
ATLANTIC VOICE eve of THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK Hardness of character is a wat of minute attention to the feelings of others. It does not proceed from malignity or a carelessness of inflicting pain, but from a want of delicate perception of those little things by which easure BOX 199 is conferred or pain excited.
Editor: JOS THOMAS Sidney Smith NO 408 lear IX. Limon, January 29th. 194 PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT BIRTH ANNIVERSARY IMS OF THE WAR AND COSTA RICA INDEPENDENCE DAY PARADE AT With the passing of Time, we TEATRO MODERNO have arrived at the another anniversary of the Thanks to His Britannic James Ernest, for placing the Press Officer of the San birth of His Excellency Fransty Representatives in the Teatro Moderno at the ose Legation, more than half klin Roosevelt, the illusRepublic as well as to Mr. disposal of Mr. Bruce, a thousand children were entrious President of the Reputertained a the hour of four in blic of the United States of the afternoon of Friday, the America, Capturados en Italia 21st. instant, and a greater He will tomorrow, the 30th.
number of adulte at nine January, celebrate the 62nd.
clock the same evening. with anniversary of his birth. We presentations of the Cairo tender him our most respectConference, the Battle of Briful and heartfelt congratulatain Fires 1943, Year of Offen tions, coupled with the sincere sive, 194, Year of Invasion, hope that his allotted span of Costa Rica Independance life will permit of his continuDay 1943 celebration in San Frarklin Roosevelt ing to effectively guide the Jose which included the St. estinies of his nation during Mark Boy Scouts on Parade.
his personal another term of office, and to contribute The embodiment of the celebration assistance to the mighty efforts of the United Nations in of the Fifteenth with the British Films serves their strenuous struggle for the preservation of humanity civilization and freedom.
as a great eye opener to the Twelve months ago we voiced our optimism with resgenuine esteem between the pect to a final permanent vicibry. Today: We not only two democratic governments reiterate and emphasize it, but add that during the intervenand peoples led, respectively, ing months we have been afforded much evidence of the by his Majesty King George VI marked progress which has been made toward its early whose kingly heart royal and achievement; and in which progress the people of the great True honours the poor and Northern Republic have, in no small manner, participated Soldados nazis que fueron hechos prisioneros por las fuerzas the brave, and our own illus by their zeal and energy in the war industries brought into de los Estados Unidos esperan su traslado a un campaFrious President, Dr. Rafael being largely, by their eminently distinguished President mento. Foto transmitida a Washington por radio desde Angel Calderon Guardia, on nok Argelia.
whose shoulders the governMA ment of the Republic and its ANOTHER LANDING OF ALLIED TROOPS IN ITALY habitants have found their és rightful, position among the 250, 000 GERMANS ISOLATED IN In what is regarded as a the valley of Liri.
greatest of the universe. The vigorous effort to accelerate Resuming their offensive on SECTOR OF LENINGRADO appearance on the screen of the fall of Rome, a powerful Wednesday, the troops of the the world greatest monarch Force of Allied troops effected Fifth have again crossed the Pursuing their great offensi are said to be pursuing the di and our famed President pre le landing, during the early river Rapido, and with the ve in the northern region oi sorganized enemy forces, who voked deafening applauses morning hours of last Satur British are increasing their po the battle fronts, the Russians are endeavouring to effect os from the enthusiastis and yui Jay, on the west coast of Italysitions to the south of Rome, have secured anothei out. cape by means of very cca throng assembled in the show in the rear of the German for from which they are said to be standing victory with the cap rious communicating ways.
ture of two railway centers of It is supposed that he ces. They shortly after occupi but nineteen miles.
Treating on the war films, as the important port of Net Under the direct command strategic importance located ge forces commanded oy the the last and south of Lenin Generals Leonid, Govoru were given splendid examples funto situate fifty one kilome of General Alexander, the An of the golden good there isters south of Rome.
zrade which totally isolate Kyril Maretskov will eiiees, glo American troops are said 350. 000 German soldiers fro union in the sector of To nin a life of civilization and The invading force is said to to have obtained control of freecom. We were shewn men the rest of the army. Catchin the important railway alicthave consisted of Bri an area of thirty miles to the he first center wes taken ion on the MoscowLeningraric and women of the British Com Fish, North American and south of Rome and to have he troops under the cover an iine, and drive the remams of monwealth of Nations, in su French men whose movements penetrated twenty more in the General Govorov, while the Hitler army into the Baltor perb physical and mental fitwere magnificently aided by interior. The latest operaunder General Merets States.
ness, ascending the peaks in the air and naval forces. It has tions have isolated, we are told rating on the Volkho, front, all the lines of battle. We In the sectors of the Crimes we were afforded much insignt dacious disembarklation also been stated that the au some 100, 000 men of the cured possession of the le Co enemy forces who had been fingrade. Vitesk ratio ad and Ukcrania, the, Russians of the effectiveness of co ordinated with other vigorous. defending the Cassino passes which deprived the enemy of are reported to be registering ordination among Britain atracks by the fifth army in further south.
Further gains in their fiensland, Air and Sea Forces, as heir last possible means etirement. The recent light ve, which threatens to out clso all branches of her indus these parts is said. val the operations in the no tries which constitute the real en the lives of 40. 000 According to an official an reason for the continued ans and the seizure of vast nouncement the entire 20. uanties of material.
of Leningrade has been op growth in the strength of her offensive operations.
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    HitlerInvasionItalyLeninPresidentes de Costa RicaRafael Ángel Calderón GuardiaSoviet

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