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PAGE 12 ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26th. 1944 BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN was women Far Lendy the were Cave OFF NAZI AIRFIELD POLYGLOT WARFARE BULAWAYO CITY ELEMENTS IN JAPAN KENYA DEVELOPCOLORE MENT PLAN British undercover man in While land warfare in the Nezi held Tobruk had Men who 50 years ago rodo An illuminating gleam piported Eastern theatres is conditioned into Bulawayo while Lobengu thrown on Japan by Sir Robert Projects for development, with to headquarters that the enemy by such factors as the monsoon, la kraal was burning and while Craigie in an address to the Roy assistance from the United King.
had, established an airfield out the radio war against Japan the Matabele king was fleeing al Empire Society, Sir Robert, som involving post somewhere east of the town. goes on unceasingly. Day by day beyond the River Shangani wero who was British Ambassador in of some 2, 000, 000, have been an expenditure He didn know exacüly where it and for eighteen hours out of honoured guests at the fiftieth Tokyo from 1937 to 1941, des worked out by the Government was locatel, but he knew that every day the powerful tran. anniversary celebrations held at cribed the bewilderment and of Kenya, and these are already every Saturday at dusk a fleet mitters of All. India Radio stBulawayo, newly elevated to the consternation among the people, being examined in the Colonial of supply ticks left Toituk and Delhi send out news and com. status of a city. In the presence already weary of the Chinese Office. All except 500, 000 of headed for the ou. post. So a parent to the Far Eastern territon of the Governor, and Lady Mary war, on realizing that their coun the sum involved, which would ty of our men, consisting of a captain, a sergeanz and ben pri domination. Burmese, Malay and and cies presently under Japanese Baring, they attended a service try was at war also with Britain be a loan, would be in the form witnessed a parade and and the United States. He of grants under the Colonial vates, volunteered 19 locate it and Siamese are the principal lan march past the Governor of con thought that, as disillusionment Development and Weifare Act.
blow it to smithereens, had about 500 miles to negotiate cuages used in these broadcasts. ſtingents of all the units of men spread and the army prestige The expenditure would be spread by truck, from our headquarters but not the only ones. There and serving to. day. waned, a form of passive resis. over several years. The principal at Kabrit, Egypt, to the desert dressed to are broadcasts in Hindustani. ad terwards Lady Mary unveiled tance to military domination scheme is one for soil conserva objective. The immate goaldia: in French, for the French members of the 1893 columns, due the evils Japan had brought 185. The next most emigrants from In a plaque in memory of the might develop. To the army were tion, which would take 940, Important was a cuve some thirty mics co onists and others in Indo Chi. Later, in one of the Bulawayo upon the world. It was the army abimes of east of Tobluk, along the coast na; and, of course, for the housing of road which was Romma mam the lengua franca of the in English, parks, wreaths were laid on the as a whole, partlcularly the in Africans other than Government line of communication. It memorial.
was East. For the benefit of Chinese Prime Minister of Southern Rho formed the centre and kernel of whem the fluential younger officers, employees, which would cost that 500, 000. Altogether plans for known that at some point alone. British subjects, Chinese broad. eeis addressed the pioneers ex the whole conception of totalita African housing would cost.
the coast road, to the east of casts are made in four forms pressing thanks for what they the town, the truck convoy cus the official Mandarin and 658, 000. Another large suum the had done, and read a message reign conquest. From that core rian aggression and lust for foinvolved is for water supplies, tomarily turned off into the de dialects of Amoy, Canton and from the King expressing sent. It was the raiding party Shanghai, The Chinese formed hope that the People of the all the other extremist elements and other schemes include plans job to get into that convoy in the largest single element in the country would soon return to a nut for agricultural and educational rew their strength. But through the country. hidden in projects, reafforestation, and the the dark somehow. and this urban population of Singapore, life of peaceful progress which, the shadows, potentially reclamation of tsetse fly areas. In particular seemed the and owned about half of the by their endeayours in the pre influential statesmen, politicians, addition, the colony is now prebest place. and travel with it 20, 000 radio sets registered there went conflict. they had truly earn and leaders in the business and paring a five year construction to the airfield outpost.
before the war.
nd. The former Premier of also Dhe dirnmed driving lights of Perhaps the most important in thern Rhodesia, a relative of professional worlds, who had op programme, which would David Livingstone a dmuck swept into view around of the languages, used in. A1. the first freeman of the city of control of their nation desti. the main funds for which would made posed, and still abhorred, army cost about another 2, 000, 000 the curve, followed by another India Radio broadcasts to eneand anbther. Leaning forward Bulawayo. The freedom of the nies. When the present tyrannic probably be raised by loans by my. occupied territory, is Japani military régime began to lose the Kenya Government. Thie to peer through the dark, the driver was suklying the internese. It is known that most of city was given to 36 pioneers at its grip, those men were likely a ceremony in the city hall. On to re emerge and might play an concerned with increased school programme would be chiefly the good radio sets in the ocou Sunday the pioneers visited Ce important part in the overthrow vals between the units of the pied countries are in the hands wil Hhodes grave at the Mato of the military domination.
convoy as they flashed past and hospital accommodation.
the mouth of the wadi at an of the Japanese officials and pos.
easy thirty mile gait. He reported military officers, and, in prepar.
