
CLIFFORD STEELE James Evans, Rural Dean of Costa Rica and Panama, is Front of British Pharmacy, Limon City.
regrettingly, suffering from To enhance the charm of every man is a well designed impaired health. He was unand fell tilored suit with a guarantee behind it.
able, we understand to con duct the services which were BEST FIT, BEST MATERIAL, listed for last week at some of the Line Mission Stations, BEST WORKMANSHIP as well as at St. Mark Uno de los mejores Whiskys We sincerely hope the We make Dress caps, Cadet caps, Scout caps, Scull fabricados en América Dean will soon shake off the caps, Sailor caps and working caps of all kinds.
Elaborado a base de Cebada.
attack and be able to resuBier madurado y envejecido.
me the pastoral care of his flock.
RATHER BE CORRECTION d rather be a Could Be Referring to the article If could not be an Are Wedding Bells at Estrada. For a Could Be is a Maybe, in our last Saturday issue, With a chance of touching Par.
en barricas de roble.
the name of the Groomsman was given as Mr. James FowI rather be a Has Been les of Limon; this was an Than a Might Have Been by far, error, it should have been Mr.
For a Might Have Been has never been James Foulkes of Estrada. It But a Has was once an Are.
should also have been mentioned that Miss Alethia Smith played the violin accompaniment for Mrs. Wil un Whisky legitimo, de calidad, liam in the rendering of her Address all your Eng. Para todos sus trabajos solo Perfect Love. We are ineering Requirements to de ingeniería dirijase a a precio atractivo: sorry for the error and omissido sion.
ng BOX 523 Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 2929 SAN JOSE FINGER Charges Reasonable Precios Módicos We have been given the FABRICA NACIONAL sad information that Mr.
Egbert Jones, foreman at the JAPANESE SUFFER FURTHER LOSS Machine Shops of the NortOF 28, 000 MEN DE LICORES hern Railway Company has suffered the loss of a joint Admiral Chester Nimitz This further victory by the Line 96 of cne of his fingers as the has reported that the North North Americans, has elevat result of an accident while American forces had comed the enemy losses in man When its time for your Coffee, Dinner, Supper or cool Drinks, some phase of his responsible pleted the conquest and oc power in this sector to 28, 000 day or night, try LA MAGNOLIA Dixon little place West duties was, it is said, in procupation of the Island of it is announced.
of the City Market.
gress. He is a patient in the Eniwetok in the northwest of The Islands of Saipan and local hospital.
the Marshall group. The last Tinian located about 1, 300 CAPT. LIBBETT THOMAS TRANSFERRED The Atlantic Voice ten phase of the occupation took miles off Tokyo have been units Captain Libbett Thomas, prayer that she will go from ders its deep hearted sym place last Tuesday night with attacked by Allied air of with heavy losses to the en the young and very pleasant strength to strength gaining pathy to the unfortunate suf the seizure of the Islet officer, who was attached to advancement in this life prior ferer and his family. Parry emy.
the Salvation Army of this to being the recipient of the city, has been transferred to WELL DONE.
the Silver City Corps of Cristobal, Canal Zone. Word has RECENT DEATHS been received that she has safely reached her new sta We are in receipt of the tion.
information that the under Arriving in this Republic mentioned persons died in about two CACAO years ago, this the San Juan de Dios Hospi daughter of the Island of tal, San José. They were Jamaica soon gained the once associated with The Cacao Farmer Friend WE ALWAYS buy Cacao hearty good. will of our citi Zone.
zenry and she was by no Maria Araya Arias, formeans slow in demonstrating merly of Estrada and 42 RAICILLA. IPECACUANA reciprocal endearment. years of age. She was the However, as a true mariner daughter of Ramon Araya RUBBER on the Master Vessel sail Navarro and Pacifica Arias ing to the rescue of the per Rojas and was admitted to ishing, the affectionate tie the hospital on the 2nd. insWe are Agents for which bound her to Major tant and died on the 16th.
and Mrs. Lynch, her comraRafaela Artavia Mora, la THE RUBBER DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF THE GOVT.
des of the Army and the nu te of Guapiles and 40 years merous friends her winring old; the wife of Juan Diaz character had given her, has Chacón and a daughter of OFFICES: LIMON. SAN JOSE been severed Antonio Artavia Quesada person, though, we are sure not in and Rosa Mora Mora. She spirit. Limon will always entered the institution on remember Captain Thomas, the 12th. instant and died and it is our wholehearted on the 16th.
Caribbean Packing Co.
this a Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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