
LA CENTRAL BRICA DE ACO ledge that resonance DEMONSTRATION OF AMITY COSTA RICA SODA It pas a place he well knew; tess, Mr. and Mrs. Splatt. that WATER FACTOR HELO he was no stranfer to the setting the event was in honour of his FABRICA de HIELO CIUDAD DE LIMON EFPSSC(Contigua All America Cablesne chino. of the cozy residence; the brow brth anniversary and as a conREFRESCOS pleasurable current fete for Mrs. Ruby Mc GRAN SURTIDO DE LATERIA FINA hours were in the mabing for Intosh, who was on the eve of Limón LOS MAS BAJOS PRECIOS Saturday night, a week ago, was returning to her home in Siqui FLORIDA ICE AND Mercaderías en General within his comprehension; his rres after having been their guest FARM CO HAGANOS UNA VISITA appointment as the dispenser of for several days. The singing of Juvio Soldevilla. Propietario the liquids was made known to Happy Birthday to you climaLA him. But behind all these there xed Mr. Splatt remarks. The FLORIDA FRATERNALU ORDER INSTALL OFFICERS was a plot. Good naturedly, he rich Cake, with its traditional MADERAS We learn, that in order to mes Fowles, Secretary started on his assignment at the candles, adorned the refreshment FABRICA DE HIELO conform to the Constitutional. Mrs. Mary Netson, given hour; and as the time for table and emotionally Mr. Earle requirements of their fraterni Treasurer. Mrs. Ruth Edwards the pulling of the veil approa. bley out the lights. His apprecia IN METHODIST CIRCUTI ty, the Installation Ceremony Junior Deacon Mr.
Albertched, an Eve was required and tion and and gratitude for the de.
of the Scotch Lily Lodge of Smith Tyler and Miss Cathe the mantle fell on Mrs. Addasa monstration of friendship by Mr.
ESTRADA: The annual the Independent United Orrine Morris, Chaplain. At the Daysley. She took the lamb. and Mrs. Splatt was quite natuvest Thanksgiving Services der Of Scottish Mechanics was termination of the ritualistic of course, with a confab in dis ral, but the tensity of the moment the Methodist Church of impresaively conducted on the performance, we are told an guise. Fate of fortune brought could only afford a very brief trada will be observed on Sun night of Wednesday the 26th. enjoyable time was spent at the writer at the point of the utterance. Punctuated with the instant. The Management is day the 13th of next mont the banqueting table.
The drama, and with the theme of toothsome dainties and invigorat The regular divine services Amour passion. some one beck ing beverages, many toast were and afternoon programme a: now entrusted to Miss sirene Atlantic Voice wishes the Stephens. as Worthy Managing Personnel of this oned their return to the resi. showered on the honource and listed for observation.
Mrs. McIntosh. The responses Mistress Mrs. Catherine Mc Lodge, as well as the general dence.
ZENT It has bean ar Farlane, Deputy Mis membershinp a smooth sailing With hasteend footsteps they were very much in harmony. nounced that the Methodis reached the scene tress Mrs. Jennett Brown, in their fraternal ship.
the curtain Under the strains of the syncopat of Zent will stage a Pally in Senior Deacon Mr. Jawas raised, and Mr. Jerome Earle ing Riversiders, dancing held the Chapel of the district ha dthe astonishment of his life sway until the small hours of when told by his host and hos the morning.
Wednesday night the seco LIFE PROBLEM CLUB ENTERTAIN of February. It is mention In a manner described as an noch, violinist; Stanley DaCosta, that elaborate preparations ON VISIT TO ON THEIR WAY At Home. the Women Life guitarist, and Gibbs of cello are completed under way Problem Club entertained several fame, the players co ordinated THE CAPITAL HOMEWARD order to furnish a grand th invitees in the Hall of the St. amazingly with the dance numThe men from the 111 fated to the residents, Zent and Mark Parish last Monday night. bers. The revived quadrille made Among our citizens who left launch San Cristobal. who had cinity.
