
SATURDAY, March 11th. 1944.
LA VOZ ATLANTICA 40 FOR SALE Forty (40) hectáreas ers, THE REJECTION OF CHILDREN AT OFFCIAL SCHOOLS PURELY UNAVOIDABLE At the opening of each school year, the very diffi.
cult problem of adequately THE VISIT OF MR. KNORR Titled Property containing taking care of the largely We were, unfortunately, iminent members of the Sect of land.
increased number of chil unable, last Saturday, to travelled from this city and dren of school age, presents mention the visit to Costa Riother local points to the ca The cultivated areas consist of 85 hectareas of well 202 itself.
ca of Mr. NH. Knorr, the pital to attend the lectures, planted two years old CACAO. 17 hectareas in good on The inability of the local President of the Wateh To They returned on Tuesday bearing condition and, in addition two and a half (2 1)
Educational Staff to, on this wer Bible Trnet Society of of the week in course. We hectareas with bearing cacao in need of cleaning.
kitchens vecasion, cope with the si Brooklyn, New York. He ca gather the discourses of the four apartment building equipped with tuation, is due, mainly, to me, we were informed, to distinguished visitor a Barbecue and other home conveniences.
were a shortage of trained teach give a serie of lectures, in exceedingly instructive and The Property is situated in the vicinity of Santa Maria apart from the lack San José, to the adherents vastly interesting. We much at 15 17 Miles.
of sufficient classrooms and of the religious Sect known regret that Mr. Knorr itine For further particulars apply.
the required equipment. as the Jehovah Witnessses. raty did not permit a visit These were the reasons Several of the more pro to Limon.
JOS. THOMAS Avhich brought about the non. acceptance of very POST OFFICE BOX 199, LIMON SYDNEY BROKFORDS GARINET MANING many of the children presented for matriculation.
AND GENERAL CARPENTER SHOP Being familiar with the Not only for the scenic Beauty, but in the designs of our facts, we deem it right to Chairs lie comfort while the technique of the workman DISTINGUISHED VISITOR mention that the denial by ship guarantees strength and durability BE WISE. remember every item of We are greatly favoured and Mrs. Cecil Lewis are lea the Director and Directress with the presence of Mr. ving nothing undone for of the official schools to Beckford built furniture Effenson of the United his comfort, as also that o the large number of appliremains a prize in office or home.
States of America, who, we their other guests, as ist cants of colour was purely glean, is the medium by heir custom.
on the ground of the exist Due o the scarcity of Shellac we are giving a briliant ing unfavourable conditions. War finish.
which the lively movements SEE US BEFORE GOING ELSEWHERE of the railway cars filled The Atlantic Voice ten Their attitude was entirely with banana bunches, and ders a sincere welcome to free of any racial or colour 4th. Street at entrance to Gamez the loading of same on to this widely known commer prejudicies as has been men Lumber Yard.
the ships, will again be scecial gentleman, who is entioned in some quarters.
nes of much interest in our dearing himself to our cicommunity, tizenry. We can assure him SUFFERING FROM Soviet offensive continues Mr. Effenson is the guest he shall not be wanting in IMPAIRED HEALTH Due to the bad weather con tors of the front and to have rica, and we are assured Mr will.
of the Hotel Hispano. Ame true cordiality and good ditions prevailing in west captured a number of vitally It is with much regret we Ukrania, and the strategic important positiosn along the report that Mr. Charles Car railway lines being in the route toward Rumania.
negie of our community is power of the Russians, the suffering from limpaired Germans are said to be forced It has also been officially health, which necessitates to secure their gasoline and announced that General Mahis remaining abed. He ex other vital supplies by air, linovsky troops had crossed perienced a sudden attåek which is causing them serious the river Ingulets and offers the Public of illness a fortnight ago difficulties in the defence troyed the German front and went to the Capital whe system, while the Soviet for the extent of one hundred COMPLETE ASSORTMENT re he obtained special medi ces continue their advance and sixty kilometers and ef cal attention, however, sin with little opposition.
fected a penetration of from of Boards and other Lumber in ce his return he has been in The army under command thirty to sixty kilometers.
capacitated of General Zhukoy is said to Soviet forces are also report Mr. Carnegie is the grea repulsed the violent counter od to have seized Novybu CEDAR and LAUREL ter half of the homestead attacks of the enemy tanks and Kozanka in the district Lowest Prices in City of Mrs. Carnegie and infantry in various sec of Nicolaiev, one of our English Private When you think of a Hair cut, you are at bat. When NICANOR GAMEZ Sucs.
School Teachers of pioneer you call in at Dixon you are scoring. Go to Dixon Barbey ing days. We sincerely wish Shop. West of the city Market.
him a speedy recovery, whi le extending our sympathy to Mrs. Carnegie, 11 LUMBER YARD GOMEZ desto RECENT ARRIVAL, LA PROVEEDORA Miss Millicent Weekes, a widely regarded Limonense, who has been abroad for a considerable period, is again with us. Having been the recipient of the regretta ble news of the serious illness of her mother, Mrs. An na Weekes, she hastened he re to be with her.
We fexvently welcome the coming of Miss Millicent, and do hope her preseyfee will effectively aid the medical care being extended toward the recovery of her mother.
Offers you Correct Weight, Lower Prices, fresh Merchandise and Courtesy Condensed Milk, large. C1. 35 Cacao XXX, 1b.
Island Palm Soap 60 Nugget Shoe Polish, tin, Banquet Sardines, tin. 75 Crisco, lb.
Camay Soap 70 Tuna Fish, tin Palmolive Soap. 75 Sapolio Butter, Lb. 50 Wire Sponges Quaker Oats, tin 60 Corn Flakes, pk All Bran 65 Brooms All Polish, tin 50 Klim, tin Baking Powder, lb. 00 Carbide, 1b.
Sweet Oil, bot. 25 Carnation Cream, ige. tin PROVEEDORA. Puerto Limon. 85 00. 45 25 50 00 25 00 80 15 00 95 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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