p. 12


BULLETINS FROM BRITAIN a coun. zis, to UNDERGROUND SAVAGE JAPAN NAZI STAMP RACKET DIVIDENDS IN REICH DEATI TO BOATS The slow fires of civilian reJapan proclaims that it is her In order to improve the in sistance in enemy. Occupied Progress, of course, cannot ac There are survivors from divine mission to drive the ternal currency position inside lands now have been burning curate y be measured until the boat crew now in a priso wredhaired barbarians that Germany, as well as their fore years. The explosive force gener. great campaigns of 1944 begin. camp who cannot understar is, the white men. from the ign exchange status, the finan ated by them for release at the But it is the conviction of Bri what happened to them.
Orient and organize, which means al wizards in Berlin have time of the invasion of the Con. tish air experts that these opeenslave, its one thousand mil been trying to kill two birds with tinent by the liberating Allied rations will be marked, after Out in the Atlantic they ha lon souls into a Co prosperity one stone by means of an exten armies is something which the the first battles, by the steady an encounter with a conve sphere under Japanese leads. sive Illicit stamp selling racket, high commands both in London deterioration of the Germantscort By all the rules of hip as a basis for later cam reports the Financial News and Berlin are trying to gauge upply system on all front as dern warfar as they knew is paigns to reunite the entire London)
correspondent. The today. The Germans are keenly result of the aerial offensive they should have escaped. World under the rule of her uge number of stamp enthu aware of the danger of letting which then will have been in thout warning, however thel divine emperor ipsts in Naziland have been underground activity run un progress for more than a year. chip was suddenly transformes UN induced to give up enormous cherked, but they are faced with Only one phas of the aerial into. sinking wreck from which This is a war for the whole quantities of inflated mark funds a staggering job. Gestapo men offensive is now in operation dazed and bewidered, they threw world, and the stake in it, deli in hange for postage stamps have enrolled in underground the bombing of twenty one of them Folies into the sea.
They barately set by the aggressors which are worth no more than groups and hace been report the principal German cities, nine are still puzzled to know hoy for themselves and their intend price. tickets, paying the hig ed killed and reassigned to of which are now eliminated it was done for at the time there ed victims is literally to be or best prices possib e for the e rry on elsewhere. The enemy from German war production was not an aircraft in the sky.
not to be. If Japan should ever greatest number of stamps they has sent out underground bul. The second and shorter phase be, victorious there would be no could be induced to buy Abroad, letins and waited to see it the will occur when the heavy bom There are two ways of judgother sovereign nations left to the nazis have had to adopt so recipients would obey the law bers of both the British and ing the success of our antilive side by side.
mewhat more cunning methods by turning over the document. American Bomber Commands be submarine war. One is by the and resort to less conventional The degree of violence to begin to divide their operations sufo arriva of convoys and Torture and massacre have means in their trickery. Taking expected from the under between German targets. by the other is by the number of become integral parts of their advantage of the demand for ground covers a wide range: then, it is hoped, almost elimi: boat sunk. That we have warfare, which is designed not war. issues, the nazis have put perpetual fighting by full nated. and the bombing of been able to maintain in the merely to defeat the armies of out a multitude of socalled lim fledged fighters; well organized German supply routes and air had weather and long nights of the foe but to exterminate all ited printings solely for the be Polish guerrilla bands preying fields in the invasion area. the winter, which favour the opponents and cow the rest into nefit of collectors. Cleverly plac on isolated German detach Airfields at present are an im boat, approximately the sumsubmissive slavery.
ing these in small quantities at ments; the skillful, a most ar portant target in northern France mer rate of safe arriwals and The aim of their particular intervals on the foreign martistic, work of the Greek patriots, but these taacks representan killings is in itself a major indoctrination was to wipe out kets, they have managed to main with dynamite, and the raids attempt ao divert German fight victory. And the enemy can the last vestiges of civilized be tein prices at comparatively high arried out periodically in Franers from the Anguo. American only look forward to the longer havior and moral laws as too level, since philatelists have thus ce and the low countries on aeria: forays into the Reich. days of next spring and sumsoftening for warfare and to heen deluded into thinking that enemy establishments. When the As Allied experience in Sicily. mer with misgiving. Indeed, the set in motion a deliberate rever these series were in fact limited Allied armies launch their cam and Italy shows, the pre inva intricacy of some of the new sion to the thought patterns of und possessed accordingly a paign in the west there will be sion bombing of enemy bases scientific aids to submarine hunt a primitive and savage age. sve fel rarity value. What is Frenchmen biding their time in has to be on the highest level ing is so great that there is still worse, however, is that the the towns an in the country of intensity.
story in the Navy that though u As expounded by the Shinto Germans have counterfeited old side now occupied by the Na One of the principal lessons the Germans have captured one priests, who are often military stamps of the occupied of 1942 was the change in RAF secret device intact they have men, the Japanese are engaged tries; for instance, they have Less spectacular than sabotage tactics from the bombing of sin so far failed to discover either in a holy war to make world. have o tered for sale in Sweden yet of greater over all value to ele industrial plants by night, how in works or its purpose wide rule a fact. And Shinto also hree hundred thousand Dutch the Allied cause, has been the which proved uneconomic, The effectiveness of a depthteaches them if they die well, faked Queen Wilhelmina series, inteligence work of the under the persistent and methodical charge pattern depends upon especially on the battlefield, they also, they have used the origi ground agents since the outbreak dostruction of material property scrupulously accurate placing will continue to live as spirits: nal ates of certain Norwegian of war.
