
LA VOZ ATLANTICA PAGE 11 The men and uters capacity for fifty passengers SPLENDID CO OPERATION of the Number One Brigade were on patrol MUL. EN. OL It is with much interest Cross, under the guidance of Cuty throughout this city for FIRST AID ANTICEPTIC and commendation we report the Rev. Evans, a few days prior to and after the splendid co operation and the members of the No. the day of the Great Event; NEEDED IN EVERY HOME FOR very effective services ex Brigade under the command while the nurses of the SysBurns, Cuts, Insect Bites, etc.
ecuted by many of the per of Captain Noe Alvarado of tem faithfully maintained Also splendid as Cargle, Mouthwash sonnel of the No. Brigade lhe Volunteer Fire System, their position of the United and Dentrifice.
of the Limon Auxiliary Redon Election Day.
Sanitary and Medical DepartIS GREASELESS, FREE OF SMELL AND ment on the day of the elecPLEASANT OF TASTE.
GERMANS LOSE ALL INITIATIVE IN ITALY tion. The Authorities, under whose charge these men and de MA TA RAL sa Intense Allied artillery and infantry which had gat young women were placed, fire is said to have repelled hered in the Aprilia sector have, we learn, expressed in ALKALINE TABLETS every effort of the Germans for the purpose of launch glowing terms their high apto renew their attacks a ing a new offensive by the preciation of their splendid good for gases on the stomach, headaches, Muscular pains, gainst the bridge head of Anzio roadway.
minor colds, neuralgia, etc. Splendid after co operation and general deAnzio; they have also been Notwithstanding unfavou portment EXCESSIVE DRINKING OF LIQUORS prevented from reorganiza rable weather conditions du The following are the na TO GET YOU SOBER. Very effective, try it.
zing their forces to the ring the past few days, Almes of the men who augt AGENTS AND DISTRIBUTORS south of Rome to initiate a lied air units are said to ha mented the service for the third counter offensive. ve effectively attacked sePAN AMERICAN AGENCIES, A.
preservation of law and orThe considerable losses veral enemy positions south aldai SAN JOSE der: Adrian Masen, Sigissuffered by the enemy in of Rome as also their ship mund Collins, Edward Westtheir two earlier important ping in the Adriatic, off the AIRCRAFT AS FLYING PALACES Harold Clarke, Andrew ney operations estimated at coast of Dalmatia.
Drummond, Peter and Vin Keeping abreast the age with individual berths. Dan7. 000 On their front, the Eighth cent Hall, has produced, we George Berrick, and applying serious thought cing halls and moving pictuare told, a serious disorgani Army is said to be conducClaudius Newland, Rupert to the requirements of there arrangements also figure zation in their ranks and ting successful engagements which is being aggravated with the enemy in the vici so Gumms, Kenneth Sinclair, gleam English Inventors are will have a White, Egbert Francis. Alfon coming post. war period, we in the plans. The apparatus flying speed to by the constant blows of the nity of Lieri. They also reBenjamin Brown, Clifford interested in a project for the permit of its crossing the anglo. American artillery pelled German attacks in Hamilton and Jasper McKin construction of air ships in Atlantic in ten hours. Its and infantry.
the localities of Torricella ley. Among the nurses were such a manner as will make length will be approximately Heavy cannon fire of the and Guardiagrole with hea Mrs. Jarrett, the Misses them veritable flying pala fifty five meters and its width Fifth Army dispersed a larvy dosses to them.
Elfreda Sobers, Ruby Poyser, ces.
seventy five. It has been ge number of German tanks Dorothy Tyndall, Vernal Cole, The type of ship under con hinted that this new giant of Claris Isaacs, Claris Sterling, sideration will carry, it is sta the air will be designated JAPAN FEELING WEIGHT OF ALLIED BLOWS Ruth Gouldbourne and Gerted, eight motors and have Ten Thousand.
Long had the Japanese demonstrated their deteriLONDRES, 25, UP. Ceindesired a war with Great Bri Ination of hitting back a hun: RED ARMY CELEBRATE 26th. ANNIVERSARY nes fueroar destruidos ayer pour to cincuenta y seis cazas alematain and the United States dred fold and mightily are los bombarderos y of America, but they seem to they doing so.
teamericanos de escolta que ata caron al Reich desde sus bases have entirely overlooked the According to recent reports, The Red Army of the So of this important position is en Gran Bretaña e Italia, según possibility of a merger of the the Allied offensive in the viet Union celebrated the the first step, it is said by informa un comunicado oficial de la estadounidense.
great Powers with their al South Pacific is increasing by 26th. anniversary of its exis military observers, toward the Los bombarderos estacionados most inexhaustible resourses. leaps and bounds, with re tence last Tuesday, the 26th. definite expulsion of the Ger en Gran Bretaña destruyeron a 83 caFeeling also assured, appar. sults entiely contrary to the with the outstanding victory mans from south Russia and zas a 37, mientras que los otros ently, that Britain stood al plans of the military Lords of the grand mining center the opening of the Red Ar 36m fueran derribados por los bombarderos y cazas con base one in the fight with the Eu of the Empire of the Rising of Krivoi Rog. The capture my push on to Rumania, en Italia ropean Totalitarians, the Ja Sun. The bombardment of the panese, from early 1940, Island of Truk, Japan princibegan their Big Talk and pal base in that region was committed acts of aggression outstandingly disastrous for or British diplomats and ci the enemy whose immediate vilians. They also repeatedly loss was nineteen naval units 13 bombed North American Mis land 201 airplanes apart from sion Station in the North the terrible damage inflicted Shantung Province and com on their land instalations.
mitted other unfriendly acts Among other engagements is PAY THE BEST PRICES FOR against the peoples of the mentioned the sinking of European. Democracies as also twelve merchant and three against those of this hemis war vessels attached to phere.
enemy convoy in the Bismark The attack on Pearl Harbour archepelego, when thousands was not an over night thought of their troops perished and it had been timely arranged. much valuable war material Following that treacherem was lost. Additional landings act, the combined forces of of Allied forces on many of the British Commonwealth of the Japanese Islands of straNations, the United States of tegic importance is paying America and their associates the way for the final attack on the Empire mainland.
Kavieng on the Island of FOR MEN Ne Irland, as also the Is1 lands of Paramushiro and Shu Felt and Straw Hats.
mushu were the special obCE Shirts and Underwear. jectives last week end. FortyTHE LATEST, CHEAPEST four enemy ships were sunk REMEMBER AND BEST.
in the course of one week in Do your shopping at the Bismark Archepelego.
asos Japan outer defenses in THE PEOPLE HOUSE WE PAY THE BEST PRICES the Marshall, Caroline and Jack Orane Sucs.
Mariana Island are now being LIMON subjected to aerial attacks.
Limón Trading Company an Dried Ipecac Root Cocoa, Coconuts and Copra RUBBER Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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