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PAGE 12 ATLANTIC VOICE SABADO, 12 DE FEBRERO DA 19 14 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN Own one on and other Beyrast 24 16 ore 1806. 1940 po cisma Oom GOEBBELS WORDSWORTH, NOVEMBER 1806.
NAZI TRANSPORT CHINA Joseph Goebbels had one of his PROBLEM GENERALISSIMO field days when he could an Another year! another deadly blow!
Another mighty empire overthrown!
nounce the signing in Berlin of And We are left, or shall be left, alone; Tripartite Pact by which Japan gave Germany and Italy a free The nerve center of the Ger General Chiang Kai shek is not The last that dare to struggle with the Foe.
hand in Europe, in return for man railway system lies about a much travelled man like Mr.
Tis we. from this day foward we shall know German and Italian recognition 450 miles from British air ba Churchill. Calro was the farthest That in curseles ouh safety must be sought; of Japan rights in the East ses. For ever a year that sys.
west he has ever been; and That by our righ hands it must be soughe; Asia Co Prosperity Sphere. With tem has been attacked by both apart from that thrip, he had That by our right hands it must be wrought; the secession of Italy the treaty high and low flying planes.
been abroad only twice to Japan, That we must stand unpropped, or be laid low.
has become a mere fiction.
Hammm has been bombed eighty once to Moscow and once to In The pint sized Propaganda Mi five times, Soest thirty thrze dia, dastard whom such foretaste doth not cheer!
nister is had put to it these days times. The railway yards and He went first to Japan in 905, We shall exult if they who rule the land Be men who hold its many blessings dear, to expound the Nazi position to stations of Berlin, Munich, Leip where he met Dr. Sun Yat sen, his people, among whom the zig and other cities have been the Father of the Chinese Revo Wise, va iant, upright; not a servile band, number of skeptics is steadily devastated. At Mannheim thelution. Dr. Sun saw in him all Who are to judge of danger which they fear, growing. The string of German central station had to be closed, those military and organising And honour which they do not understand. disengagement victories, to use tas well as two smaller stations, dealist and theoretician, lacked.
abilities which he himself, the Goebbels terminology, the ca and the local city hall had to reIn 1911 when the Revolution be.
tastrophic turn of the boa: ceive freight. Now Germany Allied air war, the devastating gan, GERMAN PROBLEM he at once sent for the LIVE TORPEDO raids on the homeland and the of armies in Italy and must meet not only the needs young officer, who was again in falling out of Italy, proved too which are in desperate Russia, Japan, studying at a military Diver straits, academy. Chiang got a 48 hour the Navy will never much even for a Goebbels to but carry homeles millions from pass, took ship for Shanghai and Caught in a downward spiral, forget is Tom Knight, famous explain away.
the Luftwaffe is a beaten force. among salvage men for his grin The key to Goebbels estimabomberd towns in western Ger sent his uniform and sword back which to the Japanese tion of his many to safer cities, for The Germans, now talking of and his iron nerve.
school with a countrymen surprise secret weapons, have They will never forget how he against which background all his reason the last annual report of polite note to say that his coun.
grim need to try to design some Ord one of the toughest and activities should be seen, he has the State Railways shows an in try needed him. The third jour.
thing to replace the air arm.
riskiest of all war jobs furnished himself on the crease in passenger traffic of ney, undertaken in 1923, was to Locating a 21 Inch live torpe occasion Why has the Luftwaffe, once record when he one third Moscow, where he spent severai The devastation is less cons months studying the new mil.
the pride of the German Tace, do, big enough to sink a 20, 000. elected to speak frankly Goeb picuous than that wrought ton ship, in the pitch darkness of bells said: on tary and social system set up Kallen into this decline? There ar fice main reasons: the sea bed. Bringing it to the Our press policy cannot be factories, yet equally important. under the Soviets. From that day By night the surface; and We must The necessity of tranferring fac to this, except for a brief visit s Never batting an like that of England.
eyelid when it threatened to blow take into account the mentality tory operations from the West to the Viceroy of India early in Bomber Command has already the salvage ship skyhigh.
1942, he (now mashed a considerable part has been too busy in of the German people who do not phalia district to Silesia of Germany aircrait and Tom had been told by the com possess the same resistance as vulnerable to attack from Italy China to go globe trotting; with ancilla mander that the slightest touch the English. It is easy for Eng. added to the struggle to create a new, de the disruption It Ty industries, as well as the banocratic China in the midst of a As land to remind Englishmen that only half of the Ruhr industries sie industries upon which these would explode the torpedo.
ne, searched about in the mud, they have never lost a war. Ger were shifted to Silesia 12. 000 To day he is head of all he fight long war.
Xely. By day the Eighth people 000 tons of coke would have to bumping into odd bits of wreck many has. The German Fifteenth United States Air For age, he knew that he had only have become sensitive, and we follow, which calls for the utili ing forces in China as well as an her President since the death of even chance of survival. must therefore tread with cau zation of 700 locomotives and ces have seriously damaged ma Above, the surface, on men sion. This circumstance forces the 27. 000 cars needed for Dr. Lin Sen in August last. Mo ny of the enemy aircraft and looked watches at their de than that, he symbolises Chi component factories on a score of waited. Tom was their pal.
and Reich press to limit its activi service.
ties. Today the division of the nese resistance not only to his xaids.
