p. 12


In Belgium farmers are forced cember 1941 that Britain Pri.
nie Minister, the Right HonouLo grow rapeseed. The farmers Arms, munitions and military rable Winston Spencer Chur.
do not like doi it, because it Six generals and one adm ral Yung Ching Wei was chuil, informed both houses being suppiic of Tsining. Hsien in S!
of Te among the hundreds of Ame xaa sis the soil, then poisons it equipment are the Congress that the population ut the Grmans sore them to free to Chinese forces in Chin Province, can fighting men who recently within very restricted limita year 1943 would be the Allies o it be ause Germany needs it.
When the district was on ended tne dedication sur 108 Targe quandties of it, however, Chinese troops, first in Burma to organise a guerrilla ut tions of transport from year of offensive. and in more India by the Japanese he was a memorial chapel at Army, fece. statements the Premier re ruined by saboteurs. This and then in India, have avy and Marine Cemetery on. heer did.
added that 1944 would be the nnoyed the Germaa authorities, given all that they require local.
a island Solomons. We armed and trained invasion. they in ormed the Black The cost of training Chinese men. said Wei. Every Events have proved that Mr. igacie, members of the Bel pilots in India is also covered between the ages of 18 The chapel was built by a naW swal Churchill, who is cer pour corps of an Quisling party that they by Great Britain under mutual was compelled to join. lainly not the man to raise Idise. slanders, and in the course of a Solomo. out ay night armed in or aid.
lopes, has told the truth, and tinued. The guerrila War materials of all types ha took four months and be that the United Nations are cio brie presentation ceremony which ar to guard the seed. It is because you are such ve been given to Russia free of man was permitted sely following the preannounc precedethe dedication service mally offered by ed timetable as foretold by the. mies that we are called, on cost the since Germany declared nome he had to buy a rie their leader a young man of war on her in 1941. Among many every 10 veteran British statesman.
people of the Solomons to the acres of groun venty three, with pimpled face, other things, 4, 690 aircraft had owned. This is how we As this section goes to press, American forces through the numerous Army, Navy and tish Resident ad rudely to the Chief of the been sent from Britain to Russia our men. We would mee Commissioner by the end of May 1943.
Air Forces have invaded the Although it is made of leaf and police.
homes or barns, a differenz to the va Marshall Islands, and according of. every day. One hour befor loo, the chapel is no simple 170. 000. 000 have been sent to rise we met again. this Durrg the night shots to the latest news bulletins nave or temporary structure. On the constalle on near. The Russia. This figure does not in duty gained a solid footing with themtrary, how taught them to it is of ambitious clude the very wake up his chief. Should we involved in opening and mainte. he said, but we large establishment of several bridge design from its beautifully expense We didn have much dem; all.
beads. Military observers ex corated porch to its lofty belfry go? he asked, No: at taining supply routes throu to destroy communications pect the fighting to be severe, cross on a level with the tops of. y are tw. lie and armed Persia and around the but so far the Allies have never the palm trees hat cold we do? And North rail trains, cut wires, and the which surround Cape, nor the unassessable undertaken an offensive action it.
if turned over and went to in ships and men in cost as many Japanese as we convoys Our chief reason for killir which they have not carried sleep again. At dawn he was which have carried supplies.
through to complete success. It panese was to strip the amener again, this time by a member of the labour corpo masked man who suggested po is stated that the Japanese cons.
their uniforms. We then tructed vast fortifications ted and dyed them. Thes who spoke for the Salomon Ye.
and THE LEDO ROAD itely that he might fnd so. neth military as well as naval bases nders, expressed their gratitu warm, much better tha ng to interest him in the fields.
INTO BURMA on the Marshall Islands to Americans who had fought own. Japanese ne since He went there, and in the chill they took over the former Ger to liberate the homeland rom through Chinese stre In the jung. e cloaked moumiain Wei On the si fran group of islands after the Japanese oppression and especia of dawn were the un. ortuna waist war, but if the Americans ly to those Americans who had le members of the Ela. Briga mass known as the Naga Bills said, evdrythings suw fit to attack them at this iven their lives and many de, wandering about without on different peoples with different and at times the Chi.
of citch of tine, it simply means that they whom lay buried near the chaing. The rapesaed ways of waging war are being ly appear friendly with will soon fall into the hands of el Accepting the chapel hy had gone to protect was brought together in a remarkable panese. But China life on greatest the Alliés.
o half of the United States, the all cut, and what made matters demonstration of co operation derground. Our There is another prophecy of American Commanding General themselves had been forced to cut From this part re, it transpired that they against the Japanese enemy. cess was and is in the of the Indo. cities. Usually there wer Mr. Winston Churchill, which paid tribute to the part which it. The ri ral police took charge Burman front a highway. the 200 Japanese in a garriso seems of considerable importance is. anders themselves had at this time. It was made in con ayed in the campaign to crive of the naked chilly quislings and Ledo Road that may even:ua would make surprise raids rexion with the fighting hall. y become part of another Burtheir guns and munitions, in took them to the town e enemy. After the aci ma Road is being built across off a few heads and dem Europe. The Prime Minister sa Cur ously enough, not one dedication had been performthat about the middle of March the Naga Hills into Burma. them generally.