There is reason to believe that SAYINGS NEVER ENDING his findings with satisfaction, ing broadcasts to them, the Del the secret of Lobengula grave Keeping a bit better than a ni script writers conform in has at last been revealed. When THUNDER The foundations now exist em evory detail to the style of the he fled over Shangani from his hundred yards between for an international order to re pir. The truck shot out from the official Japanese broadcast from capital of Bulawayo, he was of new wars.
move the threat ravine as if the word had Tokyo. It is impossible to esti. thought to be in possession of There is enough action on the the We do not seek to impose a some invisible leash. hurch or mate how many people in gold and diamonds which were Channel front at present. But two, a few stiff jolts, and se occupied countries listen to Del said to have been buried with across there, along that smudge Three. Power will on Europe, but to liberate those countries cok the highway snotlvly, hi programmes, but there are him. It was not that, however, of coastline lie towns whose na pointing east, some forty yards signs that they are not without that sealed the lips of the Matames are printed on every Eng. so that all can take their place Auhind the jerry aheadi and effect. Quisling broadcaster bele concerning the whereabouts lish heart. Boulogne, again in the European family.
where comfortably in advance of the crom Bangkok recently complain of his grave, but tribal tradi. the Guards died one by one in Mr. Anthony Eden, sone yet to round the curve. The ed that the Siamese ignore their tions that graves of Kings are the ruins; Calais, held by a rifle. captain held his breath What own radio and listen only to holy places. The secret of the brigade until only forty men was the driver of NO 12 think Delhi. The Japanese have tried grave is now revealed by the were left alive and unwounded; attack them with depth charges ing? What had be thought to call in all radio sets and ad. Rain Goddess to officials or the and Dunkerque.
Anything goes in this informal when he straightened out from just them to prevent short wave Native Department. It would ap. Some day soon the little ships war. There is the slam of a gun the curve and discovered himseli listening.
pear that dear of her powers of the Channel are going to con. then long seconds until a star so close to the truok ahead?
over rainfall overcame the fear voy the Pongos. as they call, slasi numats, revealing four Would be think NO 11 had faiof the natives at entering Ama soldiers, across to the Continent boats. They increase fun Den off jhe pace? Wuld he linda, the place of spirits; and and retake those towns. speed. turn and make smoke reached the airfield without in think he had been driving too the grave, which is in Lubimbi Moreover, this front line is al. The flotila of British fast himself? These Nazis were event and halted for a brief sur Valley, bad been entered.
The so a sally port for Estrope. Over knifes jr. umong tigem. The such methodical devils. would vey.
the story told by Ginyilitsche, a lit fly by night and day bom MGB rams the German boat Left to humself, the captainhe speed up to investigate? No 12 vear. old Matabele, is to ber commands of the RAF and amidship, cutting into the side was dropping back! His speed swung to the right for his tour the effect that Lobengula mov the Eighth Air Force and clouds like butter. There is a hollow checked perceptibly till he was of the field. Presently he founded off before the battle of Shan of fighters to sweep the skies. grinding noise as the crew of the required humdred meters what he was looking for a gani in the Pashus country. The Channel, which in 1940 was the British boat is hurled to the the rear. The captain pent up wall of rubble and dogs and When he heard the result of the the most important battleground deck by the impact. In the dark breath escaped in a long sigh rocks. Tucked behind it were battle he and his chief Magweg in the world, is now airness no one can see what is hap.
and we drank from a bottle, both highway. Every type of Allied pening, but the men on the deck of relief nine planes. bombers fighters. With typical attention dying. It is stated that two chairs plane from Fontresses to Spitfi of the British craft can hear the by Queen Twenty minutes more and the lo symmetry and neatness, the given to Lobengula res can be seen crossing the Chan Germans shouting and screaming convoy swung sharply off the Germans had Jined them up in Victoria were buried with him. nel while by ones and twos ligh: as flames bureak out in a their coast road to the south. The threes, their wing tips ters of the Raf Coastal Command engine room. They try to rescue going was rougher, yet not too touching. The captain placed one national monument.
patrol overhead on the lookout some in the water but are inter: bad. It was obvious to the cap bomb in the center plane of for German bombers that may rupted as another boat bears tain that the Germans had done each trio, and went on his way try to sneak into England. clown, all guns firing. There is a spot of roadwork. When they rejoicing. He wound two more There is great naval activity a destroyer somewhere in the came to a steep wadi, the way revetaments, but to his disap in the Channel, but it is not the neighborhood, for over their down was cleared of rocks and pointment there were only three same swift and stealthy fashion. kind that makes Flaring heasd heads flies a inch shell.
the way up on the other side planes in the first and just one Lights were springing on lines. There are hundreds of Bri Merchantmen are rusty, broad was surfaced with cord matting in the second. Still, that brought everywhere. The post was a bed tish and Geman ships.
There beamed tramps, most of them.
to afford traction. They slid his total up to thirteen. He tuck lam of shouting. Then, as the are motor torpedo boats which but there is a certain kinship through the night. Canktiously Jed one of his two remaining captain sprinted for the exit, night after night take station with the tiny men o war which they made a wide detour around bombs into the vitals of a small from a point in the desert just off the enemy coast waiting for shepherd them up and down the the one building that showed tractor which was boundarya chance do loose a torpedo at Channel like dogs working sheep signs of hhman life. hum of for odd jobs around the field of the camp came an ear split ja German tanker. There are mo toward home. The merchant voices same from it, and a pa The other he placed under a tool ting racket. Thestaccato explotor launches which have been skippers, even break their euis.
perthin strip of light from an shed. Then he turned and went sions rose and fell convincingly, known to furk behind a convoy tomany imperturabilidy enough otherwise closely shuttered win back over the path by which settled to a steady roar, then then dash through to get so close to give a faint pick of the hand dow. It was a cookhouse. They he had come, moving in the later away.
to tire merchantmen they can to the little ship cut to ships an bontos eroting into the hosting caused beyond the southern Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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