Then, with one 201b. boot half With people like the Germans armed forces into land, sea and own country but to the world. These same air forces most raised to step forward, his hands the Government. can conduct no air arms must be extended to Even the enemy speaks adminotably the Eighth; have shoot hit something. He gingerly low frank policy. After nine years of include transport, which is the rably of the Generalissimo. He hundreds upon hundreds of the ered his leg, delicately explored post Nazi revolution their skins fourth arm of the military does not like a fuss made about enemy fighters out of tne sky. with his fingers. He was touch are stijl so tender that the slight chine. one candid German com him however and once when The great Mediterraneaning the live wacheard of the est scratch is sufficient to resmentator has said. He is right for his life tory by a newspaperAir Command has, within one torpedo. He edged round quicklypen all the old wounds. Then: In fact, Secretary of State Ganz man, be said: You may put year, accounted for well over to the propellor end, it was safes fore the leaders of the State as muller of the German Ministry that was born in 1886 in Fen.
10. 000 enemy aircraft. If there is any safety in cud well as the leaders of the press of Transportation goes so far as ghua, studied at the military Fighter Command, to a torpedo invisible in department have ber Command, the Tactical Air mud fathoms below the surface, things to themselves and taking blem is of decisive are keeping many to say that the transport pro school in Paotingfu, and importan. since been working to realise the Force and Coastal Command, The ropes came down. Tom put up the burning problems of the ce. When Germany collapses Three People Principles (Nawith gunners, home. the corset round the torpedo day only when they cannot re it will be partly for the reason tionhood, People Livelihood and based and at sea, ver a long signalled, Up. Slowly man and main untouched any longer. that her railways and waterways Democracy, laid down by Dr period have accounted for ma torpedo surfaced.
One of the most important of have been paralyzed.
Sun. my thousands more conservative Three horrified saidors saw the fices to be filled in the new Nazi Jy estimated at well above 000 tin fish was swinging round party, that of propaganda chief.
Countries. The Germans tried to certainties.
and moving towards the ship. Goebbels went to st with a will, conscript them into six months Apart from this, there is the They bent over, tried to push it pounding out his own copy on enforced labour. Of the 1, 700 increasing toll taken of the ene away. Six arms kept a score of the single typerwriter the party BOY DEPORTED students to whom the order apmy considerable air strength men alive.
Tom looked on ut could at that time afford for its TO GERMANY plied, only 168 signed on for concerned. The torpedo was tied propaganda department.
by our great Russian Ally.
work, and of these, more tban up, ofgarettes came out. The Editors are just so many ste 100 instantly moved their lodg.
diver scraped mud off and grin nographers or office boys to ings again and again so that they ned. Tom has been awarded the carry out Goebbels instructions, When the Nazis recently clos could not be traced and directed SAYINGS wouldn have his job the individual editor having no ed Oslo University, and deported by the police. The rest, virtually for a pension, said the comman voice at all, for his material more than 1, 100 of its students branded fugitives, unable to use der.
comes ready made from Govern. to special camps in Germany, either their students blue iden In the reconstruction of the ment agencies accompanied even they were inflicting on the Nortity cards or their ration books, mation and the world we want by make up prescriptions. Any wegians what they have already went to work, as they put it, unity of purpose based upon de The King sSpeech shows that thing outside that material he inflicted on the youth of many whole time instead of part.
termination, character before the Government means business. dan mot print. Too often has other European countries. Along time in the organised under self, and humanity before riches.
It shows that the Government, the Herrenvolk idea shown side the bitter violent campaign ground movement. First Lord of the Admiralty. while insisting on the need for through to remind non Germans to enforce the Nazi way of think. But in spite of all precautions concentrating on military victory, they were considered nothing ing on all students in the few to avoid labour conscription. Do not let us again, within is ready and willing to under but second rate individuals. schools and universities left open many students have been swoop our ilfetime, ask the Foreign take the initial steps for rebuildGoebbels is not liked inside in the Occupied Countries, runs ed on by the Gestapo and forci.
Secretary to make bricks withouting the Britain in which you are the party. With the shining ex an equally bitter and violent bly taken away without warning. straw, or peace without an ar to live after the war. Vice. ception of Himmler no man is drive to conscript an young peo Sometimes they have been no force, or to keep neutrals neutral Chairman, Conservative Party.
less uked.
ple for labour service in the more than schoolboys. tenyear.
on a diet of defeat, or to engage Now, when we are right on More than once Goebbels has Nazi war machine. To date, to old Norwegian boy was deported in the least profitable of all hu top of the enemy, and have felt the effects of this animosity their everlasting credit, in not with the Oslo University stu man occupations, which is bom shown what we can do to his inside the party. On several oc one single country has any large dents. Even his family protest barding aggressors with paper or capital city, ask you to put as casions he has been under vari group of students been prepared to the Germans was met with a suppressing war with unanimous much effort into this last lap of Jous forms of temporary bans. He to collaborate with the invaders. sneering reply from the German mesolutions with one or two of the naoe as the crews themsel has been forbidden to speak, to The resistance of the students Commander In the Conquered the slgnatories secretly dissent ves. Air Marshal Sir Ar publish articles and to appear of Liege University is typical of Countries no one is too young, ing. Minister of Production. Ithur. Harris.
in photographs. se students in all the Occupied no one is too old to be our save.
ma Bom dling up Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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