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the ideas of its time, gave the War time consumption of oil iar power played an important Wellington night bomber peace tiine actor and a people their physical freedom in Canada has shot up like a part in the victories of North Wing in North Africa now has mer university student, now secured them internal peace, rocket. while the difficulties of Africa. Their result has been to its own parish church. The command of naval motor la guaranteed them impartial jus hauling it by sea from the United make possible more powerful church consists of two tents ches, gave the time honoured tice; there is to be found in every States and South America have blows against Germany and Ger (fronted by an old Arah archway der within a few minutes colony a largish group of tusi. correspondingly increased. This man occupied Europe, and to plafon which stands a wooden cross. each other as their craft car ness and professional men who has forced Canada to develop ce a bigger strain on German When it was decided to prov their way towards one of. couid hold their own in any 90three great olfields of her own, defences.
ide a church for all the airmen many big modern boat ciety.
Turner Valley, Vermillion and Between October 23rd 1942 and of the Wing, whatever their reli. one of the most spectacular. Norman Wells.
early October 1943 the Aities gious denomination, a church coastal forces actions of this Today the administrator sent 09 destroyed 1, 348 enemy aircraft council representative of all the cut from home stands a nan Turner Valley, in the foothills in the Mediterranean area, and squadrons was formed and the For the first time for SO among his fellow men. His qua of Alberta, is the oldest of Ca captured in various states of work was begun. One unit under weeks several groups of ene lities are recognized. He is known nada oil developments. The disrepair more than 2, 283. During took to make the altar and an boats had been intercepted to be hard working and incor. Crown Company, Wartime Oils the same period 1, 800 Italian other made itself responsible for the Eeast Coast by patrols ruptible, Ltd. has undertaken extensive aircraft were destroyed and more the Communion rail which has sisting of trawlers, light coas and successful new drillings. than 1, 600 captured.
been constructed from wood ta forces, corvettes and destroye The type of man who in Vic. great extension has also taken The conquest of North Africa ken from wrecked enemy vehl. Two of the boats were hit torian days was impelled by his place in the second area, near and the invasion of Sicily and cles.
fire from the corvettes.
social zeal to spend his energies Vermillion, which lies some 100 Italy has meant that Allied air. Two 25 lb. shell cases serve as Fifteen prisoners were tal in the backward areas oversea miles east of Edmonton; fifty bases are creeping steadily nea. altar vases flanking a wooden from E boat rammed by row feels the call to wcifare wells are now in process of dril rer Germany and German held cross made by a craftsman from launches. They crawled up work in the backward areas at ling. Most dramatic, however, has territory. As the Allies make one of the Wellington squadrons scrambling net thrown do home.
been the development of the their way north through Italy, The same unit also provided the when their boat sank.
sub arctic field at Norman Wells. Germany must prepare herself cross which surmounts the arch One of the men was a Geri The time is also ripe, or fast Until the war, the vast oil depo for large scale blows from the way. The sandy floor of the lieutenant. He was hauled ripening, for a change in admin. sits lying along the line of the south as well as from the west. church was lowered by nearly, ard upside down by Able Sean istrative principle. At present Mackenzie River in the Yukon Meanwhile, night attack of two feet in order to secure more Hodgson, of Idle, Bradfo the two men into whose hands Territory were inaccessible. Fort the Royal Air Force and the head room, steps were cut and Yorks, whose comment was: all the administrative threads are Norman, tucked away in this Royal Canadian Air Force, and the floor was carpeted with pie. isn every day one gets gathered up. the Governor and northern valley, was a poor and daylight attacks of the Unitedces of canvas. The choir stalls chance to stand a two ringer the Colonial Secretary. are struggling settlement States Army Air Force, have were made from old flare boxes his head. boat was damag both members of the Colonial placed an even greater strain on and cut down bomb boxes have but went on firing.
Civil Service. As such, they have But with the advent of he Alas the German defence system. In been used for seating accom Then the launch under been trained in the old adminis. ka Highway, which runs nort January 1943 one half of German modation. This miniature church command of Lieut. Sedd trative tradition, fortified as a west from Edmonton over the tern front and one third on the is complete even to the organ late actor with the Liverp rule by experience in African mountains to Alaska, the position fighter strength was on the wes which was bought with subscrip. Repertory Theatre, closed colonies calling for directly pa. of Norman Wells has improved. Russian front. In October 1943 tions given by the airmen. The boat.
ternal methods.
The nearest point on the High two thirds of Germany fighters building is used for Bible clas. We bore down on him fru way lies nearly 300 miles west had been moved to the west, ses, Toc meetings and occa 30 yards Lieut. Seddon S2 There is good ground for res of the settlement, but so greatore fifth remaining on the Russional classical concerts as well The boat tried to dodge erving Colonial Secretaryships to is the importance of oil, not only sian front.
as for church services.
