
RUSSIANS CONTINUE VICTORIOUS OFFENSIVE ATLANTIC VOICE YEAR IXS THO emthe The Nazi forces are said situation, to be still unable to make a It is expected the enemy stand at any the troops will abandon Dno, in to BOX 199 several battle fronts due to order occupy a stronger the rapidity with which the position immediately cast of LIMON, February, 26th. 1944 No. 412 Soviets are moving and the Pskov in a last effort to save intensity of of their offensive Estonia and Letonia. One of operations.
General Govorov columns is THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK Southwest of Lake Ilmen said to be only about fifty the Russians are said to have miles off Pskov the foll of It makes a tremendous difference what captured a large number of which will it is estimated, dis important positions including nanize the eremy entire things, what kind of things, our minds dwell five railway systems. The Ger Baltion front.
upon The ideas we allow to pass through our man resistence in the Dno The Germans are reported minds make or unmakle us. If we think beauti sector has also been destroy to have assassinated 17. 900 fully, we become beautiful in mind and soul, ed, and the scizure of the the civilian population of thought, word and deed. If we think honestly of tronghold threatened. The Rro during the period forces commanded by Gen of their occupation.
all, under all circumstances, we will become eral Malignovsky have made The result. so far, of the entirely honest. Our thoughts become us and further gains to the west and Soviet offensive has liberated we become our thoughts. If we but control our northwest of Krivai Rog and three fourths of the national thoughts we will live better lives.
are moving forward over a territory occupied by the Na.
front of 350 kilomters toward is at the tima of their greatALMIRANTE CHESTER the River Dniester and the est advance.
NIMITZ Black Comandante de la Escuadra de los Sea, in combination of The strategic position TRY AGAIN Estados Unidos ou a Pacific with those of Generals Vatu. Dno has since been captured tin and Konev. The Germans as also many other points of The lessons tought us in our youthful years are said to be facing a serious military importance.
would be as energy and time wasted, if we did not obtain inspiration from at least one of NORTHERN RAILWAY CO. SEEK PERMISSION TO USE 25 PER them. The marvellous narrative of King Bruce CENT TOTAL OF FOREIGN LABOUR and his Spider should always serve to inspire us with the desire of pegging away at a proAccording to the San Jose acquired a special and effi as the majority of those, who ject which might have baffled us in our initial Press. Mr. Green, the cient knowledge of the work, would be affected were born effort: Manager of the Northern and their replacement by in in Cos! o Pica and are We are thinking of the very valuable effor: Railway Company has ap experienced men would affect Floyed in the Atlantic Zone, effected bythe Costa Rica Burial Scheme As proached the Labour Author the Company interests. especially in this city.
ity for permission to employ Their removal would also, it The labour Department is sociation in the securing of a motor driven he foreign or alien labour to the was stated, create a serious giving consideration to arse and the establishing of a service for bea extent of twenty. five per problem of a social character solicitude.
ring our dead to their last resting place in the cent of their total workers, One Mile Cemetery. Most unfortunately the in lieu of the ten per La VOYAGES TACOLON Society succumbed to the weight of the econo quota demanded by the mic crisis which long existed in our communibour Code.
REPUBLICA DE PANAMA Mr. Green is said to have ty and the vehicle got destroyed. As, however, called the attention of the Agents the ground was so well broken by that far Secretary of Labour to the seeing group, we think another effort should fact that for very many years SMYTH COMPANY be mad by either some collective Group or a a large number of coloured PORT LIMON AND SAN JOSE single individual. In view of the present day workers, of British notiona!
disturbances, a motordriwen vehicle may not ity, have been working with COSTA RICA be procurable, but what of a horse drawn one?
the Company, that they had restoration of the frontier Many were the expressions of dissatisfacfixed by the treaty of the FINLAND INFORMED OF RUSSIA PEACE tion hurled at our Municipal Fathers for the 13th. March 1940. The absence of a roadway to the cemetery and nuCONDITIONS dizaina il costos peninsular of Hangoe to be merous solicitations were, we believe, presenleased to Russia for a ted for its construction. The road now exists: of twenty years. The but, apart from a few instances, it is not being New York releases the in transmitted them to Great Finnish cities of Vir urii, Ko formation utilized for the principal purpose for which it that the Russian Britain and the United States kisalmo Sortavala y Suromi authorities have was constructed. Let us not always depend on their Peace to the submitted of America. rogiro as well certain Islands in the Finnish 119. 30 The condiions cover, it is Gulf of Finland to pass to others to provide our every need. Let us act on Government who have in turn stated; four points (13 the Russia. 4) Consideration to our own iniciative. We urge that a real co opebe given the subject of the rative movement be brought about in this as LONDON ATTACHED BY ENEMY AIRCRAFT demabilization of the Finnish has been in other matters of civic importance Army, the problem of We have with us a number of organizations, their aerial assaults on LonThe Germans have renewed the attacks over England, compensation and others.
any one of which can financially and efficient. don. Four raids have taken. ly undertake the project.
place within the past week MATINA ART AND UNIQUE The use of either a motor driven or horse or so.
TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT drawn hearse is a long established and highly The attack effected dur MINTO appreciated custom in all progressive commu ing the night of the 23rd in The charm in the appearance of a man is a well ties. We are confident one of either kind can the lives of dozens of persons stant is said to have taken designed and smartly fitted suit be obtained indhe Capital of the Republic. We and to have caused numerThe Matina Art and Unique Tailoring Establishment guarantees, at all times.
earnestly press that it be secured and our peo ous fires in differents parts BEST FIT. REAL MATERIALS and ple taught that a little walking exercise, now of the city.
UNPARALLEL WORKMANSHIP and then, is a medium to physical fitness, parIt is stated that the Nazis Our central location makes it convenient for the men ticularly under a cool and invigorating tempehave gathered an unusually of the Abaca Industry and other vicinities to deal with us.
rature, even though the main cause may laro air force in France for PRICES TO MEET THE TIME of intensifying the purpose sad a one.
cent 18 term EDHA STO mutta wär be so Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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