
ATLANTIC VOICE on The possession of will power distinguished mankind from all other creatures. No machi ne, however dificult, operates, no marionette, Editor: JOS THOMAS BOX 199 however lifelike, stirs its limbs, no chessmen YEAR IX LIMON, MARCH 4TH. 1944 NO 413 move without a touch from a master hand.
However remarkable their actions, other living NATIONAL CONGRESS DECLARE LIC DON TEODORO PICADO THE DULY creatures are moved by instinct along certain ELECTED PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC.
unvarying paths. Man alone can deliberately ings to the Congressional Com. ro and profoundly wishes him chogse the road he cares to follow; and, though, mittee on Credentials. a most successful terms, in all in many ways guided by circumstances, his The findings disclosed that respects.
very act, in the last resort, depends upon him90, 403 votes had been pollself.
ed in favour of Lic. Teodoro Picado and 46, 403 for Lic.
MARCH 1933. MARCH 1944 Leon Cortes. Axting on these figures, the Committee deToday is the Fourth of March 1944, and it clared don Teodoro the duly brings us to the eleventh year of Mr. Franklin elected President of the ReD. Roosevelt occupancy of the Presidency of public for the Constitutional the great Republic of the United States of Aperiod 1944. 1948; this was merica? a period filled with oustanding honFomerly confirmed by Conour and distinctions not earned or experianced gress at its session held wednesday of the week in cour by any of his many predecessors. se. The newly elected PresiTime ever changing conditions and the deOn Sunday last the Natio dent will assume office on the velopment of such a number of untoward cirnal Electoral Council conclud 8th day of May next.
cumstances unquestionably demanded the pre ed their work of scrutinizing The Atlantic Voice tenders sence of such a one in the White House. not the votes polled on the 13th its most espectful and sincere pltimo, and reported their find congratulations to don Teodo PRESIDENTE ROOSEVELT only as a Guide for the destinies of his own peo ple, but as the unswerving defender of the rights and liberty of humanity in general VALUABLE ASSET TO LIMON AND COSTA RICA GENERALLY The nationals of his country manifested their wisdom when they retained him at the We are largely indebted to In addition to the many clock like regularity. The well helm of the Ship of State for the Third Consti the progressive spirit of the other improvements, it is regulated office and qualified tutional Term; and when we review his mar.
International Balsa Company noted that a very convenient staff of workers also command ked activities in matters international, we are for the privilege of closely, concrete platform has been much admiration.
fully convinced that his marvellous foresight.
observing the wonderful man constructed at a point where ner in which their activities the finished material can be and exceptional wisdom are the special gifts The International Balsa are forging ahead, Their ra transferred to the freight cars Company is playing a vastly of Him who gave the Children of Israel their pid development, in more without delay or interruption important part in the war efLeaders in due time and season, and who still than one direction, is already by rain.
forts of the United States of hears and answers the supplications of rhem affording Limon more valua America, Great Britain and who have faith in Him.
ble aid. economically, indus As the result of our brief the other fighting democra We, today, pay tribute to President Roose trially and otherwise, than survey, we are of the opinion cies and Costa Rica is being velt as the man who has initiated an era of many well known optimists that the industry has been affered a magnificent opporanticipated. The work started efficiently laid out, and its tunity of contributing human greatness; as the leader who has proher a few months ago has risen operations conducted with shore.
claimed to the world that no dictator or combi in magnitude. The number of nation of dictators will ever weaken or destroy men and quantity of machi THE AERIAL WARFARE the rights of the free peoples of this hemisphenery required to cope with re, and as the one who has affirmed his deter.
this rise are steadily on the minatio nof saying the universe from the yoke increase. The installation of boilers and dry kilms The Royal Air Force in most important centers for of oppression and wanton cruelties. We, also, to indicate that a colossal de itiated their offensive for the the production of electric today reiterate our admiration our esteem for mand for the wood in not far current month of March with motors, on the night of the President Roosevelt and desire to once again distant.
a disastrous assauit against Ist. More than 600 machines assure him and his nation that we shall neve: Stuttgart, one of Germany are supposed to have particicease in adding our dewdrops to the great pated in the raid and to have ocean of intercessions that he continue to re scharged around 1, 700 MUL. EN. OL tons of bombs with telling ceive the blessings of a generous Father in FIRST AID ANTICEPTIC effect. Numerous fires Heaven and that his life be prolonged so he NEEDED IN EVERY HOME FOR started in malny of the ma may see the benefits which must accrue from Munich Burns, Cuts, Insect Bites, etc.
nufacturing plants, his unselfish, humanitarian labours.
and other important objectives Also splendid as Cargle, Mouthwash in the Low Countries and and Dentrifice.
France also suffered during IS GREASELESS, FRED OF SMELL AND the same night.
Enemy planes are officially MA TA RAL CLIFFORD STEELE stated to have attacked the southern coast of ALKALINE TABLETS England Front of British Pharmacy, Limon City.
during the morning of the To enhance the charm of every man is a well designed good for gases on the stomach, headaches, Muscular pains, instant. Saveral lives ond fell tilored suit with a guarantee behind it.
minor colds, neuralgia, ete. Splendid after lost and a certain amount of EXCESSIVE DRINKING OF LIQUORS material damage effected.
BEST FIT, BEST MATERIAL, TO GET YOU SOBER. Very effective, try it.
Five of the planes were shot BEST WORKMANSHIP down.
We make Dress caps, Cadet caps, Scout caps, Scull that Germany lost 1, 102 placaps, Sailor ceps and werking caps of all kinds, SAN JOSE nes over Russia during the month of February.
seem were were Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    EnglandFranceGermanyLeón CortésPresidentes de Costa Rica

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