Each exiled govern of all kinds in great industrial and timing, and depth charge they will be even promoted in stamps a second time. Another ment to be a government wor areas drill is of the utmost importance.
the hierarchy of the gods and long. terin fraud practiced by thy of the name, must, obviously Shops, factories transport, admi svorshiped.
the nazis is the creation of an maintain some contact with its nistrative buildings, public utili The ship began to quiver. She The Japanese who surrenders artifical high value market. own people. This has yielded ties and houses are the pre raced ahead at a thrilling speed becomes an outcast of his fa. The majority of the issues men rich dividends in formations of requisites without which pro and then, at a work relayed from mily and nation and the sur. tioned are in the hands of high every kind, military, economic duction cannot be sustained and the bridge, the canisters rolled rendering foe becomes sport for party officials, who hope to flee and political News flou out of it was on them that the British over the stern as others hurtled Japan young men, Shinto furto neutral countries after Ger of Europe as water trickles from offensive was turned.
through the air on each quarter. ther teaches the way of the many defeat, and to get rich a glacier How much of it can The RAF has worked in the gods. that is, gods, conceived in cuick before the deception has be attributed to underground closest cooperation during the One after the other great a primitive Jungle age, cruel. been discovered. This is parti. sources, and what part of it is the past year with the United Sta pillars of foam rose out of the savage, treacherous, and inci cularly the case with Stamp result of professional secret ser tes Eighth Air Force, which sea, and the ship clanged and denta ly obscene and the legends commemorating the notorious vice agents, cannot be told today, was frequently called in to knock trembled as though she were about them are full of just the Cestapo Hangman Heydrich nor are the methods used a fit out a plant that had survived. being torn open. highspeed kind of tortures now being in killed by Czech patriots. Comwubiec vet for publication, The tonnage is equaled in im turn brought the seas Taola flicted on war prisoners.
pleting his exposure of the nazi Much has been written about portance by the intensity. In over the lee rails and, in a matte.
Savagery is by no means con. artifices, the Financial News. the underground newspapers, many of the recent RAF attacks of seconds, reloading was comfined to the military but runs correspondent werns neutral, They have outlived their useful on Germany bornbs fe7 at the ra pleted and another deadly sowing through the entire nation. The philatelists not to buy German ness, beins too dangerous now te of 120 tons per square mile of was tearing the masses of that nation have never war issues, with these words: It ena no onger necessary, The per hour. or eighty times the depths apart learned any better.
is not only to the collectors own public understands what is at intensity of the heaviest attack Modern Japanese savages are interest to refrain from stinging stake and can be kept informed on London.
While the smashed lamps in doubly dangerous because they their fingers in this nearious better by radio The British Vertical photographs indicate the ward room were being rehave mastered the machine, traffic, but to the interest of the Benedensting Corporation is more than 90 per cent of the placed and Chief was wonderJapan taught Nazi Germany cause of freedom which other. Saimed to be a medium superior buildings that are completely des ing whether any of his tanks to convert her own ambitions of wise would be serlously hermed at the Secret broadsheets troved but experiments here world conquest into a religion by the transmission of muchshow that they reveal no more had been started we cruised back General Ludendorff declared right needed foreign exchange to the selves The smaller with after the last World War that nazi crook. Powers than 25 per cent of those more to find the sea covered mus become partners with the or le neverely damaged.
thousands of fish floating on the what Germany needed great powers to create a stable For instance, provided a buir surface. Depth charging is poShinto religion.
Europe. Mr. Richard Law. ding retains its roof, litth or pwar with the rating. It Hitler followed the Japanese SAYINGS We all day lip service to de damage is revealed from the air fish for supper.
way in proclaiming the Germans mocrecy, but lip service is not although the entire contents of a master race destined to rule The war is going well, but we enough. If we want to keep our the building may have been des The men lined the rails, fishthe earth. And, in the Japanese must not underrate the tenacity freedom we must work for it troved by a blast.
ing up whiting and codling with way, he went backs to the an of the enemy, who fights with and fight for it Financial Se buckets and, rather than miss cestral German gods.
his usual veteranskill. hope crétary to the Treasury.
news leaflets and Journals pu one monstroug conger six or se It is obvious, therefore, neither vengeance nor punish get him at bay. The Prime the wer pot only the countries this has been achieved is up against the ship side, one ment, however widely or dras Minister freed from German domination question that may be asked. The hardy seaman had himself lotically inflicted, will end the It the smaller Powers of Eu will be short of food. We shall principle is not to allow the left wered bodily into the sea, in scourge of nazism and nippon rope are to enjoy their freedom Ini be in it and food producers hand to Inow what the right spite of the icy cold, and was ism unless there is a complete againn, the one essential condi all over the world will have to hand is up to Most countries hauled on board in triumph extermination of the doctrinestion is that the Great Powers go on labouring without respite, have many secret organizations with the great e lasped in which inspire them, should be agreed among them Minister of Agriculture.
known to one another. his arms.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
was a means

    FranceGermanyGuerrillaHitlerInvasionItalyNazismViolenceWorld War

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