
VOZ ANNANIE SATURDAY, JANUARY 29nd. 1944 Caribbean Packing Co.
erns THE MAN INSIDE Are you perfectly satisfied with your position in life? Are you enjoying life to its fullest and greatest extent truly abundantly? If cbstacles seem to prevent you from attain ing the heights, he freedom from worry and strife and the enjoyment of perfect health and happiness, you are not mastering your own life. you are not usina the powers that reside within you. Let the Rosicrucians helo you in solving your probl ms. Send for the beatiful back The Mastery of Life. It is Free. It will instruct you as to how you may obtain certain natural methods and thereby leam to use the power of The Man Inside. Just fill out the Coupon below and mail it.
San Jose, California, Please send me a free copy of the Mastery of Life am sincere in wishing to know more about the Rosicrucians and their teachings.
OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE El Jefe de Estado Mayor Colombiano 09 12 on BROWNE ABRAHAMS لاننهاده شده نداء له.
11, 000 POLES ASSASSINATED BY NAZIS FROM LIVERPOOL 0700 It has been officially anno uniformed Polish soldiers and We are pleased to report unced, from Moscow, that the officers who, they claim, were that after a period of very deSoviet Commission, who con assassinated by the Germans. serving rest and recration for ducted investigations in the Hitler High Command Miss Brown, the irecarea of Katyn, located ten some time ago claimed these tress of our linglish Private miles from Smolensk, have Poles had been murdered by School and the scholars, the reported the deaths of 11, 000 the Russians. bei 1944 term will comence Monday morning the 31st. of fhe present month. Liverpool El General Domingo Espinel, Jefe del Estado Mayor del is expecting a banner attenEjército de Colombia, examina un cañón antiaéreo en la dance othe classrooms this Zona del Canal de Panamá. El general Espinel hizo una visita al Tte. Gen. George Brett, del Ejército de los VENTA DE MERCADERIAS year, due, principally, to the Estados Unidos después que Colombia declaró que existía vcery high success manifested DEPOSITO DE AZUCAR.
un estado de beligerencia con Alemania. La visita tuvo el at the close of last year. It is or ons objeto de coordinar los planes militares de ambas repúblicas.
our hope that parents end Apartado 362 ork guardians of this district, as LIMON God well as the surrounding villages will rally, effectively, to the importance of placing STRANGE NUMERICAL COINCIDENCE CONCERT IN OFFICIAL SCHOOL AT SIQUIRRES their children and wards in (By Short Stirrup line to secure a sound educaWe have been the recipients year. 1873, came into power The awakening was strangely a bad word; Song, Confession; tional foundation. They should of the following strange coin in 1940, has held office for magnificent on the ocasion of Overture Dancing fool; Scarf remember that those who are cidence with respect to the years and is 70 years old the School Concert, staged in the Drill; Song, Mr. Waterhouse fifted, intellectually, have helf number 3886, as connected total 3886.
Official School Edifice at Siqui house; Dialogue. Town Tattlers; of life great battle won at with four of the outs anding HITLER born in the year rres, on the night of Monday the Songs Week end in Havana, the outset, while the untrained personalities associated with 1889, rose to power in 1933, 17th, instant. Mrs. Fran Where did you meet that giri, are lost from the start, and. has held same for 10 years klin and Daughters were the Noah had two of everything. Cin will continue so throughout STALIN born in the year and is 54 years of age totall preparatory and guiding lighils of derella and Goodnight, their lives.
1879 came into power in 1886. the grand entertainment. pack The individual and collective 1924, has held position for 19 MUSSOLINI born in 1883 ed audience attended. There glee items were all received with vo An Interested Parent, years, and is 64 years old rose to power in 1922, comm Aul hours fere spent under the ciferous applauses.
total 3886.
anded for 21 years and is 60 fragance of rich and spicy compe CHURCHILL born in the years old total 8886.
sitions and renditions. The Misses THE CALL OF FREEDOM Franklin, who presided alternWhen freedom calls in thunder toens, ately, at the piano, markedly displayed their musical efficiency.
Far sea to sea replies, The greatest interest was mani And God the cause of freedom owns fested in the cultural advance. And thunders from the skies.
offers the Public ment of our youngsters.
The programme was. Open The highest law is freedom word, COMPLETE ASSORTMENT ing remarks; Recitation, a Pro And where her sons have bleed logue; Chorus, Giddy up; Reci. Each wind swayed reed becomes a sword of Boards and other Lumber in tations; If and Perhaps Bye To strike oppression dead.
and Bye. Dialogue, Dame CEDAR and LAUREL Durden visit. Song, Little Sir Echo; Recitations The Time Holy her cause and he who fights, Lowest Prices in City Table, The Planter little Colt; Contending for a clod NICANOR GAMEZ Sucs.
Dialogue, Grandmother Me Where freedom mourns her ruined rights thod. Song, South Sea Island. Hero is to God.
Dialogue, chase to take back STANTON.
the war.
LUMBER YARD GAMEZ Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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