
Our lives are albums, written through, With good or ill, with false or true; BOX 199 And as the blessed angels turn the pages, God grant they read the good with smiles No. 414 And blot the bad with tears.
ON MATTERS EDUCATIONAL HIS FORTY THIRD BIRTH ANNIVERSARY the Yesterday the tenth day, tedly join in the commemo Born in the month of On giving full and unbiased consideration of the month, registered the ration. As a member of the March, Doctor. Calderon Guar to the area covered by our Province and to forty third anniversary of country medical fraternity dia is a child of Spring time; the many educational needs which confront the birth of His Excellency His Excellency has also se and the majestic rising of us, we regard it as very unsympathetic or evi Doctor Rafael Angel Calde cured marked distinction and the sun, the melodies of the dence of a gross indifference on the part of rən Guardia, the President of earned the unstinted grati birds, the fragance of the our beloved Republic, The tude of an unlimited number flowers, the whispering of the those who are expressing certain visws in conday also brought us to within of his fellow creatures. trees, the call of the newly nection with the proposed establisment of a two months, approximately, born creatures of the air and Secondary School in this city, under the dithe clase of his term of office freshnass of Nature rect jurisdiction of the Educational Departas the Nation Chief Magisrecreating have all held him ment of the State.
trate in their embrace. Heralded Such persons appear to be of the opinion by Spring, we seem to see him Dr.
Calderon Guardia living to the full of life that this suggested addition to our education deep insight into the affairs summer heat, facing the Aual efforts will be sufficient to take full care of of humanity, and his exceptumn shadows and fighting the cultural necessities of your youngsters, and tional and highly cultivated the Winter blasts. We opine talents have made him that that other branch of learning, which has that his springtime of humaof the illustrious sons of Cosenabled many of our young folk to secure and nitarian endeavours will ever ta Rica. Both as citizen and efficiently fill positions of responsability, be a legacy to the land of President he has proved his his birth.
should cease its functioning.
life worth, and at this the We refer to the Commercial School which forty third anniversary of May the Mantle of his has been under the direction of don Ricardo his earthly career, ali who Presidential Office be faithare capable of estimating fully and efficiently worn by Mora, whose labours and those of his selected true merit, should wholehearall who will be his successors.
number of professors, have been of much greater value than can be imagined bythe hasty one Change in MINISTRY of agriculture passer by. Many of the students who attenThe information has been the ancient Capital Cartations of the community at released that our much es go.
large with the hope that his teemed Minister of Agricul Don Jose Joaquin has dev period in office will be most ture, don Mariano Monteale oted his life to agricultural satisfactory to himself and all gre, will demit his very im pursuits in which he has suc concerned.
portant position at the close ceeded admirably. He is also of the present Administra keenly alive to the urgent retion term of office. quirements of the country in While, in view of the very this respect and in view of his marked interest don Mariano expressed intention of leaving always evinced in our prov no stone unturned in the efnce, and the generous assis forts he intends to put forward tance he afforded every ef. for the advancement of the fort, which tended to promote Republic agricultural interour agricultural interests. ests, we are sanguine of his generally, we much regret his giving our Atlantic Zone, the going. We are, however great best possible attention ly relieved by the knowledge that he will be succeded by The Atlantic Voice takes don Jose Joaquin Peralta, the this opportunity of tendering widely known agriculturist of him the sincerest congratuladed this highly essential institution were of an inferior educational status than will be required of those who will seek admission to the proposed Secondary School. There is every need fo rthe continuation of the Limon Commercial Institution, with its separate and distinct programme to care for the young sters still in their educational cradles and to fit them to efficiently earn their livelihood.
May this very important center of educatio nal activities continue to receive the fullest assistance from our highly regarded Minister of Public Education as well as the wholehear ted co operation of our Governor, our Munici pal Fathers and the general citizenry.
LA CENTRAL RESUMPTION OF BANANA EXPORTATIONS If nothing intervnes, thethis Zone will be effected, soresumption of the exportation metime today.
of the Bananas produwced in According to the information gathered, orkers for the cut.
ting of the fruit were issued the earlier part of the present Week, and the vessel, on which it will be loaded, is now at anchor in our harbour everything has been made reCIUDAD DE LIMON (Contigua All America Cabies. GRAN SURTIDO DE LATERIA FINA LOS MAS BAJOS PRECIOS Mercaderías en General HAGANOS UNA VISITA Julio Soldevilla. Propietario ANNOUNCEMENT The City Pioners in Furniture and every thing for the home Among our latest Novelties are ady BROWNE ABRAHAMS Mahogany polished Bureaus with circular Mirror Tops. Wood and Fancy Canvas Folding Chairs Offered in Weckly Drawings You are welcomed to our Establishment adjoining the Canalias Book Store.
Of course, it is not to be ex pected that exportations will, at the present, be very large; the province economic and but all who take an interest in general resuscitation will be wholeeheartedly grateful for whatever may be effected, with the hope that, as time goes on, and the reconditio.
ning of plantations proceeds, marked increases will be not.
First Aid Anticeptic. Alkaline Tablets Frente Unidad Sanitaria APARTADO 362. LIMON COMMERCE AVENUE LIMON CITY BERESFORD DUNCAN Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    Presidentes de Costa RicaRafael Ángel Calderón Guardia

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