but only managed to narrow men with the péchnique of admi. for transport on the Highway, angle. Both ships met head. nistration at their finger ends, but also for the prosecution of THE ARMY HEALTH FIJI CONTRIBUTION It was a remarkable sensatin But a Governor is concerned the war from Alaska, that the We rose out of the water rather with executive principle building of a pipe line over th 13 The health of the British Navy, With a population of less than the boat bows and forede, than with administrative detail three hundred miles of mountain Army and Air Force has been a quarter of a million, only 5, 000 before hitting the water again ard decisions of this sort can and marshland has already been outstandingly good. In the of them Europeans, Fiji has ma Before this the two launch properly be taken. by men undertaken. With this outlet in Eighth Army, which fought for de some remarkable and varied had damaged another boat whom knowledge of the world prospect, surveying and drilling three years in Egypt, Libya and contributions to the war effort gunfire and put a third to figh has made sure judges of char on an extensive scale has been Tunisia, the incidence of typhus of the British Empire and Comacter. There is no shortage of going on in the Norman area, tetanus, typhoid, cholera and monweath. Up to March, 1942, WOMEN RUN KENYA such men in Britain and many with results far beyond anything smallpox was almost negligible. its inhabitants had given two of them willing enough to give which was expected, and it is the incidence of dysentery was bombers and five fighter aeroFARMS up a few years to honourable now believed that Norman Wells, relatively low. Among enemy planes to the Imperial forces and public service. Such men come will one day take its place among troops in Africa the incidence of had subscribed 80, 000 to the To day many a ship ro!
to the West Indies without for the most important oilfields on dysentery was much higher, a British Red Cross.
formerly made from hemp, med mental bias and with an in the North American continent.
fact which is said to have con Fijain commandos were in made from sisal from Keny: clination towards democratic tributed to the victory at El action against the Japanese dur. whose achievements in helpi practice. They hold the balance Alamein. ing the re conquest of Guadalca. to meet shortages, not only fairly between administrative be occupied by West Indians. The Much credit for this happy nal. Although they did not suf. hemp, but also of pyrethru efficiency and popular aspiration present facilities for education at state is due to the Navy, Army fer a single casualty, the number and rubber, have been consid.
and the transfer of Governor a British university, must be in and Air Force medical services of Japanese they killed ran into ab e. Pyrethrum, used amon ships into their hands would do creased. But that is not all. Af. Their work in wartime, how. three figures. In the spring of other things as an insecticide more than anything else to con ter a few years practical expe. ever, could not have been so ef this year, the first battalion of military vince West Indians of the sincerience camps, is now a fire professional ficiently performed but for the the Fiji Infantry Regiment left priority crop in Kenya, since til vity of their aim to advance the roan or woman becomes aware medical work of peacetime. Re. Suva for service overseas. It was former sources of supply colonies self govern of how much England could search had produced good vacci. the first complete Fijian comba Japan and Jugoslavia. are en ment.
teach him it only he had the nes; they were put to good ef. tent unit ever to go abroad. The off. It is hoped that the 38, 00 chance of getting there. Year by fect. Before leaving Britain, regiment is composed of Euro acres which grew pyrethrum Appointment of a Royal Com year West Indian accountants, troops were inoculated against peans, Fijians and Eurasians, 1942 will be increased to at lea: mission whose recommendations, chemists, social workers, farmers, typhoid and paratyphoid, cholera, and is officered partly by New 50, 000 this year. Energetic which have been published, op and the like should be enabled smallpox, tetanus and yellow Zealanders.
forts have been made to cole, ened a new chapter in British to make contact with their Bri fever.
In cases of dysentery, Fiji helps to provide for the wild and ceara rubber; the pre colonial policy. The Commission tish colleagues, partiy no doubt British troops in the Western United States forces stationed Cuction of cereals has also nou advised the appointment of an at refresher courses, partly in Desert reacted well to recently there since January, 1942. By bly increased during the war.
experienced officer to inaugur ordinary social intercourse, diecovered drugs.
way of mutual aid, it supplies The women of the colony navi ate, at the cost of the British Sumer schools for teachers are The enemy record was not them with labour and services done much to secure the succes Exchequer, social services which worth special consideration be. So good. Typhoid fever was to the value of 2, 883, 000 a year. of war time farming in Keny the colonies lacked and which cause of the force with which found to be endemic among Ger. This is paid for by the British and to grapple with the drough Two hundred of them are tnens they were patently too poor to teachers could convey their im. man and Italian prisoners, but Government.
establish for themselves. The repressions of Britain to their pu when they were inoculated with In Fiji, as in other countries selves running farms, often mor commendation was accepted, and pils. Action along such lines as the British vaccine, the number of the British Empire, the war than one, in place of husbands o Frank Stockdale of the fever dropped has brought a deficiency of neighbours on active was ap these would be welcomed in the of cases service pointed to the new post of Compi pathy and understanding, The abruptly. Another example of the manpower. The deficiency is felt while 600 others are working o troller of West Indian Welfarelles between Britain and her virtue of vaccines was given in particularly in the cane sugar farms away from home.
and Development.
Caribbean colonies are the incidence of tetanusAmong industry, normally one of Fiji strong but in these changeful British troops in the Middle staples. In 1940 some 9, 000 In pulation of Fiji. They are repre: West Indians themselves will times they will must be East, who had been immunized dian planters, working as tenants ented by five Indian member have to take the lead. Self gov strengthened. Britain to take the, against it, the incidence was of Fijian owners, cultivated over on the Legislative Council.
erment can only function in an initiative in facilitating new ties 013 per cent; among South 90 per cent of the 42, 500 acres Since the war, the bulk o area conscious of its unity. Many and more intimate knowledge on Africans, who had not been im under sugar cane. Indian immi. Fijian sugar exports has gon posts hitherto held by men sent her own coll?
munized, the incidence was 16, grants and their descendants to New Ze: land and the Unite out from Britain will in future or twelve times as great.
form 43 per cent of the total po States.
the young Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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