
with us.
NAZIS FAIL IN THIRD. OFFENSIVE FORMATION OF BASEBALL TEAM UNDER AUSPICES OF INTERNATIONAL BALSA COMPANY e expected third assault as a consequence of the operist the Allied positions ations of the Allied artillery.
PUNTARENAS SIN e south of Rome was ef The attack is said to have during the night of the been launched in the region MATINA ART AND UNIQUE In furtherance of the Good limo, with large rein between Carrocette and CisTAILORING ESTABLISHMENT Neighbour Policy, we learn ents and a new Se terna, following on a big arA MINTO with much pleasure that a Bawcopon. which appears tillery action, but the Allied The charm in the appearance of a man is a well seball Team is in the making cars loaded with explos aviation and artillery were so ch designed and smartly fitted suit The Motina Art and Unique Tailoring under the auspices of the Inand operated by radio effectively handled that the Establishment guarantees, at all times.
ternational Balsa Company It is said to have fail attacking force were compelBEST FIT. REAL MATERIALS and operating in this city Many ith disastrous results in led to retreat with Leavy UNPARALLEL WORKMANSHIP first line players, connected second offensive. They losses.
Our central location makes it convenient for the men with the Company as well as failed in this new attack, of the Abaca Industry and other vicinities to deal other accessible Srars. aro said to have fallen in line.
PRICES TO MEET THE TIME VOYAGES TO COLON The injection of this new REPUBLICA DE PANAMA blood in the field of local sport TV Coming Extraordinary Lottery Drawing should serve as a great stimuAgents lus to the grand old game. We The Junta de Proteccion April proximo and that the highly congratulate the perR. SMYTH COMPANY Social of San Jose, who ma: plan provides for a First orsonnel of the team, especially nage the affairs of the Asilo Grand Prize of 150. 000; a Mr. Marco Antonio Ortix, o PORT LIMON AND SAN JOSE Chapui Lottery, have decided Second of characteristically clean, ho40. 000; twenty COSTA RICA to effect another extraordin of one thousand each; twenty nest and upright sportsman.
ory drawing.
of five hundred each, in adA practice.
to whip the It is stated that the this dition to the usual ones of Nine in shape, will be presGREETINGS TO OUR EDUCATIONAL drawing will take place on smaller amounts. The tickets ented on our playground toPRINCIPALS AND TEACHERS the Sunday, the 23rd. of will be of the value of thirty morrow, the 5th. Let all, wha colones each or 50 per can, attend and extend them piece.
a right hearty reception.
ith the fullest sincerity the great task which lies RECENT DEATHS xfend hearty greeting to ahead of them we urge the We have been informed aspector of Schools and fullest co operation of parents amily to the Director and guardians whose offspring that among those who died tress and teachers, who and wards may come under recently in the San Juan de returned from their pe the care of the education.
Dios Hospital, San Jose, were of rest to resume their the undermentioned, who were connected with this Titled Property containing Forty (40) hectáreas ational work among the With their effective attention, Zone.
of land.
geters of this city. They, particularly to Home listed to enter on their Training, a great part Randal James Maclon, of The cultivated areas consist of 85 hectareas of well ective duties on Monday the teachers burden can be native of Jamaica, who once planted two years old CACAO 17 hectareas in good ing the 6th, of the pre lightened. Let us hope for resided in this city and had reached the age of 53 years.
bearing condition and, in addition two and a half (2 15)
much improved conditions hectareas with bearing cacao in need of cleaning.
He entered the institution on ognizant, as we are, of throughout the 1944 term. four apartment building equipped with kitchens the 30th. December last and a Barbecue and other home conveniences.
died on the 12th, ultimo.
The Property is situated in the vicinity of Santa Maria Jeronimo Hernández Seat 15 13 Miles.
queira, formerly of Guapiles For further particulars apply.
and 44 years of age. He was Aadress all your Eng Para todos sus trabajos admitted to the hospital on ineering Requirements to de ingeniería dirijase o the 16th. ultimo and died on JOS. THOMAS the 19th, idem.
Hecilia Hernandez NavaPOST OFFICE BOX 199, LIMON BOX 523. Teléfonos 5319, 3201, or 2929 rro, 57 years old and SAN JOSE merly of this city. She enter Charges Reasonable Precios Módicos ed the hospital on the 10th.
Decent folk prefer Dixon place for themselves and kids, of May last year and died on for its no rowdy den. Go to Dixon Barber Shop. West of the 22nd. ultimo.
the City Market.
PHENOMINAL PERFORMANCE WITH BILLIARD CUE FOR SALE as a NOTICE ROIG forFURNITURE CANE AND WICKER e have had the privilege score, to beat him for three witnessing many brilliant hundred points. There were ormances with the taper accasions when it opeared as billiard cue, but that by if Quesada cue was transacclaimed nineteen year formed into a magic wand.
Quesada of the Alajuela Consecutively he cued 36, 39. Club, on the table of 32 29 with seventy as his Jupiter Sport Club of this greatest triumph. Don Raul last Saturday night, has Velazquez, of our Cacao Con us a new and lasting operative, was the Umpir ression; it was phenomi The Clubroams and piazzas were taxed to their utmost with the spectators. Though The Central American our billiardists went down to mpion whips two at a defeat, the lessons learned. Zurdo Ruben and Chi will, we think, prove very lio, failed, with a united valuable.
in exquisite styles and with every facility to obtain your choice at THE TROPICAL FURNITURE ESTABLISHMENT Visit our Agency in Limon for all information regarding Prices and Conditions TROPICAL FURNITURE AGENCY Fifty yards North the United Medical and Sanitary Department. Next Browne and Abrahams Limon City NAS MYTH When you leave Dixon Barber Shop, you are well fixed.
bluffing. Try there, West of the City Market.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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