
The baby. full of baby ways and fun We desire n this manner, Board of Directors recently, biles represented over nine Pulled a petal, and then, since she begun to specially direct the atten in connection with the oper millions.
She pulled another!
tion of our readers to the ations during the month of Faced, in these days, with Scon all around her on her carriage throw announcement appearing el. January last, it was disclos so many uncertainties, ever She had another throw of rose leaves, oh!
sewhere fin this issue reg ed that the value of the va man, and woman, for th.
And how she smiled!
arding the Popular Life rious policies in force total matter, who are still une And presently, while stood watching by, She chose a petal, and put it to her lips she sighed.
Policies now being issued by led the huge sum of 223. the maximum insura the Banco Nacional de Se 041, 396. 22 colones. The lar ages, should secure a pol heavy grown up sigh.
guros of San José.
These gest in any one class are not only on his or her Twas as if the baby knew as well as policies ouldwe think, those against fire, which but also with respect to th That all those petals, every one, would die.
meet with an She sighed again. out standing represent 89, 598, 758. 93. miscellaneous interests. Her chubby, dimpled fingers soon got tired success, particularly among Those against accidents a Bank Management of pulling rose apart so then she fired our people of mediocre fi mounted to little more than readily give all the nec The petals on the ground.
nancial oircumstances as the a million and a half colo sary information She leaned plump stomach over carriage edge premiums of twenty five nes, while those on automo asked for same.
To see the pretty petals there. and then and fifty centimos are payShe wanted them again!
able weekly to an agent of thought how like we foolish grown ups are!
HOTEL HISPANO AMERICA the Bank who calls at the Who see a thing and cherish it awhile.
But soon we tire, and toss the thing a mile.
home of the insured. Unlike City of Limon Then only afterwe ve discarded it, other life policies, the party We find how much we want that very bit.
seeking insudande, is not Beautiofully situated in front the Sea.
MELBA MORRIS required to undergo a medi.
cal examination. This should Airy, Cool, Comfortable Rooms FOR SALE be an added attraction.
We also seize this opporSpecial Dining Room Service tunity to refer to the exceed WELL STOCKED BAR WITH NATIVE ingly wide range of business AND FOREIGN LIQUORS Titled Property containing Forty (40) hectareay being undertaken by the of land.
Bank and the immense moERNEST CECIL LEWIS netary value such activities Proprietor.
The cultivated areas consist of 5, 85 hectareas of well at present represent.
planted two years old CACAO 17 hectareas in good In a statement presented For Meals, Coffee, Chocolate, Tea, Porridge, Cake.
beating condition and, in addition two and a hali (2 44)
hectareas with bearing cacao in need of cleaning, by the Manager to the Drinks and Mondonga Soup go to LA MAGNOLIA four apartment building equipped with two kitchens Dixon little plece West of the City Market.
aBarbecue and other home conveniences.
TRIBUN CHONGE IN DIRECTORSHIP OF CITY BAN The Property is situated in the vicinity of Santa Marin at 15 19 Miles.
We have suffered the loss live long after his depa of the Director of our Mili. We always admired ti For further particulars apply tary Band, Colonel Vietor terest he displayed in PERSONAL Sanabria, who, we under ing the young amb stand, retired, on the 31st. musicians. Like a faths JOS. THOMAS We whole. heartedly of the recently passed (nestled them until POST OFFICE BOX 199, LIMON share in the sadness which month. He left by last Sun were sufficiently pry is now being experienced day passenger train tolto join rank with the by the highly esteemed fa join his family in the Capi bandsmen. By the Ce IMPORTANT MEETING AT CACAO mily of don Julio Soldevila (tal.
retirement We have of La Central. as a con During his tenure of of good and winsome CO OPERATIVE OFFICE sequence of his illness which fice, as Director of the as also a worthy citiza Last week end our city was, resumed and terminated the necessitated his admission. Band, as well as his asso We desire, on the gaced with the presence of following morning. It has to the Clinica Biblica in Sanciation with our communal hand, to extend our a large percentage of the Ca been mentioned that among Jose.
life, Colonel Sanabria ear congratulations to do cao cultivators of this Zione. the items which were consi We are told our much ned a warm place in the cisco Aviles, his as They came from the different dered was the acceptance of regarded citizen successful hearts of those of our citi who has been prom sections along the coastal and the Constitution and generally underwent a surgical zenry who appreciate hu the Directorship, as a Jone towns to attend a specia regulations of the Associa treatment and is making man virtues. The great mu don Alfonso Venegas, Hly summoned meeting. tion. Very illuminating condi favourable progress, which sical accomplishments he has been selected a Te session was held in the tions are said to have been we sincerely hope will con so good heartedly imparted assistant. May they office of the Association. It inserted in the laws to the tinue until his full recovery to the youths and men, who vely acquit themsel began on Saturday night. greatest satisfaction of the is obtained.
came under his tuition, will their respective positi adjorned at a late hour, andgeneral personnel.
AT CONSU TPRORAFIR BADOO 2136 AN IMPORTANT ARRANGEMENT FURNITURE CANE AND WICKER in exquisite styles and with every facility to obtain your choice at THE TROPICAL FURNITURE ESTABLISHMEN Visit our Agency in Limon for all information regarding Pria and Conditions The information is to handas a medium of acknowledgthat the Cacao Co operativement of the number of bags, Association of this city have boxes, barrels, etc. received.
safely reached their First We deem this a great Base. by having obtained foresight on the part of the through the good offices of Co operatives General Manathe genial Manager of the ger, don Raul Velazquez, Northern Railway Company, and his able associates. We a supply of the prescribed also desire to express our waybills for use in effet sincere gratitude to Mr.
ing shipments at line sta Green, the Railway Com tions or train stops. pany Manager, for having It is understood the forms so generously co operated are to be filled out in dupli with the agriculturists, who cate listing the items for are making every possible shipment and be signed by effort to advance the econthe Company representati omic interests of our provinve, copy of the form will ce.
be delievered to the shipper TROPICAL FURNITURE AGENCY Fifty yards North the United Medical and Sanitary Department Next Browne and Abrahams Limon City NAS MYTH Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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