
IPECACUANA las fashioned on a princess sa Ushers. There singing the an The marriage of Miss Ocwere the only two bridesmaids.
tovia Hilberry, daughter Their gowns were of brocaded of Mr. and Mrs. Hilberry, chiffon bodice and very full to Kenneth Wareham, son skirts of chiffon nylon. They of Mr. and Mrs. James Ware also more shoulder length CACAO ham of Costa Rica, was solem veils held in place by match hized as 50 last Newling flowers. Miss Henry wore Year Eve in the Trinity Me pink and carried abouquet The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao thodist Church, Colon. The of pink carnations, while Miss keremony was performed by loney wore pale yellow and RAICILLA the Rev. James Bell, Pastor carried a bouquet of yellow of the Church, in the presen gladiolas. The flower girls we Traverse of the couple. The nuptial mu and Edna Stephens, who wore friends the RUBBER sic was played by Chas. Wawhite nylon and carried blue reham. Assistant Organist, baskets with blue hortencias.
The bridge entered the sayas attenWe are Agents for crel edifice escorted by her ded by Vicent Warehom, his brether. Rodolph Hilberry, and cousin, who officiated as Best THE RUBBER DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF THE GOVT.
wes Icvely in her wedding man. Messrs. Leonard and Te gown brocaded rence Wareham acted the OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE Ines, with a sweet heart neck, church was rendered by the long full sleeves, fitted closely Sunday School Choir and to the waist and ended in a appropriate duet wassung Floing skirt. Her fingertip by the Misses Myrtle and Ade Kength veil was held in place laide Aurall, accompanied by by a beaded tiara, and she Miss Margaret Aurall on the carried a bouquet of white organ. Following the church mmc garitas.
ceremony a gala reception was Miss. Vida Wareham, who held at the home of Mrs. Chris 100 THOUSAND CINCHONA PLANTS FOR wc Maid of honour, wbre a tiana Wareham, aunt of the TURRIALBA gcn of blue lace trimmed Bridegroom. Vincent Ware wi chiffon velvet. She carri ham acted as Master of Cere ed a bouquet of blue horten. monies, during which many cies and wore a blue shoulder congratulary speeches were of ter ith veil held in place with fered the newly weds, who we According to a Washings are a part of some two mil the United States of Amer morching flowers. Miss Unare also the recipients of many ton advice, the Director of lion which were removed, ca and other Allied Na Heary and Miss Lily Loney useful and beautiful presents. the Inter. American Insti from the Philippine Islands, tions with certain product tute of Agricultural Science by air transportation, a few of primery importance Satisfaction guaranteed, where taste and qualities are constates he had concluded a days prior to the fall of Ba the unfolding of the pos cerned, to all who eat and drink at LA MAGNOLIA. Dixon greements for the planting taan.
war programme.
little place West of the City Market.
of one hundred thousand cinchona plants in Turrial Costa Rica seem destined SOMEba: to play an important part in It is said that these plants furnishing the markets of RECENT DEATHS UNPLEASANT Bloque de la Victoria, last We have been given th Sunday. The lad is said to ha information that amon CLIFFORD STEELE HAPPENINGS ve been caught in the act of those who died recently apply ng soap to the rails the San Juan de Dios Front of British Phormacy, Limon City.
th To exthance the charm of every man is a well designed According to the San Jo in the vicinity of the famed pital, San Jose, were following who were asse and fell stilored suit with a guarantee behind it. se Press, a fifteen year old Virilla River.
lad and two male adults are ciated with this Zone.
before the criminal Court of William Malcolm Cousin Đuring the night of MonBEST FIT, BEST MATERIAL, that city, charged with the day of the week in course, who once resided in Siqui BEST WORKMANSHIP serious offence of attemp it is claimed the post office rres and was of the age a 78 years.
He died on th ting to wreck a train which at Coronado was criminally 23rd ultimo.
We rake Dress caps, Cadet caps, Scout caps, Scull was on its way to San Jose, entered and zobbed of a lar cars, Sailor cops and working caps of all kinds.
from Heredia with 2, 800 ge quantity of cedulas requi John Wilson Keenb persons for the pol tical mared for use in the approach (Campbell. formerly nifestation arranged by the ing Presidential election.
this city and 85 years old He entered the institutio on the 20th. July last yea and died on the 25th. of las month.
Luz Marina Campos llalobos, a child of six year Offers you Correct Weight, Lower Prices, resh Merchandise and Courtesy of age who hailed from th Condensed Milk, large 35 Cacao XXX, lb. 85 district of Pococi on the Oli Ovomaltina, tin 50 Nugget Shoe Polish, tin,. 00. 45 Line. She was placed in th hospital on the 2nd. ultim Banquet Sardines, tin 75 Crisco, lb. 25 and died on the 21st. idem Camay Soap 70 Tuna Fish, tin 50 James Lambert Catrin, lati Palmolive Soap 70 Sapolio 00 lof 28 Miles and 45 years old Butter, ib. 50 Wire Sponges 25 He was admitted to the hosp Cerker Cats, tin 60 Mayonaise, jar. 50 tal on the 28th. Decembe Floor Polish, lb. 50 Brooms 80 last and died on the 26th, u timo.
All Polish, tin 50 Klim, tin 25 Celim Arias Sandino, 34 Paking Powder, lb. 00 Carbide, lb. 00 Sweet Oil, bot. 25 Cake Sand, ounce 50 years of age, formerly of Poce di on the Old Line. He entered PROVEEDORA. Puerto Limon.
the institution on the 28 De cember last and died on the 28th of the past month.
EXCELSIOR TAILOR o LA PROVEDORA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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