
AILANTIC VOICE 910 orn, The man who reviews his own life, from me to page, has need to have been a good man indeed, if he would be spared the sharp onciousness of many talents neglected, many Editor: JOS THOMAS BOX 199 pportunities wasted, many erratic and perYear IX Limón, February 5th. 1944 No. 409 erted feelings constantly at war within his eart, and defeating him.
Charles Dickens.
NATIONALIZATION OF OUR IE NEED FOR GENERAL CULTURAL CENTER COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES FOR OUR WOMANHOOD Following on the announ SOVIET UNION CONVERTED INTO ASSOCIATION cement in our last SaturThough fully cognizant of the fact that, here day issue, we desire to see OF AUTONOMOUS NATIONS ad there, in this city will be found assemblies cially direct the attention our women who interest themselves in pra important law recently proour of readers to the very Se eworthy cultural activities, we, nevertheless, mulgated by the Chief ExeConsidered as of trascenden cles. that the change will pre elieve present day conditions demand a mo cutive by wh ch all fore gal importance is the reorgani sent a number of problems for ement of a much wider scope. Welcoining, ners are prohibited to either cation of the Union of the the United Nasons in their 10, as we do, the many social clubs and the own or act as the agents of Soviet Republics in a form si post war programme.
forts of those associated with them toward any commercial business in milar to that of the Br tish ultural advancement, we are inclined to the Commonweacth of Nations.
any part of the Republic.
sou Consequent on this restr pinion, as every keen observer must, that cir tion the Municipal authori According to the released zstances exist which suggest dangerous es cannot renew the trade information the project for the change was presented to insequences if something be not immediate licenses of aliens without the Russian Parliament by the y done to lift the cultural standard of a very the approval of the Minister of State.
Minister of Foreign Affairs, rge percentage of our younger generation Yvacheslavo Molotov, at the nd lay a correct foundation for those yet unThe law became effectivessesion held on the night of during the last days of the the 1st. instant, when it was The time is mellowed for an awakening in month of December, but its unanimously approved after having been under discussion ne affairs of our everyday life. The masses operations were suspended for four hours.
would trow aside their apathy and indifferen until the close of the first The sixteen individual repu and seriously interest themselves in intelli three months of the present blics will, henceforth, be at li year, in order that all per berty to maintain their own ent and worthwhile movements.
sons thereby affected Nothing can be gained, no good can ever be be afforded suffic ent time individual foreign affairs. It is may armed forces and direct their OVIET MINISTER Molotov who presented Union hieved by a perpetual harping on the age to conclude the necessary ar expected, in diplomatic cir Reorganization Scheme adage that the hand that rocks the cradle rangements with the Minis the hand that rules the world. without brin ter of State before epplying. eat only fresh and good food.
for the renewal of their li.
ing home to the consciousness of our womenNice fresh food is served daily at LA MAGNOLIA censes for the second quarood the fact that such destinies depend on the ter of the year.
little place West of the City Market.
reparative state of those who will be the moth is of tomorrow Many of those around We advise all foreigners ALLIED FORCES MAKE PROGRESS IN ITALY sem to be still unaware of the fact that the interested in commercial ac reld is, naturally, a product of the plant; and cation for the prescribed per tivities to make early appli The North American and In view of the extraordinajat as it is in the vegetable kingdom, so it is in mit in order to avoid serious French troops of the Fifth. ry violence being displayed by je animal to which we belong. It is an admi personal inconveniences and after securing pathway the fichting forces, impartial ed truism that no people can attain a stan economic losses, later on. acitos the fortified territory observers are of the opinion ard higher than that of their womenhood. If, to the north of the River Ra that the final phase of the bat herefore, our women are lifted advanced cul: BACK FROM WELL pido, are reported to have ceste of Rome is rapidly approa irally and otherwise our men must rise in troyed the Gustav Line of the ching.
German defence system and roportion or even go higher. To secure the SPENT HOLIDAY to have reached the near vici irest gold we must dig deeply. If our women subsequent advice states rity of Terelle, situated five Cassino has been taken by the re allowed to remain at the base there can be miles north of Cassino.
Fifth and a large number of o aspiring ray.
Mr. Luis Aragon, wife The troops operating to the We sincerely urge the inauguration of a well and daughter, who south of Rome are continuing prisoners captured.
their advance, notwithsanding ounded and intelligently operated organiza visiting in Nicaragua, on for our womenhood; an organization very friendly neighbouring the stern resistance of the ene vhich will afford them all the opportunities Republic on the North, have my and the possibility of counter attack movement by or improving their knowledge of their own six returned to our city.
Judging by their physical Marshal Kesselring. It has al is well as of the more important requirements appearance, it appears the so been stated thah the Briof the present age.
trip to their homeland has tish troops have cut the elecWe await, wtih interest, a start in the been very beneficial. tric railway system which uni ight direction, and promise our wholehearted cerely welcomes their reunion southern front.
The ATLANTIC VOICE sin tes Rome with the German cooperation.
Beware fo a bad stomach Dixon us a were our a NOTICE VOYAGES TO COLON REPUBLICA DE PANAMA Aadress all your Eng Para todos sus trabajos ineering Requirements ro de inceniería dirija se a E ROIG BOX 523 Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 2929 SAN JOSE Charges Reasonable Precios Módicos Agents SMYTH COMPANY PORT LIMON AND SAN JOSE COSTA RICA GENERAL CLARK in Command of the Fifth Army Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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