
PAGE 10 LA VOZ ATLANTICA SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1944 IN REMEMBRANCE We are almost on the threshold of the Third Anniversary since death took away our dear beloved Mother Limon Trading Company PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR ADINA WATSON (February 15th. 1941)
All have met in this world of sympathy, generosity and faithful friendship is identified with our dear departed mother.
The thought of that loss seem to us like the taking away of the candle from one terrified in the dark We are left to feel that our protection and safety are gone and a dreary solitude continues.
ALFRED ROSITA Dried Ipecac Roof Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra YOUNG LIFE PASSES TO GREAT BEYOND RUBBER the his own On Saturday the 29th. Ja conveyed to the hospital in nuary of the current year, Mr this city the following mornCwcil udley (Puncust) passed ing, where he succumbed to into the Great Beyond at the what has been diagnosed an clase of the twenty fiftt year acute attack of his appendix.
of his life career. By his His remains were returned death Matina has suffered the to Matina on Sunday loss of a young citizen who 30th. where burial was endeavoured to live a life leffected in the presence of REMEMBER which eaned his much admi one of the greatest concourse ration and popular regard.
of mourners and sympathiThe deceased was the son zers ever witnessed in many WE PAY THE BEST PRICES of the Dudley family of Matia day in this township; na, and it was only a yaer approximately, more than ago that he launched lout on four hundred persons were responsabilities on lin attendance The funeral th esea of life. Though cogni ceremony was performed by MISCELLANEOUS PERSONS AND MOVEMENTS zant of the divine injunction Mr. Charles Rose Befitting ADVERTISEMENT that it is appointed unto all tribute to the life and work Mr. Ishmael Murray, oui men to die, yet, we cannot but of the deceased was expresSYDNEY BECKFORD very energetic co laborator Mr. and Mrs Claude by reason of our human frail sed at the grave by don juan of Matina, was among the Brown of the Carmen ComCABINET MAKER AND GEty, feel it encumbent ex Monge, our respected Police NERAL WOODWORKER, agriculturists who were in missary are enjoying a vatend our heartfelt sympathy Agent, Mr. Ismael Murray this city to attend the busi cation of a fortnight with to the sorrowing ones.
and Mr. Frederick Sewel.
ness sessions of the Cacao their parents Mr. and Mrs, and neatness. The best in nati. toil on the afternoon of Fri extends its deep condoience Specializes in artistic designs Returning from his daily The ATLANTIC VOICE Co operation held on last Sa Chickery. We are glad ve Furniture for homes and day the 28th. young Dud to the surviving parents, returday night and Sunday to have them in our city offices. 4th. Street, Entrance inorning. He returned to Mr. Sydney Gray of the city ley complained of a slight atives ad friends. May his Gamez Lumber Yad Matina by the late afternoon Merchandise Department is pain at his side and first aid sou be at Rest.
was administered. He was passenger train and effected the relieving Commisarian at (THOMPSON SUPPLY Resident.
another trip on Wednesday, Carmen.
AND WORKSHOP in further interest of the Everything in the techn. cal line INTERNATIONAL SHORTS Co operation Mrs. Lilian Hart, the be can be made, repaired or sup.
tter half of Mr. Geo. Hart plied. Assortments of Beds, 389, 000 automobiles have. Tod competition for the best Our genial friend, Mr. Her of the Cubs Baseball fame, Springs and other useful equi. disappeared, it is reported, inventions of interest to Ger.
an Skinner of Cahuita was has come from her residence pment. Building Nº 89. Fithy from the streets of Madrid. many and the improving of Iso a welcomed visitor. His at Cultivation on the Mon Avenue toward the Municipal as a consequence of the sus arms, munition and general ming was also associated te Verde Branch, for Bath pension of schipments of ga war material The first prize with the meetings convened period of recreation. We wish soline to Spain from she would be an insignia of gold at the Headquartes of the her a pleasant time.
GRANT AND CRAWFORD United States of America. with 50, 000 marks, the seNEW HARLEM BAR AND industry.
cond of silver with 10, 000 RESTAURANT Ms. Imogene Brown one of Hitler is stated to be dis marks and the third one of Mrs. Ernest Wright, one our very wel known former posed to institute the Fitz steel with 2, 000 marks.
of our popular Limonenses citizens is a late arrival from Opens Day and Night. Clean left by Wednesday San the friendly and neighbour and Cozy Reservations. Cood Native and Foreign Liquors Tosé passenger train. We ing Republic to the South.
ATTENTION nderstand, she has gone for THE ATLANTIC VOICE and experienced Mixers Building indefinite stay in the Ca wishes her a very pleasant This is to advise all concerned that my wife, Caro.
line Bennett, having voluntarily abandoned my home and LIONEL MONDOLL protection, and having been legally compensated, will East Indian Barber and Hair CLEANINGS FROM MATINA not hold myself responsible for any debt she might conCultarist. All sanitary arrangetract.
ments and general clean sur.
Our annual visitor the pound all domestic and BENJAMIN BENNETT, Senior roundings. In front of the old Food was with us for other animals found grazLiverpool. 1st. February 1944.
Motive Power Clubhouse.
veral days during the ear ing at liberty in the district.
period of the month It has been suggested that HAPPY LIQUID LIVES WITHOUT PURPOSE course. He came in his owners of cows and other FOUNTAIN 11 accustomed angry mood quadrupeds are to discontiOn the ocean of life, how lack principle, moral inde.
a flooded almost every nue the practice of allow in the heart of the Abaca Dismany there are who are pendence, stirring decision, ere in the district. How ing these animals to roam trict at Twenty Five Miles.
drifting to unknown generous resolves or. we are thankful that, so freely, to the discomfort Richly cooked destination. That undistint he slightest ambition.
and highly ar as we know, there of people and with the dan flavour ed meals. Everything guished multitude, who only Whose lives are purposeless, een no loss of lives, ger of being killed by mov in the line of refreshing Drinks toil to live, and live only aimless, defenceless and who have been affordeding trains.
prepared to meet your taste to die, who drag on thro live more from mere indoaformation that ruling Supplies for the housewives. ugh a life of weariness with lence than calculation.
leen effected to put in Special Correspondent ALBERT their eyes half open; who a an even Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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