
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12th. 1944 LA VOZ ATLANTICA PAGE 11 our BROWNE ABRAHAMS are we are THE 135th. BIRTH ANNIVERSARY OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN Today, we turn hu carth and has endowed thought to the 135th anniv greatest exponents of Though his them with an equal measure ersary of the birth of Abra. man liberty.
VENTA DE MERCADERIAS ham Lincoln, the sixteenth mortal body has long been of right and justice. As al President of DEPOSITO DE AZUCAR the mother private citizen and a PresiUnited assimilated with States of America, who suf earth, his marvellous spirit dent, Lincoln gave no conApartado 362 fered the death of a martyr still lives and permeates the sideration to creed, colour at the beginning of his se souls of all who realize that or race in his dealings with LIMONcond term in office.
God created all men equal his fellow creatures. He ever to dwell on the face of this rendered unto Caesar the Abraham Lincoln belongthings that Caesar ITALY ABOLISHES ANTISEMITIC LAWS ed to the rank of men who, and unto God those which from very low (beginnings, be His.
At the instance of the act political rights of the Jews, rise to greatness and power.
During the month of Auing President of the Allied in keeping with the United Though not possessed of a gust 1864, nearly one year Financial Commission, Lieu Nations policy of oppsition university education he beprior to his assissination, tenant General Sir Noel Ma to all discriminations and came a successful lawyer be declared, when referring son Mac Farlane, King Vic racial intolerance. The De and was eventually elected to the gallantry of the cotor Emmanuel and the gov cree anuls, told, President of the Great Norloured troops, who had ernment of Morshal Bado more than a dozen laws thern Republic of our Wesfought under the command glio are said to have issued promulgated since 1938, tern Hemisphere. In comof General Andrew Jackson a decree which repeals all such as those which exclud memorating his Day, we in the Civil War, that buti the anti semitic laws and ed the Jews from schools, fondly recollect his zeal and for the aid of the Negro, other restrictions of a racial from the exercise of certain untiring efforts in chamthe United States, as a sincharacter in force in Italian professions and from govern pioning the cause for the gle nation, would have ceaterritory.
ment employment. The De emancipation of the Negroes sed exist.
The decree was prefaced cree also cancels all the de held in slavery in the SoutIn perpetuating the med by a statement of Sir Noeltails of a racial character hern States.
which re establishes, in all carried in the census mory of President Lincoln, and We have every right, in we humbly tender our resits plenitude, the civil and other official documents. the light of Freedom, to be pectful salutation to his na.
proud of the enobling chation and people.
When you leave Dixon Barber Shop, you are well fixed. racter of this Great AmeriNo bluffing. There, West of the City Market.
can of English ancestry. All free peoples must always When its time for your Coffee, Dinner, Supper or cool Drinks, regard Lincoln as one of the MATINA ART AND UNIQUE day or night, try LA MAGNOLIA. Dixon little place West TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT of the City Market. MINTO SALOMON CHIN The charm in the appearance of a man is a well designed and smartly fitted suit LA IBERIA The Matina Art and Unique Tailoring Establishment guarantees, at all times.
ESTRADA BEST FIT. REAL MATERIALS and UNPARALLEL WORKMANSHIP Precios Económicos Our central location makes it convenient for the men of the Abaca Industry and other vicinities to deal REPORTED CLANDESPRICES TO MEET THE TIME TINE REAPING OF NORTH AMERICANS DOMINATE MARSHALL CACAO CROPS ISLANDS It has come to our knowUno de los mejores Whiskys ledge that there are several fabricados en América Admiral Nimitz, the Comj ritory from which to opergangs of clandestine reaElaborado a base de Cebada.
mander in Chief of the Pa ate their land and air forces pers operating in many of the cific Fleet, has announced against Japan proper.
Bien madurado y envejecido.
Cacao cultivations in.
that the entire area of On the 7th. of the present this zone. Robberies are said the Marshal Islands has month, units of the North to be daringly executed, fallen under the complete American fleet bombed the mules being employed, in control of the North Ame territory of the Japanese certain instances, to remove ricans. All the Islands have Empire proper for the first the ill gotten product. It been neutralized, he stated, time. The atack was against would seem as if the marauders are taking advantage en barricas de roble.
and the Japs. were no lon the base at Kurabu in the ger in a position to give extreme south of the Island of the present day movetrouble. It has of Paramushireo which ments, which claim the cloalso been made known that though lying about one se attention and vigilance the American naval forces thousand two hundred miles of the police, fiscal guards propose establishing bases off Tokyo is a part of Ja and other judicial authorion Pina from which they pan. The enemy is said to ties along the cultivated rewill be able to direct their have been taken completely gions. However, on the other final blow against the Em by surprise and failed to hand, the somewhat abanpire of the Rising Sun. effect any serious defence. doned condition of some of un Whisky legítimo, de calidad, Is is understood that the None of the attacking ships the farms, due to the ecoa precio atractivo: North American High Com were damaged. though they nomic crisis and labour promand ycontemplate to esta operated as five blem, aid the thieves in blish bases on Chinese ter miles to the beach batteries.
their pernicious activities.
We trust that this modest reference to the matter will MARRIAGE YEAR OLD cause the initiation of the Sunday, the 6th. instant. sfully passed their Cotton necessary action on the brought to mind the come Anniversary, we tender part of the authorities and ly scene associated congrats so curb an evil which would the marriage, one year ago, and hope their lives will be otherwise greatly prejudice DE LICORES 59 of Miss Norma Yvonne Mil spared for the enjoyment of the interests of the industry ler to Mr. Stanley Lambert very many more.
and those actively associaof this city. Having succested with it.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

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