
PAGE LA VOZ ATLANTICA SATURDAY, JANUARY 29nd. 1944 Hotel Hispano América Limon Trading Company Frentri Mar Ciudad de Limón Muy Bien Situado Cuartos frescos y Confortables OFRECEMOS: Comidas Especiales, etc.
LOS LICORES QUE NECESITE Entre Nuestro Magnifico Surtido deLicores del País y Extranjeros ERNEST CECIL LEWIS Propietario PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR THE NUMBER SEVEN Dried Ipecac Roof Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra RUBBER John Hadley, a well known gamum, Sardis, Thyatera, Phi mathematician of the eigh ladelphiia and Laodicea, blso teenth century, has stated that the Champions of Christenof all the numbers none has dom St. George of England; exercised a wider influence or St. Denys of France; St. James commanded, in a higher de of Spain; St. Anthony of Itagree, the esteem and reverence ly; St. Andrew of Scotland; St.
of mankind, than Seven. Patrick of Ireland, and St. Da In a very interesting arti vid of Wales, and the Sages of cle on the subject, Lord Pon Greece; Solon, Thales, Pittasonby gives us the following cus, Bias, Chilon, Cleobulus REMEMBER uata, after telling us that the and Periander.
number had been regarded as Seven bare the Cardinal Vir WE PAY THE BEST PRICES. sacred and possessed oftues Prudence, Courage, sisome mystical significance: Temperance, Justice, Faith, The Biblical Record decla Hope and Charity; and seven res ine creation of the world the Deadly Sins Pride, Covet anys. Our week is composed ousness, Lust, Gluttony, An him seven other spirits more Seven against Thebes. a tra Great Bear, or the Plough, of a similar number.
ger, Envy and Sloth. wicked than himself, and the gedy written by Aeschylus; the which consists of seven stars. seventh son is said to be Among the innumerable ins seven devils which were cast Seven Lamps of Architecture We are also told or the Fiego fortunate man, while the tances of the use of the num out of Mary Magdalena. In written by Ruskin and the des the seven stars situated seventh son of a seventh son ber seven in the Bible are the Book of Exodus there is poem We are Seven by in the constellation Taurus, is believed to be possessed of Pharaoh dream of the se mention of the seven candles Wordsworth.
and originally the seven dau.
ocult powers of second sight. ven fat and seven lean oxen; ticks of the tabernacle; we are In astronomy we learn of ghters of Atlas who There were, at one time, Jacob serving Laban for se also told of the seven lamps the constellation called the transformed into stars.
the seven wonders of the ven years; and the statement of the Apocalypse.
world The Pyramids of Egyptin Proverbs, that Wisdom From historical records we UNDER MEDICAL CARE. factory progress. Mr. Fred Ray(which still exist. the hang hath builded her house, she cull the Seven years war, mond of Beverly and Mrs. Doris ing Cardens of Segiramis at has hewn out her seven pi 1756 to 1763, when England IN CAPITAL of this city left on Tuesday Babylon; the tomb of Mausollars. Nebuchadnezzar is und Prussia fought against passenger train to be with her.
lus, erected by his Queen Ar stated to have ordered the Austria, Saxony, Russia, We are in receipt of the sad temisia at Helicarnassus furnace for Shadrak, Meshak France and Sweden. The trial, report that Miss Agnes McKen(which originated the fashion and Abednego to be heated in the year 1687, of the seven zie of Beverly on the Estrella Line for mausoleums. the Temple seven times more than it was Bishops who protested against is under special medical care in CABINET AND UNDERTAKof Diana at Ephesus; the Colos wont to be.
the Declaration of Indulgence one of the sick institutions in ING SHOP. Specializes in mak ing and repairing furniture and sus of Rhodes; the Statue of Elisha sent Naaman to wash by King James Il of En San Jose. It is u derstood that every other branch of woodZeus by Phidias, and then the Jordan seven times, gland. The Septennial Act. after having secured medical work. Coffins always stocked Phares or lighthouse at Ale. while Elijah sent his servant passed in the year 1716 which consultation locally, she was re see us before going elsewhere xandria, Street, moderate. 4th.
from Mount Carmel seven ti extended the duration of the commended to the Capital for Prices entrance Gamer Lumber Seven in number were the mes to look for rain. Then British Parliament to seven special treatment, Yard. SYDNEY BECKFORD, early Christian Churches of there is mention of the un years.
We gladly mention that the Manager.
Asia. Ephesus, Smyrna, Periclean spirit, who took with In literature, we have The latest information discloses satiswere to LA PROVEEDORA WORKSHOP OF QUALITY AND ECONOMY. Everything in machinery made or repaired, from a Pin to a Crane, See us. We carry an assortment of Beds, Springs and other useful things at all times. Building Nº 89 North Fifth Avenue.
Thompson, Proprietor.
Offers you Correct Weight, Lower Prices, fresh Merchandise and Courtesy Condensed Milk, large 35 Cacao XXX, lb.
Ovomaltina, tin 50 Nugget Shoe Polish, tin, Banquet Sardines, tin. 75 Crisco, lb.
Camay Soap 70 Tuna Fish, tin Palmolive Soap 70 Sapolio Butter, lb. 50 Wire Sponges Quaker Oats, tin 60 Coffee, lb Floor Polish, lb. 50 Brooms All Polish, tin 50 Klim, tin Baking Powder, lb. 01 Carbide, lb.
Sweet Oil, bot. 25 Cake Sand, ounce PROVEEDORA. Puerto Limon. 85 45 25 50 00 25 00 80 25 00 50 NEW HARLEM BAR AND RESTAURANT. The Best drinks prepared by Crawford and Grant, Genuine native and foreign liquors stocked Our Cusine service the most up to date.
Crawford and Grant, Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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