.
nerators, spinning and weaving This is only one further step in EXPERIMENTS WITH machines, lathes, planers, mil.
Germans somewhere in the Provided the British, Amer Germany systematic campaign ling machines, radio transmit Reich if by that time there is ican and Russian Governments, against all sources of enlighten PLANTS ters, receiving sets, telephone ex nothing left of Berlin or her with their peoples behind them, ment.
The authorities of Kew Gar changes and electric batteries, other important cities!
continue in close and friendly Knowledge is power, but not dens, the great botanical gardens all of which had to be imported association after the war, the lo barbarians. For them, th for and public park in London, are or were made only in outlook for the world will be ture chamber and the execution working with the Ministry of cities years ago.
CARIBBEAN bright. The post war settlement squad are the only resources of Health to organize collection of Science is the most popular of the world is ripe, now for their tottering strength. They natural plants which be study among Chinese students.
COMMISION discussion in realistic terms. dare not face an educated people, converted to useful purposes. They come to Britain and the Mr. Hugh Dalton.
accustomed to the free expres Experiments have been under United States to study western Murte is international but, sion of their thoughts.
taken at Kew with three kinds methods, returning to China as The Anglo American Carib. unlike most of the other arts, Freedom of speech, corners of rubberproducing plants from teachers and experts. The Chine bean Commission has held anot cannot be destroyed by wars tone of democracy, means more Russia, two fof which were se Government is planning to her meeting. The main subject and is never put away. The ent than the right to speak one dandelion types, compare send 1, 000 students abroad for of discussion related to agricul. husiasm of the people of this mind. It brings with it freedom them with English varieties of advanced studies in Britain and tural research in the Caribbean. country for music has never to study, to weigh and compare, dandelion. Experiments with America during the next five The Commission, therefore, took been more clearly shown than to gain the knowledge that alone the fiber of the stinging nettle, years. The majority will do re.
the opportunity to invite repre during the last four years. can create an informed public which is composed of pure celsgarch in agriculture, engineer sentatives from the agricultural The Duchess of Kent.
lulose, have proved it to be sul. ſing and medicine.
SO own as arrested sis no coasta: can to Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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