
ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12th. 1944 Among were the VERY PLEASANT HOME PARTY SOME RECENT DEATHS EXCELSIOR TAILOR sisted on the features of cut the rich birthday cakeWe are in receipt of the the night of the 7th. instant, Mr. Sterling won the contest information that among was the pleasant Party gi by a close margin. Very those who passed away in CLIFFORD STEELE ven by Mr. and Mrs. Char humorous eulogies and spicy the San Juan de Dios Hosles Sobers in their spacious renditions Jose, recently, Front of British Pharmacy, Limon City.
were showered pital San apartments at lower Fifth upon Miss Sobers.
undermentioned To enhance the charm of every man is a well designed and fell tilored suit with a guarantee behind it.
Avenue in this city, in ho the contributors were the who were associated with nour of the birth anniver Misses Gwendoline Fennell. this part of the Republic, sary of their daughter, Miss Rachael Barnes, Martha NiEdgar Thomas Hudson, BEST FIT, BEST MATERIAL, Elfreda, The function was chols, Ruby Watt, Eva Me of Colorado Bar, the 16 year preluded with a fashionably Rae, Yvodnie Davis, Dolo old son of David Thomas BEST WORKMANSHIP El read refreshment table, res Lawrence, Lucille John and Aires Hudson. He died We make Dress caps, Cadet caps, Scout caps, Scull bedecked with three beauti. son, Messrs. Edward Ster on the 30th. January last.
ful bouquets of tropical ling, Alfred Henry, Frank David Clark White, who caps, Sailor cops and working caps of all kinds.
omina. beshi and lots of Curtis, Clarence Edwards had reached the advanced daintics and delicious beye and Alfred Watson.
age of 70 years. He died on riges. When all was set, Mr.
The grand spectacle fol the 25th. ultimo.
THE TWO KINDS OF MONEY Lebert Brown and his Swing lowed, when Lebert and his Henry Solomon Samuels, Kings harmonized with the Swing Kings brought the who was also of the age of (By Dr Clarence Macartney)
playing of the Happy crowd into action. They 70 years. He died on the Birthday to you.
There are two kinds of for the hungry, clothing for gave out a teasing variety 14th. of December last.
The introductory remarks, of tunes and Blues. harPedro Gomez Rodriguez, money. mortal and jin the naked, homes for them embodying the keen and mony and rhythm. With the a former resident of Siqui mortal. There is the money homeless, the crutch for the endearing interest demon lovely February Moon peeprres and fifty years of age which stinks of corruption, cripple, eyes for the blind, strated by the parents of ing through every opening He entered the institution money traced with blol and windows for the prisoner. he honouree, were propo of the residence, the song on the 17th. October 1943 tears and minted out of bro songs for the songless, smiles unded by Mr. Jos. Tho Moonlight Welcome and died on the 1st. instant. ken hearts; money stamped for the tear stained face and was ied on seas, the presiding chair a novelty and presented ax Carlos Gonzalez Badilla, with the features of lust and wings for the earthbound an. Miss Yvodnie Davis nee the Olive Branch to many 25 Miles. He passed away clinks with the cries of the cre, but the pure gold 39 years old and late of greed and hate, and which soul. This is no filthy lurank and Mr. Edward a couple.
out erling were deputed to on the 2nd. instant.
wronged, the defrauded and of which are built the gates oppressed; money engraved of heaven, and with which TOMARON APRILIA LOS ALE with curses and maledictions; its strects are paved. This is MANES For a much better Hair cut or Shave, any style desired money which burns the hand the treasure laid up in hea.
LONDRES, 11. UP. La radio de Berlín arunció oficialmen which holds it like the thir ven where moth doth not go to Dixon Barber Shop West of the City Market. te que las tropas alemanas corty pieces of silver with corrupt and where thieves do No Barber gives the Kids as perfect a fix as Dixonquistaron la estación ferroviaria de Aprilia, er Italia, que habían which the Send your kid there too. West of the City Market.
traitor sold his not break through and steal.
tomado las fuerzas aliadas des God.
To have so used one money omharcadas al sur de Roma.
BBI VERLAGINN There is, however, another is to join the choir invisible. 4) ԷԱ WWWWWWWWլ Boring kind of money. not mortal of those immortal dead that but immortal. Money which live again in minds made LOS CENTIMOS DE HOY SERAN LOS COLONES DEL MAÑANA SI UD is medicine to the sick, food better by their presence.
REALIZA TODA CLASE DE OPERACION BANCARIA One of our most popular varado has always been and widely knbwn Costar loud in his praise. We hope ricans of Colour, Mr. Ansel he will soon regain his mo Scoot, is, we very much sound health and be able to regret stating, suffering return to his relatives, comfrom such impaired health rades and numerous friends.
that he is now a patient in one of the sick institutions JOSE ACHION Ng.
in San Jose. He left Limon Comerciante detallista the latter part of last week Mr. Scott is one of Licores, Abarrotes, Cristalethe ría, Artículos de Ferretería outstanding nembers of the City Volunteer Fire y Eléctricos: todo se encuenSystem and Captain Noé Altra en este establecimiento.
From page LA FORTUNA ES UN LARGO AHORRO LA PROVEEDORA Offers you Correct Weight, Lower Prices, resh Merchandise and Courtesy Condensed Milk, large 35. Cacao XXX, Ib. Cvomelting, tin 50. Nugget Shoe Polish, tin, Banquet Sardines, tin 75 Crisco, lb.
zmay Soap 70 Tuna Fish, tin almolive Soap 70 Sapolio Curer, lb. 50 Wire Sponges raker Cots, tin 60 Mayonaise, jar floor Polish, lb. 50 Brooms Polish, tin 50 Klim, tin aking Powder, lb. 001 Carbide, 1b.
Sweet Oil, bot. 25 Cake Sand, ounce PROVEEDORA. Puerto Limon. 85 45 25 50 00 25 50 80 15 00 50 1944 starts early in the coming month of March, those of our citizenry who desire to further the education of their children are, we gather, anxious to obtain definite and substantial information with respect to the realization of the proposal.
This, of course, is very important, for if it will be necessary for them to secuaccommodation in the schools of the inter or, they must do so now. We respectfully solicit the attention of our deeply regarded Minister of Education to throw the necessary light on the subject.
re Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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