
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK ATLANTIC VOICE un were some a Life has its disciplinary and its educative purposes.
If we are not learning from it the lessons that go deep down in the heart of things, we are making very poor use of our time And need we complain if the process isn. a ways just as confortable as we migth like it to be, su Editor: JOS THOMAS BOX 199 long as it is teaching us truths of vital significance. If experience be a good teacher, why complain if it be not Year IX Limon, February 12th. 1944 NO 410 always a soft hearted one?
BANANA CO. MAY USE INCREAS PORCENTAGE COLOURED LABOR ON CAC PLANTATIONS THE THIRTEENTH DAY OF FEBRUARY By a decision promulga experiencing in keeping to y, and born and domiciled ted by the Labour Ministry the prescribed ten per cent in this country. The employ Tomorrow will be the Thirteenth day of Februa during the earlier days of in view of the much larger ment of this larger number ry. The all important day on which every legally the present month, the Com number of men of co our, of coloured men will, matured son of Costa Rica will be required to pañia Banaenra de Costa Ri who reside in this zone than doubted y aid our labour declare, by use of the franchise, the one whomca wi be able to utilize then other parts of the Repu problem and ultimately behe desires should, as President, direct the affairs services of labourers of co blic, as also to the general efit our economic interests.
lour up to a limit of frty per disinclination of the Costa The ATLANTIC VOICE of the Republic during the constitucional period :ent on their Cacao Planta rican to work in this indus tenders its sincere thanks to 1944 1948. Having regard to world wide happen tions in this Province, try.
che Chief Executive and the ings, brought about by the waging conflict, this This concession has been The concession, however, Minister of Labour for the coming term will, by no means, be an easy one. given, as a consequence of stipulates that the increased very reasonable attitude they We opine it will be fraught with mucho more and he representations of the number of coloured workers have adopted in response to respect tomust be of British nationa the Company representagreater difficulties than those encountered during Company with the difficulties they itions.
the one now drawing to a close. It is therefore highly essential that every qualified voter should MUCH INTEREST MANIFESTED IN PROPOSED SECONDARY SCHOOL fulfil his duty in order that he who will be elected may regard himself as the real representative It pleases us exceedingly ALLIEDS IMPROVE POSITION SOUTH OF ROME of the large majority of his fellow nationals.
to be able to report the The compaign has been extraordinarily spiri many expressions of great Following on the notices air and naval divisions.
ted and, at times, vitriolic, but notwithstanding the enthusiasm heard in connec which asserted that the Al Under date the 10th. inmany happening, which we wish had not tion with the official an. lied forces, operating to the stant was announced that weeks south of Rome had been the North Americans had taken place, we are confidetn that now the final nouncement, that plase of the battle has been reached, all concerned School will be established of their positions, as a con saults, and by launching a Secondary forced to abandon certain repelled several violent as will see that nothing occurs to affect our beloved in our city to augment the sequence of violent Nazi counter attack gained an country position in the foer front of the nations educational programme of attacks, it has since been an amount of teritory in the whose people are known and respected as the the Province.
nounced that the situation sector of Cisterna; while in upholders of law and order.
In view of the fact that has improved as a result of a more northerly direction, the official school term for better weather conditions the British had also overco To Page and the superiority of their me the attempts of the en emy to destroy their posi.
Satisfaction guaranteed, where taste and qualities are FINLAND IN THE THROES tions. The fighting is sai concerned, to all who eat and drink at LA MAGNOLIA. to have been of a most vio Dixon little place West of the City Market.
According to the more re be held personal y responsi lent nature.
cent advices from the Euro ble for any disloyalty to the The improved weathe NOTICE pean war centers, Russia has a lance between both coun conditions having permitte decided to eliminate Finland tries.
the acrial units to reeume from the raging conflict.
Aadress all your Eng. Para todos sus trabajos It has been further men operations, it is expected ineering Requirements to de ingeniería dirijase a Helsinki, the capital of the tioned that the Soviet High they will ably assist the R.
country has. been badly da Command is endeavouring to tuation. Operating from re ROIG maged by several air attacks, separate Finland from the cently constructed bases the in which, it is sad, strong Axis Come and warfare aerial units are said to be BOX 523 Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 2929 forces of Sovies bombing so as SAN JOSE permit the Russian carrying out a series of ter planes participated. The first troops now stationed in the rific raids against the enem Charges Reasonable. Precios Módicos attack was responsible for Artic regions being employed rearguard and communicat TURILE THERORIT the lives of thirty eight per elsewhere, ing lines.
SOVIET OFFENSIVE COVERS EIGHT SECTORS sons ad the wounding of nearly three hunded.
VOYAGES TO COLON The third and fourth The recent activities of perty damage was taten Ukranian armies secured a the Russian forces from the have been immense. The REPUBLICA DE PANAMA triple victory on the 9th. Baltic Sea to the lower recity is being evaciated by instant, when they drove, gion of the Dnieper have thousands of its wmen, chilAgents the enemy from their last inflicted the worst defeats dren and old people.
stronghold in the curve of on the Germans during the Competent. circ. es are SMYTH COMPANY the Dnieper, captured the present warfare; between the opinion that the fate ol PORT LIMON AND SAN JOSE great and vitally important 150, 000 to 200, 000 Nazi sol the cuntry is sealed and that COSTA RICA manganese producing center diers have cither surrender unless she surrenders in of Nikopol and annihilated ed or been killed.
least a month tince she will the thousands of Nazi sol The Soviet armies moving suffer terribly in au respects NATIONAL BANK SUSPEND PURCHASING COR diers who defended the po from the north and east are It will be recallea that she sition, located on the eastern said to have reached a point to quit the Axis Combine. Iment that the Banco Nacio where the crops were un had warned We note the announce. principal producing cente, margin of the Dnieper. 13 miles off Luza, the prinAdditional advices declare Leipal railway station on the but her militarist e o nent nal has suspended its ope sually heavy, it is asser that the Russians have in Leningrade, Varsovia line could not be pers iaded, rations with respect to the In the interests of all ti tensified the range of their and to have captured many It has been stated that purchasing of Corn.
who have been giving unbeaten offensive which important districts.
Russia has incremated he It is stated that this hascial attention to the pros now covers eight important Move south, the forces of willingness to cous cer s been due to the lack of tion of this article of e sectors. In the areas of Cher Generals Malinovski and parate peace proposal. Ac accommodation for any more day consumption, kassy and Krivoi Rog they lolbuchinn are reported cording, however to the of the product, the space in cerely hope a resumptic are said to be pursuing their closely pursuing the remains Swise press. Germany has the several bodegås being purchases will shortly implacable destruction of of the destroyed nazi forces. internaeed that the members completely filled with the announced.
the enemy troops.
of the Finnish Gabinet will purchases made in the Proto of a.
we Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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