
The Game was dedicated to our very Genial Port Captain, don Rafael Eduarte and the Limonenses chistised the Josefinos by fourt een Runs and an Inning to a Single for their Yesterday, February zoth. was the fourth year since hill play of Nine Innings. The Veteran, Timothy, was a sensation Jonathan upheld his dis the lamentable death of our dear Mother and Sister tinction and Vinivi, our Pitcher, marvellously won his Spur RUBY WRIGHT In place of one of those Rey, Me at the home plan reached first base. Cope car. FEBRUARY 25th. 1940)
past rousing encounters, we, te.
ned a hit; Vinici followed with experienced the hapıpiness Fourth Inning. That a two bagger. Then went a It is indeed in mournful number, of a World Serie game being which was attempted in the merry. go. round to the tune That life is but a dream; brought to our very door previous inning was realized of five runs, when Stumpie For, when least expected, our Ruby last Sunday afternoon. It is by San Jose, and the first run became the fried fish.
Passed froin our care and caress, not gain. saying the fact was marked on the tins. Agui Fifth Inning San Jose Though rever from our memory.
that San Jose Selection lar won a two bagger; Sando Muñoz, Semilla and Espinoza, FERNANDO RIVERS (Son. Mr. AND Mrs. ERNEST was Top. Our very good val was freed to first and who took the willow for their WRIGHT; Mr. AND Mrs. GEORGE WRIGHT (Brothers friend Cueto had come to stealing to second was beaten side, effected no change in the and Sisters. conquero no not only becau: by a throw by Jonathan Cue score; while our Selection Card se the honour, but on stride ned two runs the se of the charm of the va was shortened before reach efforts of Carlito, Mike Omeir luable bit of paper whiching first base. Masis was and Altimont. change was bore the legitimate stamp also defeated. For our Selec made in the Box. Jimenez CARD OF THANKS of One Hundred Colones tion, Babb struck a sky roc took over the pityching. His Though we suffered agony, grief, pain and sorrow on the very generous gift of ket and was caught by Cueto. first delivery was sent wizzing the occasion of the death of our dear husband, Son, the Honouree of the Game. Carlito got cramped at home. through Second and Short by Brother and Father Disappointingly the visitors The realiable Jonathan took Timothy Mena. Cope earned a found fthemselves surroun the bat, then crack. and the free base, while Vinici was pa LESTER VERNAL DALEY ded by nine unbreakable lin ball was scen travelling over gged at first. Neither sides ks which composed our ba the roof of a building a block scored in the Sixth Inning, is was yet comforting and cheering to have been the se ball chain. The overwh away, while he comportably while, in the following, the Jorecipients of the many Cards, Letters, and Telegrams elming crowd in attendance accomplished a home run. The sefinos were again dismissed conveying the sympathy of the many friends as well stirred the opinion that only was changed, the at for nil. and our defenders as the floral offerings and other tokens of condolence.
a limited number of our citi mosphere perfumed with re added one more.
We adopt this medium express our sincere Thanks.
zenry were absentees joicing as men embraced and Widow, Parents, Brothers, Sisters.
Play started after our ve rode the hard hitting Jonat. Eighth Inning. The visiChildren and other relatives ry popular Port Captain, han on their shoulders, Mike tors were now faced with the don Rafael Eduarte, had ef Omeir, another sure cracker, task of earning at least seven fected the first delivery of effected a two bagger and runs to effect a tie the ball to Palomo of the vi Altimont got a free walk. Mil. The question was could siting side. Vinici, Limon Mr. Marco Antonio Cortes der then faced the pitcher hurler, then took command they do it in the remaining in bagger. Stumpie was cookedlocal International Babb got safely to First Car of the the first delivery was effected nings? The reply was given of the pitching, and the batsman and a strikes said the Um when they failed to silence our lito followed his example Jo Balsa Company, was the Chief pegged at First. Aguilar came on and pire. With a bit of Solomon shore batteries. In the corres nathan was given the compli. Umpire, and wonderfully carwas cooked at the home pla brought on the veterar wisdom, Manager Johnson ponding inning, the reinforced ment of a base. Omeir drove ried through his assignment.
alert and watched te. Jimenez, did not reach Ti Cubs brought the Fans to their the ball toward the Cacao He was Plant and carned a homer, every phase of the exercise, first base. On Limon taking mothy Mena, who drove the feet with emotional and roarthe bat, Masis, San Jose first delivery over the head of ing acclaim. Cope gained a while Altimont secured a two rendering fair and impartial star pitcher, roasted Stumthe powerful Cueto and safely home run and Vinici a three bagger. In an effort to avoid decisions. Mr. Bancroft Scott further disaster, Cueto took (Big Boy) was the base umpie at the plate; while over pitching. Mena was peg pire and he too, creditably Babb was caught between first and second, and friend ATTENTION ged at First and Copes in his performed his important dusecond turn at the bat, got ties.
Cueto took Carlito at First.
cooked. The very lively inSECOND INNING. Cue This is to advise all concerned that my wife, Caro.
nin for six runs.
to was smartly taken line Bennett, having voluntarily abandoned my home and at Now the tide of battle has third by Mike Omeir. Masis protection, and having been legally compensated, will earned a fre9 base, and pe not hold myself responsible for any debt she might con NNinth Inning. Again turned, and, thanks to our shipe the visitors tried to effect an plane builders, our sailors and builders, our scientists. Our areorished on stealing away tract.
to increase on the Single ob our airmen, we have overcome third. Semilla was nipred at BENJAMIN BENNETT, Senior first base. For Limon, Jonat Liverpool. 1st. February 1944.
tained in the fourth inning, the submarine menace, and our but each of the three neces shipborne trade is flowing freely han was walked to first. Mi Into our ports, bringing ustfood, ke Omeir struck sary bastmen were quickly go to Dixon Barber Shop West of the City Market petrol, and all that our factories a daisy returned to regather their does Send your kid there too. West of the City Market.
which fell in the glove of require. Admiral Sir William For a much better Hair cut or Shave, any style desired gear.
Muñoz. In the 1, 2, order, Altimont took his medicine and Miller swallowed a similar dose.
THIRD INNING In view of the existing No Seo Offers you Correct Weight, Lower Prices, fresh Merchandise and Courtesy re. the visiting side obviously came out to register a Condensed Milk, large. 1. 35 Cacao XXX, lb. 85 change. Semilla earned Island Palm Soap 60 Nugget Shoe Polish, tin. 45 hit to first, and timely stole Banquet Sardines, tin 75 Crisco, lb. 25 to second. Sandoval fell Camay Soap 70 Tuna Fish, tin 50 prey into the glove of Ccipe, Palmolive Soap 75 Sapolio 00 our catcher, while Palomo Butter, Lb. 50 Wire Sponges placed his hit into the stic0. 25 ky one of Miller. At this sta Quaker Oats, tin 60 Mayonaise, jar 3:50 ge, the player on second ba All Bran 65 Brooms 80 se moved up to third and All Polish, tin 50 Klim, tin 15 was dismissed for a force Baking Powder, lb. 00 Carbide, lb. 00 off between that point, whi Sweet Oil, bot. 25 Cake Sand, ounce le Miller was effecting the 50 catch. For the HomestersPROVEEDORA. Puerto Limon.
Cope, Vinici and Stumpie respectively by sang Đinh SV LA PROVEEDORA a a Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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