
SATURDAY, JANUARY 29nd. 1944 LA VOZ ATLANTICA PAGE 11 WHISKY COSTA RICA as Años Completos WHISKY COSTA RICA. 15 la BOTELLA OUR CACAO IN DEMAND MATINA ART AND UNIQUE According to a San Jose TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT Press announcement there se MINTO em a possibility of our newly The charm in the appearance of a man is a well inaugurated Cacao Cooperatidesigned and smartiy fitted suit ve Association securing two ad The Matina Art and Unique Tailoring ditional good markets for their Establishment guarantees, at all times.
BEST FIT REAL MATERIALS and It is mentioned that an im UNPARALLEL WORKMANSHIP portant importing firm in Pe. Our central location makes it convenient for the men ru have made enquiries regar of the Abaca Industry and other vicinities to deal ding our production with the with us.
Uno de los mejores Whiskys view of ascertainning if arran PRICES TO MEET THE TIME fabricados en América gements could be concluded for Elaborado a base de Cebada.
purchases in large quantities If your last Hair not satisfactory. It is because Bien madurado y envejecido.
for that Republic as well you did get it done at Dixon Barber Shop Chile.
West of the City Market.
We hope a successful arran gement can be made.
AMONG THE FOOTBALLERS Argentine Breacks with The Barcelonians piled up Nine Goals against a Single by Axis Combine the Mexicans Jose Jackson starred in aggressiveness and en barricas de roble.
effective passes; he earned three points. Macaron earned a similar number, Tnorio two and Picho one The government of the Re public of Argentine officiallis The match between the Bar. tely after the resumption, Macareleased the very important ir Teams, last Sunday afternoon, ron gained the fourth point, formation last Wednesday, that was affected in line with the cu which was increased by a fifth they had, that day, severed dirrent League Fixtures. and a sixth by Jose Jackson. The plomatic relations with Germa There was a reasonable display ambitious Otto of the Mexicans, ny and Japan.
of fireworks, particulary that of in a very praiseworthy manner, This decision is said to have the splendid performance of Jose pulled the dark veil from the un Whisky legítimo, de calidad, been agreed upon as the re Jackson, who starred in aggres face of his team, by earning a sult of certain a precio atractivo: investigations siveness and effective passes and technical and the only shot. Barordered some time ago and proved his itness throughout the celonia seventh shot was earned and which disclosed the opera exercise. From the earlier stage by the forceful effort of Picho.
tion in the country of a vast of the game, it was noted the Macaron skill gained his side system of espionage by Axis Mexicans would be unable to the eighth and Tenorio cashed in Agents. number of measures have been placed in force with efficiently compete against the the ninth and final.
According to the results the view of safeguarding the in FABRICA NACIONAL terests of the nation and bring The first half period of play results of the matches played, bo it in time with the other coun registered three goals by Josefar in the tournament, it may DE LICORES tries of our hemisphere which Jackson, Macaron and Tenorio, be possible for the Barcelonians are untedly opposed 10 the respectively, Mexico. Junior to emerge as the Champions for axis Combine.
score was nil. Almost immedia the 1943 1944 Season.
EMPLOYEES OF ABACA INDUST RY TO CELEBRATE PRESIDENT ALLIEDS USE POWERFUL NEW WEAPEN IN PACIFIC ROOSEVELT BIRTH ANNIVERSARY AREA is hats Motivated, evidently, with ad. and it is proposed to have the Orchestra, of this city, has been report from the Allied of Arawe, New Britain, with miration and loyalty, we had the Teacher effect the presentation engaged. We wish the effort an Headquarters in the South splendid effect, 240 of the visit on Monday, the 24th. ins to the citizens of the United outstanding success.
west Pacific states that a new rockets were discharged from tant, of Mr. o. Kelly of the States of American domiciled MORE JAPANESE LOSSES secret weapon was recently wo tanks for the protection baca district or Pattan.
triedout in that region and During a recent attack aga of the landing troops, and brought the welcomed informa.
The promoters of this very inst the port of Rabaul, torEgave notable results. killed nearly all the enemy tion that the democratic emplo pleasing commemorative event pedo planes of the North AThe weapon is said to be located on the beach. So great yees of the district had resolved extend, by this medium, a cordial mericans sank five Japanese ade up of a number of rockets the commotion caused by to royally celebrate the sixty invitation to all the residents in ubes mounted on a large the exploding of the rockets second birth anniversary of Mr. the Province, who can possibly and a large number of other cargo ships and an oil boat, mphibious tank or a small that it causes the victims to Franklin Roosevelt, the mar do so, to attend the festivity. As naval units. Twenty four of onbat ship. The rockets were bleed from their mouths and vellous President of the great crowning feature of the observa their aerial units were also first used at the time of the ears, it is claimed.
North American Republic, The tion, it has been mentioned destroyed. This brought the invasion of the Japonese base anniversary falls, actually, Dance will be staged the same total it is stated to 103 in the 30th. instant, tomorrow, but night for which the Riverside three days operations.
REOPENING OF SCHOOLS OF PRIVATE TUITION for important reasons the celebration will be effected at the following information with rector.
so hour of four in the afternoon of regard to the re opening of DOX SIQUIRRES some of the private schools HOTEL HISPANO AMERICA New Hope Monday the 31st, idem.
The demostration will, we are associated with the National School and Music Classes unCity of Limon 297 Educators Association der the direction of Mrs. told, include a procession of the Frankling and daughters. school children of the section; Baufio fulfy situated in front the Sea.
Monday the 31st of the present mouth Aay, Cool, Comfortable Rooms CITY The Wesleyan Methodist, under the tuition of Special Dining Room Service SE VENDEN SE COMPRAN MUEBLES Mrs. Jessie Wright and Miss WELL STOCKED BAR WITH NATIVE NUEVOS USADOS Violet Stennette.
AND FOREIGN LIQUORS Adventurers Miss Luci LA CASA DE LOS MUEBLES lle Johnson, Directress.
50 vs. Oeste Musmanni. San José ERNEST CECIL LEWIS The Progressive at St. Mark s!
Hal Mr. Jos. Thomas, DiWren NITRILIZZATI CONTACT TEANA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas der WISE ಅನ ಬhe He there.
on y Juventud, Costa Rica


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