ed by Catholic and Prot. stani peasant in the district could or Now that the monscan is over, great events would come to pass ould lend them a stit of progress has quickened on the in the Old World, and that the ofte American formoting, nt so much as a pocket construction of the Ledo Road.
extent of these forthcoming ope. es, natives carried to the altar handkerchief. Finally, th Ger Started a year ago the road D? YOU KN is rations would astound the word. ought shell inlasor.
mens has to be summon d, and now well on its way These words canony nayna chhe best lo: al through they removed the un lothed the jumbled, jungle. covered that the Allies are preparing to craftsmen had spent many eks Black Br gade in a lorry. mountains. Th2 Ledo Road and Minimum needs of OC invade continental Eueye, hs of patient work. There was a the international force now cory countries of Europe durir cause the appointments of Ge procession of Army, Navy and nerals Eisenhower, Montgomery ng in the Naga Hills have pol six months after liberatit Supec Jours to he chancel.
ventialities for making a and Bradley foreshadow the great while the entre assembly jo SAYINGS major focdstuffs, raw materials contribution to the event. If Mr Churchill prog.
attack necessities of life have bu in singing Onward Christian nosis holds true and against the Japanese in north timated at. 45. 855. 000 tons there Biers.
is no reason to doubt it. the GUST The invasion will coincide with the Anglo American Soviet Most of the engineering troops In Europe to day they beginning of spring, and inelLEGE GUTUSTOS association wh. ch has tound building the new road are Am. ipproxima y 16. 000. 000 American whites and this Negroes who have been displaced dentally with the heavy Channel. couraging Chinese and their homes?
fogs that would provide most useful cover for the vast invasion Népa ese Kachin tribesmen, Naza The English languages st of all founuations, a.
headhunters and Indians fleet.
con nt rest. The three countries used exactly the same in Britan 2010 as labourers. In the picture also in the United States. What e tire samne strong interest in is a scouting force of Kach call a spanner, 0776 the Ame HOMES peace, they have the same interest tribesinen, led by an Englishman cal a wreneh. What the Trrrerial Institute in it: Curing that 1:0 azgressor and including American Junior cans call a battery, we new slogan has come into bulletin states that the bigges wall again break the peace. officers and American enlisted accumulator. US cotte being. Food, work and homes; and ever found in the Aat. ony Luen, sureign men. Sereening the project are becomes a British split has become the symbol of na lonial Empire was recently s. reiary.
American. trained Chinese for British tail plane is a US tion wide reconstruction. The covered in Sierra Leone. The ces, who at last reports had ad zontal stabiliser. And the will of the Government to im stone is of gem quality, and, as No Briton would ever want vanced into the Chindwin Valcan zipper becomes a lig.
plement Mr. Churchill promise als acou 131) arats to le a dictator. The posit on y, in northern Burma 100 mi. fastaner when it gets to the as far as is consistent with the the rough, ranks as one of the of Britain in the world is due les beyond the Assam border. ted Kingdom.
mighty task of waging war was worl: reat diamor de largely to a spirit of good will As it gets steadily nearer the made evident when the wprol ably the e ghth largest ever dicas the fruit of ire:dom main centres of Japanese control Parliamentary Session opened found. Its about the some sloving pe fle. Mr. Ernest in Northern Burma, the last week.
Road is becoming progressively VENEZUELAN BU But to provide food, work and as the egg shaped stone known Brown.
more important as a factor in homes is not the job of the Go. as the Star of Africa, cut from FOR AFRICA vernment alone. Democracy e Cullion, which now, adorns It is to be hoped that the the fight against the Japanese in at southeast Asia. Just how far its best means that the Govern the Royal Sceptre and is. the spirit of co operation which has the road has gone and just ment executes the will of the largest cut diamond in existen developed among the United where it is hearded cannot be American sold ers in people. We are fighting to prees. It is all the more remarka. Nat ons during the war will lead disclosed at present. For the tl. have the prospect of dri: serve this way of life; but when ble because all the great diamonds to the removal of many of those me being it is through the wild heer brewol in Venezuela battle is over we shall need to hitherto found in Africa have difficulties in monetary and and virtually unknown region of United States has offered show that we are, everyone of como frony, the South Arican commercial spheres which so the Naga Hills, into which the e public exportable sy us, worthy members of the de deposits, the West Afri an de mtoh handicapped trade betwo, Japanese have sent only. small and to cooperate in incre mocracy which we shall have posits yielding the bulk of the the two wars. Mr. Ralph patrols from time to time from beer production by sending won so dearly.
smaller stones.
Assheton, Financial Secretary, Hukawng Valley.
perts to the country.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
HUG DIAMOND FROM nerunce is based on the arm though some are から Ledo


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