
SATURDAY, February 5th. 1944 LA VOZ ATLANTICA PAGE 11 BROWNE ABRAHAMS retas 25 DAS Limón Trading Company Toivos isol VENTA DE MERCADERIAS DEPOSITO DE AZUCAR to vriaisir Apartado 362 LIMON PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR Blog Decent folk prefer Dixon place for themselves and kids, for its no rowdy den. Go to Dixon Barber Shop. West of the City Marketu eex x0x3379 Dried Ipecac Root Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra RUBBER the city eine and partnervention et which the cec, on occupation of SOVIETS CROSS ESTONIAN FRONTIER 43770 slowed Continuing their victorious reported to have initiated on offensive the Russian forces of intense offensive toward Leto the Leningrade front crossed nią. He secured possession of the river Luga and captured eighty districts on the 2nd.
instant and blocked a roadway Kingisep, an important stron of great importance to the ghold in the German defence enemy. Narya is located in Le system in the direction of Nartonia, nine miles off the Rusva. More than sixty districts sian frontier. It is expected REMEMBER were also reported captured by that the Nazis will be obligthe troops under General Go ed to evacuate the position.
vorov in the same area, one Other positions of importance WE PAY. THE BEST PRICES of which is located only seven in Letonia have been occupied miles off Narva. Later advi py the invading Russians.
Osoria 90 bra Tutoostre of ongo ces, released the information. Much surprise has been occa Poow 153 wo to orom or com that the General had started síoned we be told my the So hen you leave Dixon Barber Shop, you are well fixed.
strategic position.
Lutsk, two important positions Ting. Try there, West of the City Market.
bo AN UNFORTUNATE located in the old Polish terri In the Novgorod sector, vio tory.
ACCIDENT lent fighting is declared in INDIA TEEMING MILLIONS Ten Nazi divisions are re progress a sthe result of the ported bottled up in the region efforts of the Germans to im south of Kiev.
Whenever that vast Asia most populous provinces We excedingly regret territory known as In are Bengal, the United Pro having to report the pede the encircling of thousvery German soldiers in Poland ands of their men. ar.
is the subject of discus vinces and Madras which, unfortunate accident expeare said, to be deserting in 4, the thought of the together, represent fortyrienced by Mr. Aubrey Gas At a point, stated as 300 large numbers and selling Westerner usually reverts per cent of all India popu ton, one of our much rekilometers south of the Gulf their arms and uniforms to the its teeming millions. lace and fifty six per cent garded citizens, He got one of Finland, General Popovis patriotie Poles.
idia and teeming millions of that of British India. of his legs broken, while TO239 bit e always closely allied. The chief states are Hyde in the performance of his ut the fact remains that rabad with around work, on one of the local WORLD LARGEST AND MOST POWERFUL hile there are parts which 17. 000. 000 and Mysore piers on the morning of teem. there other with 000. 000.
Tuesday the 1st. instant. He arts still regarded The increase rate for all is now confined in one of Carrying Admira)
displacement formidable unit, young and undeveloped JE India is about fifteen the wards of the local hosof forty five thousand King, the Supreme Comnd not too well settled, In per cent. It runs a little hig pital, where he is being ex tons, the Missouri. recen mander of the Navy, stated lia, however, grows, and her in British India than intended the very best medi tly launched by the Marine that 1944 was their year of rows prodigiously, the Native States. Most of cal attention. Mrs. Gaston the Punjab, which was once has, in the meantime been Department of the United attack, and that they were States of America, iş »s the elaborating the plans for The census of the year a desert, has greatly impro receiving the heart felt ex world largest and la most of the most important and ex 691 placed the total popu ved in recent years, due to pressions of sympathy from powerful battles tshipbo Its tensive naval operations yet xtion at 337. 000. 000 to irrigation systems. Phenome her church associates and main battery dis said to be undertaken. It was also stal ihich, in the sucteeding nal increases have also been numerous friends.
composed of 16 inch can ted that the Navy had been en years, may be added noted in Assam, Cooch, Be The Atlantic Voice sinnon.
another 50, 000. 000 Most of har and the adjoining areas. cerely hopes Mr.
strengthened by 3, 500 yo Gaston In his message to the nits during the year 1943, his increase is said to be In the matter of literacy, will rally through his very men who constructed the of the natural kind, as im the 1931 census is said to dark hour. to migration does not play any have revealed a rate of portant part. The native eighty per THE ROSE one thousand, tates furnish about a while that of 1941 gave the Fourth of the total. The rating of 120 per 000. GRANTED I often wonder, when see a Rose Come newly budding on a parentbush, FORTNIGHT REST If in the early days of springtime flush MATINA ART AND UNIQUE She ever dreamed such beauty to disclose.
TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT We learn that Mr. Stan And have watched her, when the rough wind blows, ley Black, the very popular Lift leaves like arms to make a little nest MINTO The charm in the appearance of a man is a well Chief salesman of the Dry About the roses lying on her breast, Goods Section of the city designed and smartly fitted suit With all the tender love a mother knows.
The Matina Art and Unique Tailoring Commissary, ha been 112 Am 23 Establishment guarantees, at all times.
granted fifteen leave And have thought perhaps a rose is meant BEST FIT REAL MATERIALS and of absence from his respon To be a symboy or a greater love, UNPARALLEL WORKMANSHIP sible duties. He has left, ac Her beauty winning men as beauty must, Our central location makes it convenient for the men companied his wife, for And bringing to their hearts a fine content of the Abaca Industry and other vicinities to deal somewhere on the Pacific That over all, a spirit dwells above side. We wish them a very Who, by the rose, inspires man heart to trust.
PRICES TO MEET THE TIME enjoyable trip and safe return.
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