Current attraction was widely up the very popular excercise. last week end for San Jose was been the guests of the Pension spread on a background of ex Appetizing and flavory refresh don Edwin Marin the official America of this city, during the ceptional merriment; and the ments were generously served. Veterinary Surgeon for Limon. past several weeks, left by TuesWORKING TOGETHER warmth obtained by the natural At the playing of the Good We undëstand that with a view day passenger train home ward dancing contact proved quite a night. it was no wonder there of securing special medical atten. bound. We learn that from San The nations will learn to WOL recipe for the semi wintry night. was the assumption that some tion for his impaired health, our José they will be afforded together only by actually worl air ing together. These were th Though only a three piece Band eyes were moistened.
highly regarded citizen has been transportation to Belize, British words with which Preside.
composed of Messers. Percy Pin.
granted leave of absence from Honduras. They were the reci Roosevelt brought RA into being. No experimenti his duties. His very attractive pients of warm farewell expresworking together could have wife, who teaches in our Kin sions by many of our citizons. more noble or more disintereste FOR SALE regarten. is also in the Capital. We wish them a safe flight and a purpose. On its success depen It is sincceely hoped that ere happy reunion with their anxious much of the future of the suffe long don Edwin will completely lv waiting families, relatives and legates to the ing peoples of Europe. That Titled Property containing Forty (40) hectarea, regain his good health and be friends.
conference are fully consciou.
of land, able to return for the resumptheir responsibility is shown tion of his very important duties.
the words of one delegate: 3200 Personal Briefs The cultivated areas consist of 85 hectareas of well could we fail when we kyo planted two years old CACAO. 17 hectareas in good that the eyes of all our shop.
beating condition and, in addition two and a half (2 1)
HITLER DESPERATION Numbered among the many are upon us, that their hoye hectareas with bearing cacao in need of cleaning.
who left us on Tuesday pas.
a happy and contented four apartment building equipped with two kitchens The information is released, senger train was don Joaquín to a peaceful ay of life depene aBarbecue and other home conveniences.
by way of Cairo, Egypt, that upon the result of our meet Hernández, the local Chief of the German High Command ings?
The Property is situated in the vicinity of Santa Maria the Syndicate of Workers. He is have been pressing Bulgaria at 15 Miles.
to launch an attack on Tur said to have gone on very imconnection tion. We were glad for his visit For further particulars apply key It is also stated that the portant matters in Germans have been with the work of his office.
consiThe much appreciated forme multaneously attacking Spain JOS. THOMAS dering the practicability of si Mr. Benjamin Bennett, one of Limonense, Mrs. Carmeta Smith, and Turkey in a desperate the very active cultivators of the made the proverbial doctor wi POST OFFICE BOX 199, LIMON effort, it is regarded, to dedistrit of Liverpool, sit a few days ago. She was ac feat the plans of the Allied business visitor to our city. He corded a hearty welcome.
Nations in connection with came in on Saturday afternoon We are also pleased with th For a much better Hair Cut or Shaves go to Dixon the Second Front operations and left by Tuesday morning Barber Shonp presence of Mr. Thomas Allei West of the City Market.
in Europe.
freight and passenger combinawife and children, from the Ce pital, We wish ther an excedir: Nor permitimos llamar su atención a la nota el dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back gly enjoyable stay.
de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: Thin hill must be paid at our office before We much regret, the infor Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina dentro the 10th. of the month mation that, consequent on sut de los primeros 10 días de cada mes Be so gou as to comply with this request and do not fering from an affection of Le rogamos recorda: esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena ntlige us to suspend our service, o step which eye sight, our much esteeme de tener que corter su sorvicio wo would much regret to take, fellow citizen, Mr. Peter Black man is undergoing special optic treatment in the Capital. went up last Wednesday, wish hint the very best result retur was a COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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